What does your spouse/gf/bf think of you smoking?

Goddess Green

New Member
My husband doesn't mind at all. Infact, he will join me on occasion. He used to grow, but MJ isn't really his thing...he'd rather have his Jack Daniels!

Do your partners hate it, tolerate it, or do they join in?

Toke on!:cool:
The wife and daughter prefer that I use MMJ than pharma meds! Wife will join in but likes her booze! Daughter (23) doesn't like the smell, but thinks its better than all the pills I was taking!
at first the GF tolerated it and would get a little upset with the amount i smoked, now she enjoys a smoke or 2 with me every day, helps her relax after work. i helped her realize how i use it to take away aches and sores of the day, helps give you an appetite when its time to eat, helps you fall asleep at night

now she understands and even lets me grow in the house, also while being enthusiastic about it
my ol lady buys it for me, she will have an occasional puff but not to often.

and come christmas or my b-day, she always goes all out and gets me a bag of the killer from her friend in Seattle. what a gal. :peace:
My partner & I both love 2 smoke the green~as a matter of
fact~before we met on the internet~I had posted a personal ad on the web
searching for a mate who was a 'non' smoker~'cept herb~& wat do u know?
We have been togother for 5yrs~& we have the most wonderful~lovin~420
life~couldn't be happier + We're both medical~it helps us both tremendously!
My wife and kids tell me to smoke. Makes life that much easier for me. The wife doesn't have any vices to speak of. The kids (4) are anti-drug, but don't see my smokin' as a problem. We have a strict policy that states.... "Dad must get stoned. Keeps life peaceful."
When my ex divorced me, she claimed it was because she caught me smoking weed. Then, I learned that she had been secretly planning to leave me for more than a year before the MJ incident occured. She used marijuana as an excuse to justify her actions before her Uber-Christian church friends, who would not have otherwise approved of her divorcing me. Sorry to say, but good riddance.
Now that sux !!

Got to love those part-time christians. The reason I got out of preachin'. :slide:

You got the best side of the deal my son. I raise my :bong: to you.
I Just posted this in the "introduce yourself" section:

When i met my husband, i went on a double date with my best friend. Him and his friend, they where blown away that me and my homegirl had better and more smoke then both of them. hahaha
They said "Damn, we have never met girls that smoke like you two do."

Then a year later, while walking in Venice Beach i ran into him again, He tryed so hard to get my to hang out with him, but nothing worked, then he said the magic words :thedoubletake: "Hey you wanna smoke a bowl" And we have been together for 7 years now. :kiss: And still love each other so much.

:kiss: A stoners way to fall in love... haha
And thats the best way to calm me down when im pissed at him..:kiss: Just pack me a bowl and i forget what im mad about..Or just dont care what pissed me off...Cause believe me i HAVE a TEMPER
My wife and kids tell me to smoke. Makes life that much easier for me. The wife doesn't have any vices to speak of. The kids (4) are anti-drug, but don't see my smokin' as a problem. We have a strict policy that states.... "Dad must get stoned. Keeps life peaceful."

Boy does that sound just like me. I know smoking has kept the peace in my house. ;)
My lady will attempt to smoke on occasion. The smoke bothers her. So does my breath, after I smoke.

We are looking into baked goods.

Although, she is the one that pushed me into getting my med card.
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