Wraistlin's Indoor


New Member
Alright, had a seed kicking around from some good shit and finally decided to pop it into some soil. Medium is peat moss. Only have one light for the lil bugger at the moment but I throw her ass in the sun when its shining in my back door.

This is the main light I'm using when not sitting in the sun.

And would these lights even be worth fucking with? Have 3 of em that I'm not using for anything.
Hey looking good, young and already got some LST going on. I would think those light would work for veg. Do you know the specs on them? Also straight peat moss will hold a lot of water be careful, I would try and add some perlite to it when you transplant. Any nutes for the little one?
Ya I read a couple of posts mentioning LST and it seems like a really good way to maximize smaller spaces. Don't want this taking up an entire room so I figured it was a good idea. Ya I am probably a little on the light side with the water. I don't want too much moisture staying in there and causing problems. Had planned on some perlite or a similar product when I go to a bigger pot. As far as nutes nothing yet. Only a couple weeks old but I know I need to get on the ball with that pretty soon still need to do some research and also find out what's available around my area. Don't get to the city much and I'm kind of in the middle of nowhere. lol
The only thing I can attribute the stretching to would be when I have it in the sunlight. When I've got the light on. I have that bitch as close as I can get without burning the crap out the plant. 2 inches is right about where it is when I have the light on. Not real sure why that happen'd
Ya I hate paying for something I can make my damn self for a lot less. That and you can do what you want with it. I put one on each side just because I think it's going to help spread the light around a little bit better. Plan on putting two more in here at some point that I can raise and lower if needed.
Alright, went to the store last night and today, couple of different places close by and picked up a couple of things. (Going to make a trip to a local shop I know will have proper supplies here in the next couple of weeks.) I know it's probably not the first choice in the line of things but I AM doing a poor man's build here so figured screw it might as well keep with the theme lmao. Picked up some Miracle Grow nutes. Everything around me is really really slim pickings for anything even resembling the perfect choice so I went ahead and picked up that. From what I have been reading it's not best to use full strength every time I water. I've seen that a Full strength, 1/2 strength, 1/4 strength rotation is best. Am I understanding this correctly?

Peroxide 3% - Yup, drug store stuff. I'm not going to be using this for methods of watering but rather as an addition to spraying. I've read that it's beneficial to keep away pest's and mold's and such. I am not using this for watering as I've also read that it pretty much kills everything, there's no discriminating between good and bad for the plant. Am I understanding this right?

Also picked up some epsom salt. I'm not going to be using this really at all. Just a couple of times throughout the grow but I have seen that using a small amount of this when I move up to a bigger pot/bucket/whatever, and a small amount mid-flower is a good idea. again, lmao, am I understanding this right?

Hopefully I'm on the right page here and don't look like a total idiot. I know these questions have been asked before but I've found a lot of different responses so I figured I'd just throw out my take on things and ask yes or no? lol Thanks for any input.
Start your nutes off at like 1/4 recommended and work your way to full strength. I only need to feed my mothers once a week then just water them as needed. Try to check if you need to water by the weight of the pot.
I have never used peroxide as a spray so I'll pass on this one.
Epsom salt is great for mag deficiency. I have use this in a foliar spray with success.
Couple of pics. Everything seems to be going well. Plan on waiting a week or two and then forcing this thing to flower just enough to reveal it's sex. Not even sure if this will be a female or not. Made a homemade CO2 generator and threw it in here as well. Just the plain old yeast and sugar jug. Anyway, here's the pics :D
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