When to start feeding

Broken Bong

New Member
Hi all, I have tried to find out through the search about when to start feeding hydro drip plants and found no good answers. have 2 EasyRider plants i am growing in a 10 gal drip system. It's been 5 days scince seed and both have thier 1st set of true leaves. I am using distilled water with a ph of 6. when can i start a light seedling feeding program, i don't want to shock the girls by feeding too early or late. I am using Advanced nutes.
In hydro you start feeding right away but do it at a light dosage like pitviper suggests. The reason you hold off with soil grows is that soil has a light starter nute already in it and adding more concentrates it. It's super easy to burn off the feeder roots so be careful and go slow. You can always add more nutes to a too light solution without problems occuring. but if you get it too strong to begin with your fighting for them to survive and growth stops until the plant can repair itself. if it can anyway.
i've killed some hydro itroducing them right away, i mean.. wait till they have a good root structure like racefan said go slow at first
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