1st Grow Attempt - NukeHead Seeds

I fondly hydro to be very forgiving. When you come across an issue, dump res and try again. Ez pz, lol. It may be staining from the soil, the newly emerged roots looked nice and pearly white as it should. You can probably get away with cleaning the res and the roots with water and just add some type of microbe to keep the organic material at bay.
I've emailed Nukeheads a couple times and received no reply.
Wanna do some autos but, cant tell which is which on their site.
I must have this Noob sign flashing over my head...what am I missing?

That's weird because they were prompt with me. Maybe give them a couple days they'll get back to you
2nd full day for the 2 that just transplanted from soil to hydroton, and they are slowly recovering!



And here are the other 4 in hydroton





And 1 blue dream in soil.


Just changed rev as my ppm's are to high again. Was advised by members of 420 to lower its to about 300. So I added 2 scouts of recharge and used a water pump to fill the container.

Still working on a way to stop the light from penetrating my container lid. I will change out my yellow lid with a black one that keep light out in my root zone.
So I changed the contain to one with a black lid and checked for any leaks and it worked great. Thanks for the heads up on the yellow lid, I was bright as hell in my contained, didn't even cross my mind until a members of 420 helped me out. So I'll keep on posting updates whether or not I think something has changed, because you never know! Thanks 420!!













Thanks guys! 187budz welcome! Us newbs have to stick together in this hostile non newb world, dam bastards just waiting for the chance to tear us newbs apart.

It's been about 2 weeks from my last post, was on the old honeymoon trip in Greece and Italy with the old lady. Got married to my beautiful wife 3 weeks ago.

So starting my first grow when I'm getting married, did not get me into the decision making hall of fame, and asking my loyal friend of 2 decades, who I know isn't the most organized or talented individual, although old "iron lungs" (my buddy who I chose to watch over my plants during the duration of my vacation) tokes up a disgusting amount of weed, a retarded, forgetful clumsy stoner, but also a lifelong loyal smoker and a dam good friend, was also unwise of poor choice of mine. So I apologize for those following, or spent any energy helping me care for the fuckers, all the plants dead. My friend left my house keys in the app. on the first day! $&@"" shit fuck boot!! Ok I think we're good now.

So I returned earlier today and like a wishful child I thought maybe a couple might survive... I mean I truly had some hope at least the Super mutant Nukehead or the legendary GDP might've overcome no water or light for 2 weeks.... fuck no shit was toast...

*Warning might be a little rough on the sensitive eyes*
Pictures to come having trouble uploading, but it is interesting how much more the Nukehead took the punishment.

So I am currently germinating
5fem white widow from 420
1fem Gold Leaf from 420
1fem GDP from Nukehead
1fem Nukehead also from Nukehead

Total of 8 seeds in water

Like a dumbass I used my only Green Crack, GSG, Grape Ape, Chem Dawg before I got married, R.I.P....

Now I was told by a little birdie that if the dam seeds from Nukeheads did not show up they will send another batch right away. Well I didn't get them so I'll be waiting.
Also I want a answer to why my Nukehead didn't survive my 2 weeks of torture training..... I mean... I didn't get them, true story, I would never lie to you....

So I decided to move on and not redo the exact grow I started out with. I underestimated my newbieness, so I decided 4 different strains will easier then 14 different strains. More is not better for some dam reason here. Picks to come after 420mag pays me for my time and efforts for my last failure.
I forget. What size tent, light, etc do you have? I would recommend that you pick a grow medium and use that for everybody. No reason to make it complicated.
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