Your definition of a Hippie

Carp948 said:
Where are all those hippies from the 60's now? :hmmmm: I would guess working some office job on an computer. I know some are still around. Colorado is full of hippies in some of the smaller mountain towns. For the most part it was a fad for most kids in the 60's. I'm not saying all of them but a good many of them. Flower children< hell your parents were probably flower children. Probably still have there tie die shirts and peace signs stuffed away in a box in the attic. Times change and so do people. Just cause you use a PC doesn't mean your not a hippie, just a modern day hippie. :peace:
Well, I guess what I'm saying is that the people who were hippies are still around, and they probably have the same or similar mindset, but the REAL hippie "experiance" isn't around anymore.
J842P said:
Well, I havn't seen the movie, but I might just have to check it out.

O MAN! See it as soon as possible. A true stoner movie. About two pot dealers who travel cross country on motorcyles in the 60s. Written well and directed very well. Its a work of art in my mind.
Right arm!

Peas and Carrots!

Om. om.. on the range.

Send her in for regrooving.

I remember when the best minds of my generation..

Steal This Book!

All we are saying,
Is give peace a chance.

Fuckin hippies!
Alot of the hippies from the 60's turned into yuppies of today.I'm definatly more of a "hippie" than most of the 60's ones that turned into yuppies. I don't think having a computer means your not a real hippie. I make money but not by kissing the corporate keister. I vend at hippie and pagan festivals all summer and do odd jogs during the winter. I used to own a headshop but got tired of being ties down. I still go out into the woods for a week at a times and connect with Gaia and her people. But at some point I have to come home and take care of all my animals. I think hippie really means rejecting the "norms" society puts on you and just being yourself. I also think it is having an open mind and loving this planet and its creatures unconditionaly.
OK I'm old, fuck it, it's relative & all in the mind. I smoke plain old pot in a Toker II that's older than some visitors here, roll joints with my trusty zig zags and have never smoked a blunt, not even sure what one is either. The word hippie was used more as a derogatory word during the 60's by those who were not than by those who were, mostly because there were more of them. The counter culture movement of the time was basically that of the younger generation trying to break free of the norms of society created after WWII. There is alot of information available on the net about what that was to the author of that information. The fact is it's a leftover word that is hanging around and I dout you will see any of the original hippies hanging around here, not that they wouldn't want to though. The reason I say that is because they are closing in on 60 if not already there and the majority of the folks I've seen here are half that age or less. So I don't mean to piss on anyone's cheerios here but you're not going to be a hippie, but you can be what it represented. That is very much alive and there are groups throughout the country that were started by hippies & still refer to themelves as such and that's all good because it's only a word and there is much more to a person than words. Acceptance is one of the main philosophies of hippydom because that is one of the things they were looking for in the first place. The thing to remember is that in order to be accepted you much accept in return, both self and others. Just like love and respect. And if someone else does not, don't hold it against them and do the same yourself because then you are no different and are not doing anything to improve the situation, only insuring that it will continue. To give freely of yourself without requiring get in return, or feeling cheated if you do not, is the road to a better tomorrow and being hippy-ish along the way. You'll also have use the following terms with regularity; far out, right on, groovy, phsychadelic & tripping, and you should end each term with a "man". Now, speaking of regularity, I gotta go drink my prune juice with a Geritol & take a nap.......right after I hit the bong first.
:smokin: a hippy now at this moment in time i (with my wife ) we share a large 16th century house with 2 good friends and there 2 kids we smoke weed etc but just after the cristmas holiday my wife and i move onto a narrow boat and we shall be liveing with other people in there own boats all together moored at one place as a community now i dont class myself as a hippy as i embrass new technology as without we wouldnt be able to do this online order seeds and chat to like minded people the world over but if i was to be put in a box by the government of this land i would be classed much to my amazement as a new age traveler and to me i dont need a label to be me now forgive my speling mistakes im a wee bit stoned lol:bongrip:
I think a hippie nowadays is someone who doesn't care if what he or she believes in isn't acceptable to most people, as long as its right.
Dudes! (that word alone places me on the left coast), if that means anything. OK I'm getting close to 60, to me being a hippie is a state of mind, not just the fact that I smoke pot.
"Hippy" is having an open mind to all possiblities; we've tried loving with others, only to find that we like each other best; eastern or western religion? why not both with some tribal mixed in; meditation I've found can be a TRIP when THC is added with loving care. As a wise man once said " it's kinda nice to take a trip and never leave the farm!"
naturalhi said:
Dudes! (that word alone places me on the left coast), if that means anything. OK I'm getting close to 60, to me being a hippie is a state of mind, not just the fact that I smoke pot.
"Hippy" is having an open mind to all possiblities; we've tried loving with others, only to find that we like each other best; eastern or western religion? why not both with some tribal mixed in; meditation I've found can be a TRIP when THC is added with loving care. As a wise man once said " it's kinda nice to take a trip and never leave the farm!"

Well put.
good people
i think that a hippie is somebody that is more in-tune with themselves and other people then anybody else. a hippie is not the type of person to judge you by what you look like or how you talk. a hippie is not just a person, i think its somewhat a way of life. you cant say that if your a hippie you dont shave and dont use technology and all that because thats just being hipocritical, wich a hippie is not. i think that a hippie would be a very understandable person and would be able to understand even the most complicated person. i think that a 'hippie' is something that we all should be.

my thoughts on a "hippie" go way beyond what ive typed but sometimes when i think about something so hard i get confused. that to is really hard to explain. i guess i just think that a hippie would a GOOD person.
i always thought of a hippie as someone who most likely smokes pot and loves and cares for everyone as well as doesnt let rules bind them instead just live how they want and love life
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