Where are all my MA growers at?

You carving a mf pumpkin khed? You know you want to be the baddest dude in Revere. :)

might want to keep the vol low if you are at work.

youtube com/watch?v=cS5zoYye7h8

Don't forget your glowstick! :rofl:

Fucking stoners here forgot that they are from MA.....that video ROCKS! We are working up that Friday which means one of us (the passenger) has to que it up on youtube and play it for about 4 minutes of laughter and then chuckles for another 15 minutes.
La confidential and super sweet tooth clones came in - time for some BUDS!!

I'm half dumb/bad memory.....if my memory is correct, you have a MMJ card in MA, with that you can buy clones in MA? I miss buying clones from a lost connection that cared so much about what he cloned.
I'm half dumb/bad memory.....if my memory is correct, you have a MMJ card in MA, with that you can buy clones in MA? I miss buying clones from a lost connection that cared so much about what he cloned.

Well the dispensary doesn't sell clones - but they should !! I do know a guy that has about 50 different strains of clones to choose from.... I got my other buddy a few new strains too

And I'm sure the clone guy would help anyone out with strains
Well my understanding is you can get caught with 6 plants ( clones) on you and you'll be fine , they may throw them out or steal them lol. I think if you had say 100 on you then you run into issues but I'm not positive .
that would be cool though, right? like say k-fest, in one of the buildings, adults only, and you can bring 5 clones,,, one to one swaps with people,, you come with 5 clones of one strain, leave with 1 clone each of 5 different strains....

although, you would want to quarantine them to check for bugs etc before putting them in your grow space.
that would be cool though, right? like say k-fest, in one of the buildings, adults only, and you can bring 5 clones,,, one to one swaps with people,, you come with 5 clones of one strain, leave with 1 clone each of 5 different strains....

although, you would want to quarantine them to check for bugs etc before putting them in your grow space.

Yah I always give them a good spray down and neeming before bringing them to the basement - great rule of thumb . to quarantine the newbies ..::.

I wonder if after they get shops going in 2018, if that would be allowed , or even like a "cannabis cup" tasting booth / tent at the big-E.
21& over , buy a special entry ticket and try all the local strains and "judge" them .
Now that it is legal for rec, and you can grow in MA. And you can give away up to a Oz, I don't think I read anything about clones. Does anyone know the legality of a clone swap in MA? Would that be a awesome festival, just everyone showing up with 4 or 5 clones of their best strain, hold a meet-n-greet and just swap clones?

Only caution I would give to anyone taking clones from unknown or unreliable sources is the danger of unwanted guests. I would do a real thorough check of the plant before I took it into my home garden. For me, unless I knew the person and the degree of sanitary measures they take, I would just just invest the 10-15 bucks for a strain and the peace of mind.

But I do like the concept of swapping strains, I just don't like the dangers associated with it.
Only caution I would give to anyone taking clones from unknown or unreliable sources is the danger of unwanted guests. I would do a real thorough check of the plant before I took it into my home garden. For me, unless I knew the person and the degree of sanitary measures they take, I would just just invest the 10-15 bucks for a strain and the peace of mind.

But I do like the concept of swapping strains, I just don't like the dangers associated with it.

And by unwanted guests I mean insects (for those that it obvious what I was referring to).
Yah I always give them a good spray down and neeming before bringing them to the basement - great rule of thumb . to quarantine the newbies ..::.

I wonder if after they get shops going in 2018, if that would be allowed , or even like a "cannabis cup" tasting booth / tent at the big-E.
21& over , buy a special entry ticket and try all the local strains and "judge" them .

You think shops will actually open up in 2018? Not trying to come off as a hardo. Just curious what others in state think about the current landscape. Call me pessimistic but the way it's looking to me, I'll probably step foot in a dispo in 2019 given the continual legislative feet dragging.

Aside from that, the dispensaries out here in MA still don't feel like they're "for the people" yet. Maybe that's just inherently New England, maybe the economy hasn't developed, but I hoped for prices to come down a little (ideally 15%-20% but that's a lot) since it became medicinal. It's not even feasible to purchase medicine unless I start eating ramen noodles...Hence the current grow haha. I cant speak for all dispos in MA, but the hardship program at ATG in the Northshore only gets you a 10% discount on a fixed quota per month. Its better than nothing, but 10% is sooo minuscule compared the absurd margins that I know the dispos around here seem to be pulling. Whats another 5%???. Curious what everyone think!
Well I don't know how long they will drag their feet in making the recreational open. But I am a firm believer that the increased availability of legal cannabis as well as the increased number of commercial growers will "flood" the market and drop the prices to some degree. Free market will do that. More growers, more product, more shops, more competition.......lower prices. Happened in the other states that have gone legal
I say late 2018. Remember, the politicians know their pockets are about to explode due to Marijuana sales, licensing, inspections, etc. They are just taking their time so it benefits them the most, fuck the patients and people who use it for medical reasons...right?

Which is why they want to limit how many plants we can grow, so we're forced to go to the recreational pot shops and pay high taxes.
They are already wanting to chip away at the 12 plants.

Easy enough to create city ordinances that could certainly put those 12 at risk. Just a few examples - you could be barred from growing .... if you don't owner occupy a single family residence and have a certified 200A service with Arc-faults, a fire suppression system in place, in compliance with all current IBS codes, placed a bond with the city you live in, aren't 1000 feet from a school, and want city and state officials to have the right of inspection.... don't think that for one second that they are paid to push money to top. That's democracy right. ;)

All rentals and condos are at currently at high risk. There is talk of updating RE lease contracts and Condo Rules and Regs to prohibit.

The fight is not over. Freedom is won or lost with every generation. Wow are we in trouble.
IDK Vex, 12 plants,,, if you can't grow more than you could ever consume with 12 plants, something is wrong.. lol
Agreed. First grow four autos, have more weed now than I ever thought possible, than I ever saw in one place. Plus it was enjoyable growing it. No need for me to ever set foot in a dispensary or store.
IDK Vex, 12 plants,,, if you can't grow more than you could ever consume with 12 plants, something is wrong.. lol
I think 12 is fine, only 6 in bloom at a time. My thing is we voted with the way it was initially proposed, why mess with it after the fact?
IDK Vex, 12 plants,,, if you can't grow more than you could ever consume with 12 plants, something is wrong.. lol

I don't know.....I hear that for those that make concentrates, capsules, oils, and what not for actual medicinal use, 6 plants per person (think about clones as a plant as well) and 12 per household isn't necessarily a lot. Doesn't really give you a lot of room for a bad grow or clones not taking, bug problems, hermies, etc. Sure 12 for recreational users that simply smoke or make edibles is probably sufficient, but as I learn more about the making of the medicine, 12 doesn't sound as high as it once did.
I don't know.....I hear that for those that make concentrates, capsules, oils, and what not for actual medicinal use, 6 plants per person (think about clones as a plant as well) and 12 per household isn't necessarily a lot. Doesn't really give you a lot of room for a bad grow or clones not taking, bug problems, hermies, etc. Sure 12 for recreational users that simply smoke or make edibles is probably sufficient, but as I learn more about the making of the medicine, 12 doesn't sound as high as it once did.
And, they are also proposing to ban edibles and concentrates. We'll only be allowed to smoke flower if they get their way. Bull-shit!
And, they are also proposing to ban edibles and concentrates. We'll only be allowed to smoke flower if they get their way. Bull-shit!

I don't want to smoke all the time. I like the CBD oil a lot for daytime use for my back issue. I like the flower if I don't have anything to do or if its night time. There is one certainty in life.....if there is a way for something to be fucked up, you can count on politicians to do and do it well.
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