Whites Smoke Pot, But Only Blacks Get Arrested

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Despite the bizarre claims of some prohibitionists and law enforcement representatives that ‘no one in America gets arrested or goes to jail for cannabis charges’, NORML receives hundreds of emails and letters a week from our fellow citizens who’ve been negatively impacted by cannabis prohibition laws–notably due to an encounter with law enforcement.

A few weeks ago I received a letter from a father of a young man arrested and incarcerated on minor cannabis-related charges in Arlington, Virginia. The father’s lament is deep and profound, beyond the standard pleas for help NORML so regularly receives. So much so that I asked him if he would send NORML the original letter for publication.

A few local points of interest to those outside of the Washington, D.C. area. Arlington county is by most measures one of the more ‘liberal’ and tolerant counties in the commonwealth, maybe the most liberal. Thousands of people who work for the federal government, political partisans, non profit organizations and trade associations reside in Arlington, which has an ever-shrinking native African American community. The writer clearly sets out to make it clear that supposedly progressive counties like Arlington still have a dark side regarding how disproportionately minorities are ensnared into the criminal justice system for cannabis, and how dramatic the impact is to them, their family members–and the taxpayer’s of Arlington.

The Barnes family’s experience in Arlington plays out across the nation every single day, where minorities are arrested at rates three to one, and higher, with even greater disparity regarding incarceration.

In fact The New York Times just reported on such last Wednesday in an apropos article entitled ‘White Smokes Pot, But Blacks Get Arrested.‘

While it is true that most cannabis consumers who get busted for possession do not go to jail or prison on the first offense (however, tens of thousands of Americans are incarcerated annually on cannabis-related charges, including on mere possession charges, often for subsequent possession arrests), a positive drug test submitted whilst on probation can often land otherwise minor cannabis possession cases into jail or prison, most acutely to minorities and the poor.

The practice is called ’shock incarceration’.

Many citizens–rich and poor, black and white–self-medicate with cannabis to try to work through any number of mental disorders, from bipolarity to attention deficit disorders to post-traumatic stress, however, a life-shattering introduction into the tax coffer-draining criminal justice system is hardly the proper prescription for their health struggles.

Arlington, VA

December 9, 2009

Re: Joshua Barnes, incarceration for distribution of several ounces of marijuana and probation violation pertaining to same.

Dear Mr. St. Pierre:

On February 13, 2009 my son Joshua Barnes was incarcerated in Arlington County, Virginia for possession and distribution of four ounces or less of marijuana on three occasions in 2008 and for violation of probation pertaining to several possessions and distribution charges, also of four ounces or less of marijuana in 2005. On September 19, 2009 Arlington County Circuit Judge Benjamin Kendrick sentenced Joshua on the former charge to five years with two and one-half years suspended plus three years of supervised probation effective immediately upon his release. Then on October 2, 2009, fellow Circuit Court Judge James Almond sentenced him to an additional fourteen months of the 2006 four-year suspended sentence, to be served consecutively in the penitentiary. The combined time will confine my son for roughly forty four months, minus fifteen percent plus an additional three years of probation immediately upon release, all totaling more than six years under law enforcement control and scrutiny.

In Arlington County, as in any predominately white enclave a black before the courts is likely to be the recipient of justice compromised. Whether you perceive yourself as black, white or any of the other commonly used arbitrary colors to designate one’s racial/ethnic classification we must step up to the plate and be candid with ourselves in regard to “what is” in dealing with this reality. We must be mindful that we are not dealing with mere machines but humans whose mental processes and emotions do play major roles in the composition of personality. To put it another way, what we perceive by means of whatever medium molds our conscience, thus; our reactions are in response. Invariably, for example, the average white’s response to black male’s presence in the immediate vicinity while stopped awaiting the signal light to change is to activate the door locks. This common response fosters the criminal image of the black male held by whites and negatively impacts the mindset when the latter sits in judgment, be it the role of the judge, juror, or prosecutor on a black fate. To put it blatantly, for whites one of the foremost traits of blacks is criminal. When blacks behave accordingly, whites’ racist contention is fulfilled and appeasement is rewarded as a consequence. For those in rejoice regarding the behavior it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy is achieved. Any major newspaper of cities where blacks are in substantial numbers will have mug shots of black males in their daily crime sections. This further fuels the mindset regarding and criminal black male and gives greater reinforcement and criminal nature of blacks, particularly the black male.

Therefore, it is illogical and ludicrous to assume (it is only an assumption) that the average white judge, juror prosecutor or any other role player involved will suddenly and miraculously be impartial and color-blind when acting in judgment on the fate of a black, especially black male. Ideally, we wish human nature would allow us to vacate our personal prejudices, if only temporarily.

Justice, as many of us are aware of can be manipulated and often has a price tag. Unlikely, elite corporates, powerful industrialists, politicians, select entertainment moguls and etc. would be subjected to the same criminal system and receive comparable sentences for distribution of small amounts of marijuana and probation involving the same charges. It would be utterly unimaginable to witness a Kennedy, Bush, Gates, Bloomberg, Clinton, McCartney, Buffet, Oprah Winfrey or the likes who received the same fate as Joshua for the same non-violent violation. This tactic of using power to influence justice is probably as old as prostitution and man’s enjoyment from his marijuana use. Moreover, this reality is closely akin to the old adage, “might makes right”. Unfortunately, in this regard we are not of the class referenced. Thus, we are not able to mold justice to render it more human or even unethically circumvent it, as mentioned.

It is a given when it come to white/black matters, ingrained color, prejudice trumps reason. In my view, most whites do not want to reside with blacks in the same community, desire to worship or dine with them, be buried in the same cemetery and certainly not engage in romantic relationships and etc. Again it is far-fetched and insane to think that the courts or any segment of society is free of partiality predicated on color of skin.

Theoretically, we as a society do by reason utilize imprisonment as a plausible measure to remove those from the general populace who do harm or present imminent endangerment to society. We, as the most civilized, technologically advanced with the most powerful military in history, should not make laws to take away human freedom because these are merely laws in-and-of themselves, minus moral judgment. Compare marijuana’s use and consequences to some other substances, legal or illegal. Alcohol use, especially excessive consumption, produces grave consequences in that it contributes to deaths of tens of thousands and causes untold injuries to millions more. Also, it is the leading cause of certain types of cancer. In many alcohol related cases, if not most involving manslaughter the guilty is assessed a lighter sentence than Joshua. For instance, doctors found guilty of medical malpractice resulting in the death of their patients often times are not more severely punished. Moreover, many other crimes resulting in severe bodily harm receive less incarceration time.

Marijuana use has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years without producing known destruction to human welfare. In the past few decades tens of millions of Americans have smoked marijuana and millions more still partake. Statistically, as much as forty-percent of all adult Americans (They have not moved on to harsher drugs as some contend) smoke or have smoked marijuana. Many keep or would keep on occasion a few ounces for their own personal use (or “stash”). “A Gallup Poll in October found forty-four percent of Americans favor full legalization of marijuana –a rise of 13 points since 2000, (“Support for legalizing of Marijuana Grows Rapidly U.S.”, Karl Vick, The Washington Post. Monday, November 23, 2009).”

Joshua was a heavy smoker and also consumed substantial amounts of alcohol himself. His addiction in-and-of itself caused him self-destruction and eventual doom, especially with the commonwealths legal system. I reiterate the message that history does not provide real horror stories pertaining to consequences of marijuana use.

Conversely, the use of alcohol, ******, crack, ***************, cigarette, coffee, Tylenol and other contrabands have had devastating impacts on most, if not all of us at some time. In regard, we do grave disservice to ourselves and society by denying the truth, thus avoidable destruction and pain are prolonged. As appalling as it is we devote much valued time, energy, and resources to apprehend and imprison citizens for possession and sale of a few ounces of marijuana when we, as a nation, face far daunting tasks. Violent crimes remain throughout this land. Many of us cannot safely walk the streets of our neighborhood during daylight hours let alone at night. Racial and religious hostilities are still prevalent in the land, just to name a few. The polls show that there is a real movement to transform laws governing marijuana, but many are still staunchly oriented toward maintaining the ages-old practice of filling jail and prison cells with more and more predominately young black males who have no history of violent crimes. As a result of these immoral practices they cause these families of black males to struggle and endure unwanted suffering.

Resources expended to take away the freedom of these blacks would be more wisely used to educate them and others, but; those in the prison/court complex are often opposed and they are the real beneficiaries. The courts are not sentimental and are impervious to the harm and grief brought upon these individuals and their families as a result of the sentenced due to non-violent crimes. In Joshua’s case the court also ignored the matter of Joshua’s Attention Deficit Disorder history. Moreover, six days following his incarceration on February 13, 2009, his girlfriend gave birth to his first son, and our first grandchild.

As a final assessment, any harmful affect to any individual or society as a result of Joshua’s action is absent. Conversely, racial animosity and backlash of the systematic imprisonment of black males is a major instrument in widening the wedge in black/white efforts to alleviate vestiges of centuries-old racial inequalities and strife. In the final analysis, where is the human harm caused by Joshua’s action? Do his actions warrant, in a moral sense the take-away of his freedom and, consequently the denial of a father for his new-born?

These marijuana laws are likened to the Poll Tax Laws of the Jim Crow Era in that they disenfranchise millions, particularly blacks. In the near future, history will show that, again we allowed flawed government policies to damage the image, soul, and fabric of America. In conclusion, we should all hope sincerely and pray, color-blind to a color-blind god that we be delivered from our heart-held prejudices, long entrenched in hatred to a humane state of consciousness where love dictates.


Willie Barnes


Racial / Ethnic breakdown of only American adults who have used cannabis

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: opposingviews.com
Author: Allen St. Pierre, NORML Executive Director
Copyright: 2009 Opposing Views, Inc.
Contact: Contact Us
Website: Opposing Views: OPINION:Whites Smoke Pot, But Only Blacks Get Arrested
This would have been much more powerful for me if they had posted the rather touching letter minus the rabblerousing headline. I understand that this is meant to GRAB ATTENTION and spark debate (if you can manage to get people to read it) but as another user put it, I thought this was a website about green.

The letter alone was powerful and convincing...nuff said.

Norml does a huge disservice to any movement by posting the questionable data. It contradicts other statements found on the site.

There are around 309 million people in the US. Whites make up roughly around the high 60 percentile (although some question the accuracy of this because some who may fear government surveys don’t participate in them). According to Norml, "Over 100 million Americans nationally have used marijuana despite prohibition, and one in ten – according to current government survey data – use it regularly."

Written Testimony In Support Of Alternative Marijuana Regulatory Schemes and Assembly Bill 390 - NORML

Even if whites only made up half the population the pie chart is colorful at best.

The title is misleading and divisive; the personal letter pleading for justice is not.
And for white people such as myself that have spent time incarcerated for possessing less then a few grams it is down right insulting.

It would be wiser to say that it is often easier for law enforcement to target minorities who often lack the resources possessed by a wealthier majority. It would be wiser to say that laws are designed to entrap those without resources, or more specifically black and brown people. For example the differences in prison sentences handed out for crack ******* possession compared to the powder form much more likely to be possessed by rich elitist children and lawyers (who are often white).

I am in full support of putting information out there and discussing it. It makes me sad when organizations that I admire like Norml resort to the same misinformation tactics that are often used by some of the very organizations that we are supposedly opposed to. I know that this will get people’s attention, but it is dirty.
In my experience,race is much less of a factor in arrest statistics than socioeconomic status is.It would probably be a better use of our time to analyze why and propose cures to a system that seems to favor the wealthy at the expense of the poor.
Look I'm for legalization and I'm a CA patient so I thought I could read this letter but right away as it was known that this kid is a habitual offender I could'nt read anymore. When do people start to take responsibility for their actions...I don't understand how a father can write a letter when his son on so many levels is just plain 'stupid' and obviously has no respect for the law. With that said, I would say to anyone that tries to earn a living by pedaling dope ought to get jail or prison time. It is the folks who live in states where medicinal use of Cannabis is Legal that when they are arrested and can't defend themselves using state law on federal charges is where I draw the line. Case in point, Charles Lynch who opened a dispensery in Morrow Bay and because the sheriff was oppossed to this he did everything in his power to hook Mr. Lynch on a case even though the towns city council and such posed for photos with him the day his store front was opened. But just like any place that sells alcohol to under aged people ought to have their license revoked indefinately as should Medical Cannabis Dispensery's who don't follow the law. You would'nt jail a 7-11 clerk for selling to a kid with a fake i.d. nor should you jail a dispensary operator who sells to a person who provides fake recommendations or someone who does have a legitimate recommendation but on his own buys Cannabis and turns around and sells to his friends.
i admit you have to be smart to stay outta trouble when dealing with MJ especially in a non-medi state but there is and has been massive attacks on blacks in particular by the criminal justice system and im sure the south is more overtly aggressive.
I think the 'race' issue is ONLY PART of the problem. It IS a mechanism that allows the 'smart' ones to sit high and dry while those with no mechanism for protection legally and who are 'set off' in society (More by economic status and residency in a depressed area or bad part of town...) that get to enjoy the facilities provided by the feds or some city or county agency. x3 times I went down for just being 'me'... I am not black... (sorry I am a minority but where I live it is better not to say what I am... we still aren't in 'safe territory' around here). Race is a contribution to the prison population true, but drugs are only a tool to keep them surpressed, that is a fact and it always has been... Stop and think: WHO HAS THE MONEY TO PROVIDE THE MECHANISMS THAT TRANSPORT HERION or ******* or the shit that comes from Mexico??? Whether that money comes from black or white or brown or yellow or red hands... what does it matter? It is still a matter of economics! The rich (no matter what 'race' just look at Africa or Asia or...Australia or or) will always be able to get abortions (if it becomes illegal again!) or go abroad to live or obtain the best pharmacuticals available for their pleasure...
Now if we legalize the Sacred Herb and declassify it from a Catagory 1 drug... what happens? We deny them ONE tool less to suppress the less economically and for the most part deprived of proper education (due to all the shit they put in your way to stop you from making it through school... think about that???!!!). So either way legal or not we still face the power of the 'economic elite' being those who dictate the game...
BUT with that said: SCREW THEM!... legalize it make it legal to grow throughout the land however MAKE IT ILLEGAL TO SELL the herb if you are growing for personal consumption! TOTALLY DE-Monitize it!...(In the personal use sense).
Bring it back to the status of an agricultural crop for commercial production as well as free to grow for individuals with personal gardens and for personal consumption... with applicable guidlines... ya get it if ya kill someone or hurt someone while driving... that is the same as if you're drunk...etc. it evens the stakes... and hey! Who wants to drive when you can do other things... like go out and trim more buds... for you and your special mate...
Commercial application is another thing...that is upfront a commerce/monetized industrial thing... development of chemicals and materials from Ruderalis or THC bearing plants. But we have to FIRST de-monitize it the personal user! By all means seeds should be bought!!! don't get me wrong, and if they go UP in price, hey! Ya have to cover the cost of research and growing technology! I may have just laid the basis for constructing a whole new market exchange!!! the WDx the Weed Exchange... hell ya could build a whole commodities system on Cannabis!!!
Somehow this basic demonitization and decriminalization of Cannabis in all its forms for ingestion has to be done... when this takes place... we can then take away the MAIN tool of the economic elite in this matter. That is my two cents... let's not make this solely a race issue = black vs. white this world is not BLACK AND WHITE... it is a spectrum and I am proud to say I am part of the shaded spectrum... so... just some thoughts... I realize they are sort of mixed up but I was trying to include what was crossing my mind as I wrote... This almost requires a THESIS...
Yea, all we dont need is to try and make the MJ movement a "black and white" thing although I suppose that would be impossible considering our society has been and will continue to deal with the "race" card.

The white man, when cuffed up, quickly refers to his rights being violated while the black man, who will undoubtedly also claim his rights, gets the option of playing the race card, which may not be true but when ya get yer butt in a bind I suppose we all play any cards we can.

Black or white, if you get caught breaking the law and are a repeat offender, bad things are most likely sure to come. 4 ounces here, 4 ounces there and pretty soon ya got yer self a pound. Apparently, young Joshua needs to get a little smarter if he wants to stay in the weed game. On the other hand Dad needs to realize, black or white, "What ya got comin is directly related to what ya got goin" and pie charts cant be eaten while behind bars... :peace: MF
Yea, all we dont need is to try and make the MJ movement a "black and white" thing all thought I suppose that would be impossible considering our society has been and will continue to deal with the "race" card.

The white man, when cuffed up, quickly refers to his rights being violated while the black man, who will undoubtedly also claim his rights, gets the option of playing the race card, which may not be true but when ya get yer butt in a bind I suppose we all play any cards we can.

Black or white, if you get caught breaking the law and are a repeat offender, bad things are most likely sure to come. 4 ounces here, 4 ounces there and pretty soon ya got yer self a pound. Apparently, young Joshua needs to get a little smarter if he wants to stay in the weed game. On the other hand Dad needs to realize, black or white, "What ya got comin is directly related to what ya got goin" and pie charts cant be eaten while behind bars... :peace: MF

nice observation..!!:smokin:
The charge is four ounces or less with intent to distribute. Why are all the comments here and on the NORML blog jumping to the unfounded conclusion that he had 4 ounces?

I can tell you from personal observation while a guest of the Arlington County Sheriff that the population of blacks is misrepresented by several orders of magnitude compared to the general population of the county. Ditto Fairfax County, their next door neighbor.

It is not 'playing the race card' to make observations of fact.
The charge is four ounces or less with intent to distribute. Why are all the comments here and on the NORML blog jumping to the unfounded conclusion that he had 4 ounces?

I can tell you from personal observation while a guest of the Arlington County Sheriff that the population of blacks is misrepresented by several orders of magnitude compared to the general population of the county. Ditto Fairfax County, their next door neighbor.

It is not 'playing the race card' to make observations of fact.

Dude, in most drug arrest/arraignment/charges hearings, quantities are noted as the estimated/determined total amount and the "less" is merely a legal formality. To charge "4 ounces or more" would be silly simply because 'How much more? A pound? 2 pounds?

I cant connect the dots here: I can tell you from personal observation while a guest of the Arlington County Sheriff that the population of blacks is misrepresented by several orders of magnitude compared to the general population of the county. Ditto Fairfax County, their next door neighbor. Are you simply saying while a guest of the Arlington Sheriff you observed more blacks in jail than whites? Did you take a poll to see who was "in" for MJ charges? Not sure how you would estimate general county populations vs who's in for what...What am I missing here? :peace: MF
No, you're confused. Anything less than 4.001 ounces buys that charge. Anything over 4 ounces gets kicked up to the next offense level, and draws a higher penalty. Had a few drug charges in VA back in the day, I know how VA writes their charges.

I wasn't limiting it to cannabis charges when I stated my observation about the number of blacks in jail vs whites. How would I know the general racial makeup of the area in which I grew up in? How about observation using my eyes? That, and it's not that hard to get the stats. The population at the time was just under 11% black, the jails were at least 60% black. It doesn't matter the charge, blacks get arrested more often, and when they get convicted they get longer sentences.

You can insist it isn't true, but you would be incorrect again. It would be lovely if it weren't so, but insisting that it isn't doesn't change reality.
Yea, all we dont need is to try and make the MJ movement a "black and white" thing although I suppose that would be impossible considering our society has been and will continue to deal with the "race" card.

white people have a race card too its the fact that they are white
I can actually make a reasoned argument that it isn't actually skin color that's the determining factor. I'd submit that people of color would be treated close to identically if they had the financial and human resources that white folks do. Just don't ask the underlying reason people of color don't have the resources that whites do, because then we'd be back to skin color.
I have a problem with this article for the following: for possession and distribution of four ounces or less of marijuana on three occasions in 2008 and for violation of probation pertaining to several possessions and distribution charges

Sorry, until laws get changed, he was caught distributing and while on probation.....I see no black or white here. White guy would have been maybe less sentence, but then you cannot really speculate.

I think this is pour speculation. The only reason I see why this could remotely be a race issue is because they live in a white area, but then in that case, move, if not wanting to move, then don't do what he did.

I don't feel pity...I think the sentence is harsh, but then it seems to me, this kid has a record of being caught for doing the wrong things....so you think, could he just learn from all of this????
Kid brought it on himself, for possession and distribution of four ounces or less of marijuana on three occasions in 2008 and for violation of probation pertaining to several possessions and distribution charges.

Now if you want to add in white or black and the black kid gets it, then duh....but then the kid has to be responsible for his own responsibilities.

I may be human, but I know a lion would tear me open....why would I, knowing I would be torn open, step into a lion's den??? Majority of blacks know how laws go not so in their favor.....so, change the habits.

If you know you have a probation as well.....hum, stay clean till it's over? Then we wouldn't be here about black and white but about Green only.

No, you're confused. Anything less than 4.001 ounces buys that charge. Anything over 4 ounces gets kicked up to the next offense level, and draws a higher penalty. Had a few drug charges in VA back in the day, I know how VA writes their charges.

I wasn't limiting it to cannabis charges when I stated my observation about the number of blacks in jail vs whites. How would I know the general racial makeup of the area in which I grew up in? How about observation using my eyes? That, and it's not that hard to get the stats. The population at the time was just under 11% black, the jails were at least 60% black. It doesn't matter the charge, blacks get arrested more often, and when they get convicted they get longer sentences.

You can insist it isn't true, but you would be incorrect again. It would be lovely if it weren't so, but insisting that it isn't doesn't change reality.
I can only say fellow posters that I am surprised at your lack of compassion.
As a Canadian I see the same treatment meted out to our minorities. Mainly the indigenous population in my province, but as you move around the country, different minorities are more or less represented.
Their supposed rights and freedoms are handled a lot differently than mine.
This problem is so much larger than just a bad law and retarded authority and by not seeing this you miss the forest for the trees.
As far as I'm concerned it could have been six tons this kid got busted for.It doesn't matter. It is still a massive waste of our tax dollars to prosecute and incarcerate the law abiding citizens of our nations just because they get high on cannabis.
And just a footnote, if that is the right term. I happen to know a white guy who got busted with many pounds and his sentence was probation.
.....As far as I'm concerned it could have been six tons this kid got busted for.It doesn't matter. It is still a massive waste of our tax dollars to prosecute and incarcerate the law abiding citizens of our nations just because they get high on cannabis....

thats the reason we post stories of people getting busted. you get it!
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