Weed lice?


New Member
yea so i got this pretty dank little nug from one of my friends today and i was looking at it pretty closely when all of a sudden i saw what it appeared to be a little tiny fast moving lice looking insect on the outside of my nug. IF anybody has seen or heard of these before tell me if it is normal or what.
insects on the cured bud are not normal... Im not familiar with that description of the bug but I can tell you that its not normal to see
That would be a spider mite. Means the person that grew it got their grow infested with spider mites and a couple of them survived through the drying and curing. Do you ever hear sizzles when your smoking the bud? lol
if you dont mind smoking bugs..... i personally wouldnt but if your depsperate then its not going to kill you
ya i had a flea on my buds before. it was fast too man. plus one day my buddy brought a 20 pound brick over here. that shit he had was grown outdoors because for a couple of days i was itching. thats the problem with getting bricks from outdoor farms and shit fuck all that shit just stick to indoor medically grown marijuana. thats the GOOD SHIT homy!
Oh geez, please don't tell me I've smoked spider mites, NDW
Smoking bugs doesn't sound fun. I've never seen any bugs on my weed. Maybe you can shake them off. Smoking a bee sounds like it would be dangerous. If you have some allegic reation your throat could swell. Thats not good, you could die from something like that.
I can tell you 1 thing, it's NOT a spider mite.
-No spider mite could survive the drying process...
-and the OP said it moved fast, which spider mites cannot do.

Most likely it was a stray bug that happened to be passing thro when the weed was bagged up.

Spread the weed out to let any other bugs out. Look at the weed; see if there's any sign of a nest.
Well, i found one too. And i can certainly tell you it weren't no spider mite so that is not the only thing you'll find in your buds. A micro-arthropod, the Springtail might also be found in larger quantities of outdoor. A harmless lil micro-fauna that will usually vanish from your view when you disturb it, as they can launch themselves hundreds of times their body distance. They also skitter about pretty quick too. This one wasn't quick enough to avoid getting the torch brought down on em tho lol i didn't even taste it. W/e no big deal peeps, spider mite or Springtail, smoke em up.
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