When is it too long not to water?


New Member
Just transplanted last Monday from 1 g to 2.5g 3 weeks into flowering.. I watered a good amount/ possible flush .. then 2 days later I watered with super thrive I just got about 5 cups each ... question is I been using a moist/ph/light meter for my watering , I usually wait until it is at 1 or 2 to water and previously I been watering every 3 days at a max of 30% humidity.. 75'-83' .. so since watering twice last week once Monday/transplant kinda flush amount of water , then a small amount Wednesday n 1 week later it's still on 10 on my wet meter.. how long will it be a issue to still be wet ? Since it is in week 4 of flowering n I thought it is supposed to drink more.. maybe still in shock?? Anyhow I need to use my week 4 nutes sometime throughout this week.. so if it's still wet I will end up watering a small amount by Sunday to get my flower nutes lmk thanks....

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Hi Tone.

Don't water just to get the nutes in. If your plant isn't using up the water it has it's not growing fast enough right now to be able to use more nutes. Just be patient and wait for soil to dry as usual. Watering now would just stress plant more and make it take longer to adjust to transplant.

I'm glad you're using a moisture meter. When you test soil test different depths. I wait until there is no water in the top of the soil, only in the bottom inch or two depending on pot size. Cannabis really likes to dry out between watering, much more than other plants. Since you transplanted a week ago it may not have enough roots at bottom of pot yet, so watch for leaves drooping at the petiole also. Letting soil dry out will encourage roots to search for water in the new soil and help plant in long run.

Last thing, try to get your humidity above 50%. 30% is way too low at 80 degrees. Really stresses the leaves. That's the battle I'm fighting right now.

Happy growing!
@KingstonRabbi thanksssssss ... ya my humidity is always very low in my house .. at the moment im growing in my closet and have a dehumidifier with it at 50% and the window open to try to raise the humidity and i just cant get it over 30% unless its raining out ... ive tried trays of water / misting ect nothing works ........ and ya im just gonna keep checking the moist metter daily , right now im at 9 days and its at around 7-8 from 1-10 .. just was concerned about proper drainage after a set time .. but with 2.5 g of fresh happy frog plus a flush and light watering 2 days later i guess 9 days is not that long .... really was just concerned with missing valuable flowering week nutes , good point thou
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