Want to clone but my ladies are real bushy!

Jay T Trichomes

Well-Known Member
Hello All,

I want to clone my green crack photos, they are about 38 days from seed. The problem is.. they are really bushy and I don’t see a very good spot to take a decent size cut yet? I have a few areas where I could take a few cuts but they would only be about 3 to 4 inches. Unless I was to cut one of the main bud sites that are flourishing around the top. My question is I guess, where the heck should I take my cuttings from. I’ve read and seen both ways of taking from the top and bottom of the plant. I just wanted to hear some of your opinions and methods. My plan is to take some cuttings this week, then let my girls veg for another week and flip them to flower. I also plan on doing a little defoliation when I take my cuts. Maybe I should of started giving them a haircut a little earlier , but I was a little nervous since this is my first grow. Thanks for any help!


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Let them stretch a bit more before taking cuts. This will give you more stems for rooting. Plants are looking nice and happy!
Thanks mootah! I have then under 4 quantum boards with a meanwell 480driver. And I’ve read these lights keep the plants really tight and bushy. So I’m just worried if I keep them in veg to late , that they might outgrow my space. I only plan on keeping the four 5 gallon pots on the left side of my 4x8 and using the other side for about 6 3 gallon pots. What’s your thoughts on that?
Four five gallon buckets in a 4 x 4 area is good, six three gallon in a 4 x 4 area is ok too. Are you planning on topping them? If they outgrow the space you can always prune them to fit.
I have topped 2 of the 7 . Just didn’t want to get to carried away until I feel a little more comfortable. One of the 2 I topped started growing mutated leaves that resemble lettuce. But it slowly is starting to return to normal, but cosmetically doesn’t look as nice as the others. And you are right I can always just prune around the top if they stretch to much
I’m a new grower. I recently cut clones off 6 donor plants. All from the lower part while defoliating. Most of the clones were really small but good stems. I ended up cutting 30 the first time. Used that Wilson’s cloning gel and within a week they all rooted. So two weeks later I did the same thing to a hiesenberg (amazing pheno) and bam, same thing. All rooted in a week.
As I first time grower I’m worried about the way they have all grown since haha. They are all growing tall and lanky. When I cut them they was maybe 2” tall. Now they 10” hahaha. I think next time I am going to cut from the tops and see the difference. I couldn’t sell these clones. Put it that way hahaha
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