What's wrong with it and how can I fix it?


Active Member
Hi, I am not sure whether this is nutrient burn or what. Its becoming worst so I want to know how could I fix this problem! Thanks in advance.



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I use advanced nutrients it is fairly easy to burn them when used at full strength I am running it at half strength now because of that. Do you have a ppm pen to test your run off it should be the same or less then what you put in. if its higher then its more food then they can absorb.
I use advanced nutrients it is fairly easy to burn them when used at full strength I am running it at half strength now because of that. Do you have a ppm pen to test your run off it should be the same or less then what you put in. if its higher then its more food then they can absorb.

I do not have the ppm pen, and its added to my purchase list now!

Do I need to flush the soil?
have you been checking your ph looks like your growing in pro mix if thats the case you should adjust your ph to 6.2-6.4 I use the ph perfect seni grow and bloom and it puts my ph to low for pro mix or soil
Hi, I am not sure whether this is nutrient burn or what. Its becoming worst so I want to know how could I fix this problem! Thanks in advance.


You’re only feeding once per week? And at 4ml/L? It looks like a deficiency to me. I would guess magnesium. I’m feeding until runoff every 4 days in a 5gallon smart pot with Promix. I’m in week 4 of flower.

I’m using the Grow micro bloom. And have been feeding at 3/4 strength. And I’m seeing deficiencies. I think cal/mag

I water to 20% runoff each time in my promix. And my ppm out is always super high. So I would flush down to 500ppm runoff. And then feed at 700ppm. Only to find I have 2300ppm out. I had a discussion with advanced nutrients grower support, and they told me to ignore runoff PPM. They said i was underfeeding them. And that TDS on runoff will be high as it picks up particles in the promix.

He said to follow the schedule, and always feed to runoff. And if I start seeing burnt tips. Do a regular ph’d plain water and resume feeding with nutrients next time it’s dry.
You’re only feeding once per week? And at 4ml/L? It looks like a deficiency to me. I would guess magnesium. I’m feeding until runoff every 4 days in a 5gallon smart pot with Promix. I’m in week 4 of flower.

I’m using the Grow micro bloom. And have been feeding at 3/4 strength. And I’m seeing deficiencies. I think cal/mag

I water to 20% runoff each time in my promix. And my ppm out is always super high. So I would flush down to 500ppm runoff. And then feed at 700ppm. Only to find I have 2300ppm out. I had a discussion with advanced nutrients grower support, and they told me to ignore runoff PPM. They said i was underfeeding them. And that TDS on runoff will be high as it picks up particles in the promix.

He said to follow the schedule, and always feed to runoff. And if I start seeing burnt tips. Do a

So to conclude, I should just follow the schedule but now I should add more calmag to the mix? Also I should be feeding every 4 days right?
I was told by their support to feed at full strength and that cal mag is not needed. And I’ve asked them about this like 5 times!

I only feed when my pot lightens up. And for me that takes 4 days. I’m looking for my pot to feel light as a pillow, before I feed.
Have you guys been running an long and have you noticed pH difference lately I usually run 30% in dwc and never had to adjust pH it won't stay down for nothing on me right now and I got severe deficiencies never had any problems before but the last 2 bottles of the 3 pack from different sources nothing but problems got me worried they changed there recipe or something idk

I know it's apples to grapes me being dwc and you guys in soil but same product and seems like same problems
Have you guys been running an long and have you noticed pH difference lately I usually run 30% in dwc and never had to adjust pH it won't stay down for nothing on me right now and I got severe deficiencies never had any problems before but the last 2 bottles of the 3 pack from different sources nothing but problems got me worried they changed there recipe or something idk

I know it's apples to grapes me being dwc and you guys in soil but same product and seems like same problems

I’ve noticed different water can produce different PH in the final mix. Was landing at 6.1 ph when I was using 8.5ph spring water. Then I went to reverse osmosis 6.2ph and I get 5.5 on final mix.
Without knowing the pH and ppm of the nutes and media the best anyone can do is guess mate.
Looks to me like you're feeding too strong. the burnt tips say that, as does the dark green. The middle growth has some random spotting which looks like a deficit but would most likely be caused by too much of something else.
Without the numbers though that's just a guess.
And no, don't call the company. The guy on the other end of the phone doesn't grow weed. He'll tell you to follow their schedule which I can tell you without looking is most likely not worth the paper it's printed on. Generally need about 1/3 of what the companies recommend.
Find someone with the same media and same nutes. He'll know much better than anyone you get on the phone.
And no, don't call the company. The guy on the other end of the phone doesn't grow weed. He'll tell you to follow their schedule which I can tell you without looking is most likely not worth the paper it's printed on. Generally need about 1/3 of what the companies recommend.
Find someone with the same media and same nutes. He'll know much better than anyone you get on the phone.

The guy DOES grow weed. He is very specific about it, and very detailed. 1/3 strength of this line would land him around 400ppm. Or maybe less, as 3/4 strength with my additives like big bud/bud candy/b52, land me at around 900ppm! 400ppm seems really weak for flowering to me.

I’m at week 4 Flower and seeing deficiencies because I haven’t gone full strength. And I did so on the advice of people online.

So now I’m going to follow their advice! He said this line was specifically developed for cannabis! And to follow the guidelines at Full strength. And then if I do start seeing burnt tips, to throw in a regular water with proper ph. And then resume regular feeding thereafter.
I should mention again. I am using Promix HP, 5 gallon smart pots. I imagine using a soil variant may require less nutrients. But my medium is peat, and has no nutrients in it.
This is one of my plants. Week 4 Flower. Using Advanced nutrients Micro, grow, bloom. I’m running 88% strength(around 1100ppm with additives).


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