1st Journal 2nd Grow Sugar Black Rose

These hps lights are Fucken hot! I don’t have a choice... I am going to have to do something soon unless I plan on leaving the door open during light on... which isn’t realistic at all if I have any company over. But definitely a sweet deal.

Only other thing would be that electricity bill but I've never used HPS. With everything I have going all LED and fans and humidifier I'm $30 a month more on my bill. The wife says at least we get tomatoes hahaha

Edit: I am on a much smaller scale than you obviously
Yeah that’s true, the bill is gonna be heafty for sure but let’s not talk about that right now. At least my furnace doesn’t have to run as mich lol
@labexperiment thats a fair point. I’ll have to think of a way to space them... ideally I need a few light rail attachments to accommodate another 2 lights. But this is just temporary till I build my diy led strip lights. But in all honesty that probably isnt gonna happen for awhile I’m sure.

just finished doing some monster cropping after on Anastasia.


Here are a few shots of the autos flowers coming along nicely and turning into some Frost Queens.
Thanks folks! Always a work in progress though.
Day 72 Overall....

So I busted out the scope and was checking out the trichomes on A1and A3 (both autos) and I’m starting to see cloudy trichs. However I thought these colas would get WAY fatter... what gives? They should be about done being autos n all.

One thing I have to point out is that I am running this rdwc system with photoperiod feeding regime, so currently I’m on mid flower feeding regime at the end of the autos life cycle (I am just now realizing as I’m typing this that I had the auto flowers on veg feeding regime during early flower.. Now since I know people arnt reading the entire thread I just want to remind everyone that I was under the impression these were all photoperiod flowers not autos mixed with photos... I just wanted to point that out Incase anyone thinks it could play a roll in the size of the colas. I also did A LOT of training which I believe may have stunted the colas(monster cropping after stretch)? Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

PS - A2 (photoperiod) is looking great.

Below are a few shots of the Autos in question..

holding a Sharpie for size reference...
Day 84 from seed

12 days from last update...

Things have been busy in the grow room to say the least.
A1 (auto) - fattened up some( not as much as expected but that’s okay) and continue to see small rust spots on some of the leaves.

A2 (photoperiod) - has really shown how much difference a photoperiod vs an auto can really produce. She is about 5 feet from one fat cola all the way across to the last one 4x5 width by length and about 2feet tall. I’ve yo-yo’d multiple branches down for a few days to open lower bud sites on the branches I monster cropped in the middle. Throwing the 2 x600watt hps lights has most likely helped significantly. She continues to impress me everyday I walk in the room.

A3 (auto) - has some very nice stacking and even/ fat cola growth throughout. Did some yo-yo’ing the same way with her to expose lower bud sights to light.

Now for the issues I’m experiencing... I’m using RO water with 8/0/16/4 (micro/gro/bloom/calmag plus) nute mix tds starts at about 1100 climbs up to 1300 now in the last 2 days. Ph was perfect at 6.1 and has plummeted to 5.45... and water level is dropping so I know they are drinking still... or at least A2 is... gonna do another res change but damn that’s a lot of nutes to dump... still like 30 gallons I’d guess. Chart below for reference.

Next issue... I’d like to give these girls a period of darkness before chopping and I’m sure that A1 and A3 are both days away from being done and A1 may be done already trichs are almost all cloudy. (Could the autos have an effect on the water acid rain issue?)

I’ll upload some photos here in a few. Gotta get some dinner going for the lady and I.

@TurboBucket @West Hippie HELP! :lot-o-toke::goof:
Day 84 from seed

12 days from last update...

Things have been busy in the grow room to say the least.
A1 (auto) - fattened up some( not as much as expected but that’s okay) and continue to see small rust spots on some of the leaves.

A2 (photoperiod) - has really shown how much difference a photoperiod vs an auto can really produce. She is about 5 feet from one fat cola all the way across to the last one 4x5 width by length and about 2feet tall. I’ve yo-yo’d multiple branches down for a few days to open lower bud sites on the branches I monster cropped in the middle. Throwing the 2 x600watt hps lights has most likely helped significantly. She continues to impress me everyday I walk in the room.

A3 (auto) - has some very nice stacking and even/ fat cola growth throughout. Did some yo-yo’ing the same way with her to expose lower bud sights to light.

Now for the issues I’m experiencing... I’m using RO water with 8/0/16/4 (micro/gro/bloom/calmag plus) nute mix tds starts at about 1100 climbs up to 1300 now in the last 2 days. Ph was perfect at 6.1 and has plummeted to 5.45... and water level is dropping so I know they are drinking still... or at least A2 is... gonna do another res change but damn that’s a lot of nutes to dump... still like 30 gallons I’d guess. Chart below for reference.

Next issue... I’d like to give these girls a period of darkness before chopping and I’m sure that A1 and A3 are both days away from being done and A1 may be done already trichs are almost all cloudy. (Could the autos have an effect on the water acid rain issue?)

I’ll upload some photos here in a few. Gotta get some dinner going for the lady and I.

@TurboBucket @West Hippie HELP! :lot-o-toke::goof:
Chart is asking you lower the EC , it’s concentrating the nutrients using more water than nutrients leaving it acidic lowering the ph . Have you tried topping the reservoir off to the normal level with ro water then adjust the ph to 5.8 and check in the morning.
The acid rain phenomenon mentioned really only happens when your pumping a ton of air from a co2 enriched room into your buckets. Pretty rare.

Sounds like they are drinking faster than they are eating. Not uncommon at the tail end of the cycle. May try knocking down the EC with a little top off and see how they react.
Chart is asking you lower the EC , it’s concentrating the nutrients using more water than nutrients leaving it acidic lowering the ph . Have you tried topping the reservoir off to the normal level with ro water then adjust the ph to 5.8 and check in the morning.
I have done so in the past a few times and it seems to work out just crazy how much it’s been dropping it seems like. This is also my first time ever checking the water parameters so frequently. Thank you for the advice. :Namaste:
The acid rain phenomenon mentioned really only happens when your pumping a ton of air from a co2 enriched room into your buckets. Pretty rare.

Sounds like they are drinking faster than they are eating. Not uncommon at the tail end of the cycle. May try knocking down the EC with a little top off and see how they react.
That makes sense about the acid rain effect.. def not my problem. My 5 gallon diy co2 generator aim makin that much lol!

system is topped off and ph is just shy of 6.0, tds has dropped to around 1150. I’ll check in the AM and see what’s good.

And here are a few photos of the Ladies
Any input on pulling these autos from the rdwc system and giving them a dark period without disturbing the center lady?
Work time


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