1 gallon pots?


New Member
i have 2/ 1 gallon pots was wondering how long i should veg for before they become root locked??any help would be appreciated. thanks :green_heart:
Hi endosha,

Not trying to make this more difficult as I suspect your looking for a quick answer, but I think there are a several variables to consider in formulating a credible response . The size of the root structure that might to lead to a root bound plant is best represented visably by the size of the plant. However, even that may be misleading if for example a high nitrogen fertilizer has been used that promotes vegetative growth at the expense of the root development. This brings us to the point of plant size being more of a determinate than time of growth.

A good rule of thumb I've used for plants in a vegatative state is to expect a reasonably healthy root ball to be somewhere between 60 to 75% of the size of the plant. If you find plants have become a little root bound, don't hesitate to lightly disturb the roots during transplant. ideally, there should be some fine roots pointing out and away from the root ball as it goes into it's new pot.

Sorry I can't provide a quick simple answer in days or weeks or even plant height or width but I don't beleive that would provide the information you really need.

Good growing!
1 gallon per foot is a good rule of thumb, but I have let them get bigger then that before transplanting and they were fine, but if your going to veg your plant in a 1 gallon, I recommend transplanting it a week or 2 before flowering into a larger container, or get a smart pot, which keeps the plant from getting root bound because the roots grow out the side of the fabric pot and become air pruned. I personally love them!
What’s the best smart pot
GeoPots. I love the velcro equipped 1 gallon pots for easy transplant to a larger smart pot.

Here is how I know when to uppot. It is when the container of soil ceases to be a buffer. At first my plants can go 4 or 5 days without needing to be watered, but as the roots get stronger and fill that space by creating a rootball, the time between waterings will steadily decrease until the needy things are wanting water every day or so. This is when it is time to uppot... when the wet/dry cycle hits 24-36 hours the first time.
GeoPots. I love the velcro equipped 1 gallon pots for easy transplant to a larger smart pot.

Here is how I know when to uppot. It is when the container of soil ceases to be a buffer. At first my plants can go 4 or 5 days without needing to be watered, but as the roots get stronger and fill that space by creating a rootball, the time between waterings will steadily decrease until the needy things are wanting water every day or so. This is when it is time to uppot... when the wet/dry cycle hits 24-36 hours the first time.
I ordered mine from aliexpress doubt there is really big difference between nobrand and brand except price
I find a huge difference. I have used the original "SmartPots", cheap knockoffs and now our sponsors, GeoPot. The quality and strength of the GeoPots is better than any I have ever used and appear to have been made by people who use the product, the wide double seam at the top as an example, the optional velcro seams as another. They are not expensive at all and well worth the few bucks for a good quality grow bag that will last for several grows.
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