2 Q's: Stretchy? How to help a very slow plant?


Well-Known Member
The THC Bomb and GDP are a couple inches tall now. The other THC Bomb is still the same – struggling to make it out of the dirt.

Any suggestions on what I can do to save the THC Bomb that's struggling?
Also, do the other two look ok or are they considered too stretchy?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

GDP_THC Bomb__05_06_2023_01.jpg

GDP_THC Bomb__05_06_2023_02.jpg

GDP_THC Bomb__05_06_2023_03.PNG
The THC Bomb and GDP are a couple inches tall now. The other THC Bomb is still the same – struggling to make it out of the dirt.

Any suggestions on what I can do to save the THC Bomb that's struggling?
Also, do the other two look ok or are they considered too stretchy?
As for the slow one... just wait a while.

For the other two, what you could do is transfer them in their jiffy pots to 1 gal pots. Bury the jiffy pots so that only about 1 inch of the stem is showing above the soil. Then make sure you have enough light on them. Let them get 1 ft to 18 in tall before transplanting to final pot size.
The other THC Bomb is still the same – struggling to make it out of the dirt.

Any suggestions on what I can do to save the THC Bomb that's struggling?
Also, do the other two look ok or are they considered too stretchy?
The other two are looking OK. That THC Bomb that is struggling is a different story.

Try to get it growing and transplant when it is ready which might not be the same as the two better ones. Compare how fast it grows compared to the other two. Compare the size of the plant and the leaves. Compare harvest quantity and quality.

Most likely it will grow slower, not get as tall and have a much smaller harvest quantity. Been there done that. In my case the plant that grew from a very late sprouting seed was one of the few that ever got a name. I called it The Runt.

And The Runt not only produced half of the quantity the other plants did, the quality was not there.

Anyway, grow it out. The experience is worth the effort and will go a long way towards learning when to toss slow growing plants in any future grows.
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