Whats wrong with them?


New Member
my plants are creeping on 5 weeks and as you can tell by the pics some of them are getting yellow on party of the leaf (sometimes half of it) on another plant its getting the look of scorchness or something.. any ideas to help fix the issue? and whats causing it?
plant 1

plant 2
forgot to add.. plant 2 leaves kinda droop alittle and i know the soil is alittle dry so i plan to water tomorrow but any other reason why it would be droopy?
The yellowing could be from your roots hitting rich pockets of fertalizer in your soil whether u added extra to the dirt or not. Your plants are still way to young to be worrying about any discoloration! Just give them water and as your dirt matures/settles, it will be less acidic and be fine. When I used to use dirt and I had made an extra rich mix, i commonly would get discoloration in some of the leaves until plant was about 12-18"...
Overwatered, underwatered, poor lighting, poor circulation, and being too warm can all cause drooping ime...

As to the discoloration I have no idea, sorry man...have you tried to "troubleshooting" sticky?
i dont think its lighting.. im using a 600w hps which is about 2.5 ft away from the tops , circulation is good so im guessing its the water issue too.. its the only plant that droops so maybe i pay more attention to its intake..

The yellowing could be from your roots hitting rich pockets of fertalizer in your soil whether u added extra to the dirt or not. Your plants are still way to young to be worrying about any discoloration! Just give them water and as your dirt matures/settles, it will be less acidic and be fine. When I used to use dirt and I had made an extra rich mix, i commonly would get discoloration in some of the leaves until plant was about 12-18"...
good to know i think my soil mixter had manure in it i will have to double check if thats the case you might be right on the money for the fert issue

What are you using for nutes? The discoloation looks like they might have been splashed with nutes and burned under lights.

im using Fox farms grow big. i give them there nutes every friday. and usually water again on mondays or tuesdays i try not to foliar feed the plants just water from the bottom so i might of splashed alittle on it..
i dont think its lighting.. im using a 600w hps which is about 2.5 ft away from the tops , circulation is good so im guessing its the water issue too.. its the only plant that droops so maybe i pay more attention to its intake..

good to know i think my soil mixter had manure in it i will have to double check if thats the case you might be right on the money for the fert issue

im using Fox farms grow big. i give them there nutes every friday. and usually water again on mondays or tuesdays i try not to foliar feed the plants just water from the bottom so i might of splashed alittle on it..

You may be drying them out a little too much. That is a long time between watering.
If you're feeding nutes on Friday and watering again 3-4 days later that doesn't sound, at least not at that size, like too long but that's with my plants and grow room air quality. At this point I wouldn't worry too much about root rot, at least not from overwatering once or twice in a row. Try watering them a day earlier than you normally would for a week or two and see how it goes. Also are you saturating the soil when you water to make sure that it's not just getting parts of it wet? I do this by watering mine until I get a decent flow coming out of the drain holes in the bottom and the water begins to build up in the drip pan. I let it sit that way for a while so the dirt can wick up as much water as it will hold and then dump the rest out (unless it's a very small amount, then I let it sit as it usually evaporates in a day or two anyway and helps with humidity).
i try not to saturate.. but i water just enough so the collection tubs have alitte water at the bottom but not much.. my room temp stays about 82-85 durring the day and 60 at night. i will try your way for a couple weeks and see if it helps alittle
Yeah they don't look droopy, I've had that happen before. The plants will be fine. By the time they are big enough to produce buds that will be minor and gone. You got a nutrients schedule going on? If it were natural it would be called variegated leaf growth.

generally you want 10 to 15% runoff when you drain to waste.

I don't think grow big is stand alone with foxfarm. check their website for more info on the full line to make sure you got all the bells and whistles to make their products worthwhile.
alittle update..

plants are doing great. fed them yesterday the droopy one seems to be growing aggressive so possibly why it droops every now and then? its grown 2 and half inches in a week and the branch coming off it are almost inch and a half long,

the other one with the yellow spots was surely fert burn i probably splashed alittle on it while watering while it was still a youngin. the yellow part of the leaf started dying so i trimed it off.. now it looks healthier then before..

another week or so and i will be changing there cycles to 12s! thanks for all the help
a little droop is totally normal after watering or when lights go out. nothing to worry about. severe drooping is a problem and indicates over watering, under watering, cold temperatures, hot temperatures, essentially any leaf respiration problems will be displayed by drooping / curling leafs. don't look bad in the pics but load some new ones if ur still worried.
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