1st Grow, Bagseed, CFL's..

awesome, I'll definitely grab some and start feeding them slowly. They are growing so well and I've been lucky to not have any issues so far, so i want to prevent anything from happening down the road.

Thanks for all the input guys. Pics will be up in the morning
pic update.. 3 weeks (21 days) since they broke soil
I still haven't gotten the other 2 in their new homes, I'm lazy, but there's no rush right now since they're still kinda small.




Well i took pictures on Saturday after i transplanted the remaining 2 and topped off the other pots with more soil, but I got lazy and didn't get the pics off my camera yet, so I'll just take some new ones in the next day or two. Not too much of an update other than they're all in 5 gal buckets now and exploding with growth. I think the two small ones that were still in cups were getting root bound as they were starting to yellow and weren't growing at all. When i pulled them out it was a huge mass of roots, and now that they're in their new homes, they are doing so much better. I found a sick hydro store right down the street from where i work so I'm going to hit that up for some tiger bloom since they have it for like $16. Pic update in the next couple days.
Excelent news. Everywhere i look people are doing so well with their grows. Its a testiment to the sheer volume of knowledge posessed by all the members and it also speaks to the ability of the new new gowers to learn quickly and to trust the advice of others and try something they might not have thought of doing. I see good things coming in your future bro. Keep up the good work and for the love of christ keep it secret.
Excelent news. Everywhere i look people are doing so well with their grows. Its a testiment to the sheer volume of knowledge posessed by all the members and it also speaks to the ability of the new new gowers to learn quickly and to trust the advice of others and try something they might not have thought of doing. I see good things coming in your future bro. Keep up the good work and for the love of christ keep it secret.
yeah dude, i knew nothing at all about growing, let alone plants in general, but after joining up here and reading through a few books, i really surprised myself with my results thus far. Just keep learnin more and more every day. When i look at my grow room, i just laugh at how idiotic it is knowing that i could go to jail for growing these harmless plants.

But yeah dude, it's my little secret, and I have no desire to sell, so I'm staying stealthy and keeping it all to myself.
forgot to mention, as you will see with the pics, the plants are just bushing out like crazy. I need to measure their height but i would say they're about 8" tall for the most part. I'm going to start to LST them when they get just a bit bigger. I'm going to have to tie some of them down so I can keep the lights close to the smaller plants. The good news is, I've been rotating the fan on them all and bending the stems every time i go into the room to make sure they stay flexible and strong. They feel like LST will be a breeze..

I think i might start to tie a few of the larger plants down tonight.. Ironically, I'll be using hemp string :bong:
TheCriMsonK20, Good job so far bud. I have found from experience and reading that early on the babies do much better under the 6500K CFL's than under the soft white-2700K CFL's. We are still using the 6500K CFL's in our current grow, and they are doing just fine. Keep the lights about 5-8 inches above them for maximum light. Do you have drainage holes in your pots? If not, you should put a few in. We used 1 1/2 inches of washed pea gravel covered with landscape fabric then filled the rest with what ever medium you are using. That will give adequate drainage for the roots. That is for your final grow bucket, we are using a mixture of Pro Mix and Fox Farms. I can water daily that way. Light to medium watering. I usually check by poking my hand down and checking moisture and also by lifting the pot to judge it's weight. Lots of fine folks here to thank for sharing their knowledge with us. Good luck bud, I will keep checking in to watch this one! Anxious to see how you do.
I go about one or two inches max away from cfl's .... course a lot of other buds are much farther away but i rotate plants and try to give them equal time close to bulbs. In veg same thing unless i am training then i will go 4 inches above top to stretch plant for turns .....:goodjob: here :slide:
TheCriMsonK20, Good job so far bud. I have found from experience and reading that early on the babies do much better under the 6500K CFL's than under the soft white-2700K CFL's. We are still using the 6500K CFL's in our current grow, and they are doing just fine. Keep the lights about 5-8 inches above them for maximum light. Do you have drainage holes in your pots? If not, you should put a few in. We used 1 1/2 inches of washed pea gravel covered with landscape fabric then filled the rest with what ever medium you are using. That will give adequate drainage for the roots. That is for your final grow bucket, we are using a mixture of Pro Mix and Fox Farms. I can water daily that way. Light to medium watering. I usually check by poking my hand down and checking moisture and also by lifting the pot to judge it's weight. Lots of fine folks here to thank for sharing their knowledge with us. Good luck bud, I will keep checking in to watch this one! Anxious to see how you do.

Yeah i drilled about 8 holes in the bottom of each pot and put about 2-3 inches of river pebbles in the bottom of the buckets to help drainage. I do have two 45W CFL's I was going to use when they got a bit bigger. I can't say exactly what the color spectrum on them are, but they're warmer so I would say they are around 6500k. During the first week or 2 of vegging, I had one of the CFL's on just one of the plants and had the tubes on the others just to see how it would respond and it actually grows faster under the cool white. Could just be a coincidence and/or a different strain though. I wish i could have gotten some better soil, but we all learn a lot from our first grow, so I know my next one is going to be awesome as I will be much more prepared. For being Miracle Grow soil though, they are loving it and the soil honestly isn't that bad... I got the organic type without the time release nutrients though, so I'm sure that plays a part as my babies aren't being burned. Thanks for stoppin in dude! :surf:

Very healthy looking plants Crimson! They look like they are enjoying being alive.

Good work brother!

Thanks dude! buckle in and get ready for some budz :cool:

Eh, I keep my CFL's 3-4 inches away. It seems like as long as the heat is controlled the plants can take the light intensity. Whatever works though works, I'm just sharing thoughts
:goodjob: TheCriMsonK20

My shop lights run super cool, I can hold the bulbs after they have been running for days straight and it's not even warm. I keep the shop lights about 1-2 inches from the very top of the plants and they seem to like it. I've had to move it up just a little bit more as they are bushing out like crazy though. I've been training some of the branches to grow horizontally under the lights as a temporary solution until i can tie them down.

I go about one or two inches max away from cfl's .... course a lot of other buds are much farther away but i rotate plants and try to give them equal time close to bulbs. In veg same thing unless i am training then i will go 4 inches above top to stretch plant for turns .....:goodjob: here :slide:

Thanks man! :Rasta: I did notice the CFL's burn a little warmer than the tubes, but I haven't gotten to set them up yet as the plants are loving the current light they have. I'd say in about a week or two they will all be big enough to need some more lighting

Lookin good!! ill be watchin your grow.:yummy:

Thanks for stoppin in dude ;)
And as promised, here is a picture update. I didn't get to tie them down last night as I got lazy, but as of now I'm out of bud, so i will need to find other ways to occupy my evenings haha.

Not too much to say about them.. The two smaller runts are responding very well to their new homes. If you notice the one is kind of yellowing, that was happening when it was in the cup. Since its been in the bucket, it seems to be getting its green back.

Here are the pics. 26 days since they broke soil. What are your opinions on their growth as far as how big they are for the time they have been growing?






They're not looking bad considering your using MG. I'm pretty sure that it is slowing them down a bit though. They look nice and healthy. Have you started using nutes yet?
not yet, I have to wait till i get paid again at the end of the month and then I'm gonna pick up some Tiger Bloom and start feeding them slowly. I need to get a ph tester, so I don't want to start feeding them until I get that and can monitor the ph levels. I'd hate to lose all the work I put into it because I wasn't adequately prepared. I was going to get some FF soil for the 2 smaller ones, but I figured i would just keep them all in the same medium for now, and worry about better soil for the next grow. I'm glad I found the hydro store by my work as they carry pretty much all fox farms products, and will be seeing me quite a bit in the future!

Now my next thoughts are cloning. I've read some people take clones from their vegging plants and start flowering them to determine sex. I kind of want to do this just so i can find out what they are going to turn into, but I'm also wanting to take clones and veg them so I can harvest every couple of months rather than growing from seed again. If i flower the plants until they sex then veg them again, will this cause too much stress for them? I know it will take a bit longer for the plant to adjust into veg mode again, but then again, I need to figure out where I can have a small veg area for clones because the grow room currently isn't big enough or set up properly to have a veg and a flower area, it can only be one or the other for now.

Man, i still have that roll of mylar I haven't done anything with.. With the lights so close to the plants right now though, I can't see it really doing anything. I'm thinking of getting plastic panels and just gluing the mylar to it, and hanging it on the pvc. Trying to wrap the box will make it a pain to water or take care of the plants. This way i can move it when i need to tend to the babies.

Enough of my rant lol. Next picture update should be in the next couple of days when i tie them down.

Edit: Happy 200th Post! :bong:
TheCriMsonK20, babies are looking very good bud. The cool white bulbd are normally the 6500K (blue)spectrum, whereas the soft white are in the 2700K (red)spectrum. The 2700K bulbs are good for flowering. We did a full AK47 Autoflower grow under CFL's and had a yield of nearly 4 ounces. Cinsidering that the auto's aren't heavy producers, 2-3 ounces, we were very happy with the results. IWe are now using a 400watt HPS cool tube for our flowering stage. Keep up the great work bud, blue skies and green buds!
TheCriMsonK20, babies are looking very good bud. The cool white bulbd are normally the 6500K (blue)spectrum, whereas the soft white are in the 2700K (red)spectrum. The 2700K bulbs are good for flowering. We did a full AK47 Autoflower grow under CFL's and had a yield of nearly 4 ounces. Cinsidering that the auto's aren't heavy producers, 2-3 ounces, we were very happy with the results. IWe are now using a 400watt HPS cool tube for our flowering stage. Keep up the great work bud, blue skies and green buds!
ok, i was getting the numbers backwards then lol. If i would have thought about it, i could have figured it out, but sometimes thinking > me. I have the cool white tubes for them to veg under right now, I'm just running 4 40 watt tubes, and the 2 CFL's i have are warmer bulbs, so they must be around the 2700k range. They're not in use right now, but will be when i begin to flower them.

I really cant see me getting an HPS unit for this grow just yet, so i will pick up 4 more warmer tubes (~2700k) when i start flowering. I really like the 45W CFL's i have as they put out 2600 lumens each. I will get one or two of these for each plant once they start flowering so I can get as much light as i can on them. I figure with 4 tubes, some hardcore LST, and some fat CFL's on the side/underneath will be sufficient lighting considering I won't be flowering all 6 plants till the end. I didn't set my goals too high as far as yield goes because I know my lighting leaves much to be desired, but even if i can get 1oz total from 2-3 plants, I would be very happy with that as I would be set for a good 2-3 months off that. The money i save from not having to buy it for a few months will be put into my HPS fund ;)

I look forward to growing with better soil and lighting for my second grow. I'm confident with all the information on here, along with the very talented growers, I can start pulling arm sized colas in no time :bong:
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