1st Grow, Bagseed, CFL's..

So a little update, i just got done tying down 4/6 of the plants. I just tied them once at the base, and tied the top down at the second to top node. I'll throw some pics up in a couple of days with the next pic update. Checked the soil and it's still a bit damp so i probably have another day or 2 before i need to water again. I noticed a few fan leaves have pin size holes in them which i would imagine is from the couple of gnats i have flying around. I might try topping the soil off with some leftover sand and see if that takes care of them.. Any other ideas to get rid of a few gnats?
Looking good :slide: sand is a good way i heard ....and heard stully say goGnat was super product....maybe ask him. I used cheap spray that was safe for fruits and vegs but it didnt kill them all only a little at a time....i still have some ....one reason i wanted to get away from soil grows. I used blood meal and they love that stuff. hope you can get rid of them before they become a real pain.
Here is a pic update as of this morning. 29 days since they broke soil. I think i might veg them for another week just so the little runts can grow bit more and i can start to tie them down, then i will start flowering.

4/6 are tied down, although tonight i need to tie them down a bit more as they are growing back up towards the light. I'm gonna throw a layer of sand on top this weekend, and early next week I'm gonna start feeding them.

and onto the pics!






i noticed this on one of the leaves on just one plant. Any ideas on what it could be? Its the leaf on the bottom of the picture


Are you talking about that little white(?) spot? No idea but if that's the worst it gets I wouldn't bat an eyelash at it.

I noticed a few fan leaves have pin size holes in them which i would imagine is from the couple of gnats i have flying around. I might try topping the soil off with some leftover sand and see if that takes care of them.. Any other ideas to get rid of a few gnats?


Some info on gnats in that post. I don't believe the gnats are eating holes in your leaves though. I have a few of them from time to time and have not noticed any damage from them...and since I only have one little plant I tend to examine her pretty closely lol. That thread says that the larvae or whatever can damage the roots but the adults don't really hurt the plants.

As for getting rid of them...get rid of the excess moisture in your soil (i.e., let them dry out longer between watering) or anywhere else in your grow area. The only time I ever have them show up is right after I water for a day or three, once the soil dries up they disappear. What's your watering schedule right now? At the size yours are (looking pretty good btw) in those size containers I wouldn't think you'd need to water more than once a week...every five days or more.

I was looking at the pics you just posted and noticed that it appears to be in a basement so I checked the first page of your journal and confirmed my suspicions. You also mention that it's fairly moist/stale down there...I would be willing to bet that that is also a major contributor to the reason you are having issues with gnats. That particular problem is also brought up in the thread I linked to above.

Hope you get everything worked out!
Are you talking about that little white(?) spot? No idea but if that's the worst it gets I wouldn't bat an eyelash at it.


Some info on gnats in that post. I don't believe the gnats are eating holes in your leaves though. I have a few of them from time to time and have not noticed any damage from them...and since I only have one little plant I tend to examine her pretty closely lol. That thread says that the larvae or whatever can damage the roots but the adults don't really hurt the plants.

As for getting rid of them...get rid of the excess moisture in your soil (i.e., let them dry out longer between watering) or anywhere else in your grow area. The only time I ever have them show up is right after I water for a day or three, once the soil dries up they disappear. What's your watering schedule right now? At the size yours are (looking pretty good btw) in those size containers I wouldn't think you'd need to water more than once a week...every five days or more.

I was looking at the pics you just posted and noticed that it appears to be in a basement so I checked the first page of your journal and confirmed my suspicions. You also mention that it's fairly moist/stale down there...I would be willing to bet that that is also a major contributor to the reason you are having issues with gnats. That particular problem is also brought up in the thread I linked to above.

Hope you get everything worked out!

Yeah i was talking about the white spot. It doesn't seem to be spreading or anything so I'm not really worried about it.

If the gnats aren't eating the holes, i wonder what is. I haven't seen any other bugs down there other than a couple of spiders. My watering schedule is about once every 4-5 days. I let them dry out pretty good before i water them again. The humidity has gone down to about 70%, I still haven't gotten a dehumidifier yet, but I plan to when i start flowering.. otherwise I will relocate the grow to another room for flowering. I'm going to try the sand on top of the soil in hopes to get rid of them. I'll post my results after I do so. They're not a really big problem, I've only seen a few here and there, but I want to attack it before it becomes a problem.

Thanks for the info dude, I didn't realize the adult gnats weren't much to worry about.
You're welcome...a humidity of 70% is pretty high as you already know. Definitely get it down a bit before you flower to help protect against mold along with the proper airflow in and around the plants. Sounds like your watering schedule is not the source of the gnats, most likely due to the basement humidity.
You're welcome...a humidity of 70% is pretty high as you already know. Definitely get it down a bit before you flower to help protect against mold along with the proper airflow in and around the plants. Sounds like your watering schedule is not the source of the gnats, most likely due to the basement humidity.

yeah i plan on getting a dehumidifier in the room for when i flower, but if im unable to, I'm just going to relocate the grow room temporarily. I would hate to ruin a good harvest because of the humidity.

i love bondage


they get what they deserve.. Maybe they'll think twice before reaching for the lights again :smokin:
For you LST nuts here are some more bondage shots. I just got done tying them down and putting the second section of the grow box together to give them room to grow.

I'll start off with a shot of the runts
This one is really starting to take off.. This was #1 in the beginning which didn't open until a week or 2 after it broke soil

Here is the other runt. slow but steady

and on to the 4 big ones
Just tied down some more



check out all the new growth on this one after it was tied down

and this one is just turning into a jungle

and then a closeup of a fan leaf.
High TheCriMsonK20 ciao I just read through the thread and I like it :goodjob: Your doing great LST work for sure. I'm not sure if I missed it or not, but are you still around 12,000 lumen in your garden? I'm watching closer now :popcorn:

some good news here.. It got a bit cold outside, so i had to turn the furnace on for a little bit last night.. You know how i said there is a duct that vents into the grow room? Well, it blows the air directly on the plants, which is awesome. It also lowered the humidity from 80-85% down to 55% when i checked this morning. I think I'm going to cut a section out of the duct and install a T fitting and run an inline fan in the duct to pump some fresh air into the room when the furnace isn't turned on. This should eliminate the need for a dehumidifier as long as the humidity stays fairly consistent. The temps have stayed at a consistent 70F the entire grow.

The plants are responding very well to the LST. I raised the lights a couple of inches so they can stretch a bit more, as i want to tie them down a bit more before i start flowering. I think im going to start flipping the lights in about a week. They will have been in veg for 45 days then, and I want to let the runts get a bit taller so i can tie them down at least once before flowering. It also gives me another week to get the nutes.

Pic update in a couple days.
Gorgeous looking plants King!!!
What area of the world do you live in where you needed heat already??
I live in PA, it was actually in the high 40's this morning when i woke up. We're getting a crazy cool spell right now. Then again, it hasn't really gotten very hot all summer. We had a few days here and there but nothing really past 90. I've had to run the furnace for the past couple of days. I'm excited about winter growing as my humidity in the grow area will be super low.

Not much of an update as far as the plants go. I've been letting them stretch some more. I haven't watered in a little over a week, but the soil is slightly damp. I will give it another day or 2 and water them. I need to start taking clones as I think I'm going to start flowering next week. I want to have clones in the flower stage before I harvest so I can make the most of my time spent.

I will throw some pics up in the next couple of days.
I am super glad the fall is here too, lower temps and humidity...should make for a fun and much less stressful grow season for me and the plants.
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