Dual bulb hood?


New Member
Hi guys.

I am relatively new to growing. Have about 5 Indoor and 2 outdoor grows under my belt.

My question is about my lights. When I upgraded to a huge air cooled hood. Barely fits in my 3.5x3.5 tent.
I modified it to run dual bulbs with two separate ballistis. It's works great. Yield about 10-14oz off 5 plants

I'm looking to maybe upgrade again.

So with dual 400s we got 800wats total
Each bulb is ball park 50,000Lum

Dose this bring me to 100,000lum

Or am I still at 50,000 with just a bit better coverage? (Because the intensity is the same)

I'm looking to step up the lighting again

Should I get a 600 and run a 600 and 400 combo
Or should I just get a single 1000 and do away with the dual bulb set up

Both ways are in the 150,000lmn zone
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