3 weeks flowering, 11 weeks total


New Member
Can anyone confirm sex? First time making it this far, feeling pretty good but would appreciate some feedback. Growing Jack Herrer in an apartment that's not totally condusive but I'm making the best of it. Been using 3 CFL bulbs since day one so was fighting some height issues but overall she seems healthy to me and has been growing like crazy lately. Started to get some white hairs about a week ago at the top and now seeing those in the middle where new branches are growing and taking shape. Been using Dyna-Gro Bloom nutrients once a week since I entered flowering stage.




3 CFLs isn't going to give you big buds. They will be larfy.

I flower under a dozen 23 watt CFL's, a mix of daylight and soft white. Then I add pairs of CFLs lower down to give the lower buds some light, too. If you are scrogging, you wont need the lower lights. There should be no shadowed areas when using CFL's. They just don't penetrate the canopy that well. So use as many as you can.

Later, upgrade to LEDs if your finances allow.
Can anyone confirm sex? First time making it this far, feeling pretty good but would appreciate some feedback. Growing Jack Herrer in an apartment that's not totally condusive but I'm making the best of it. Been using 3 CFL bulbs since day one so was fighting some height issues but overall she seems healthy to me and has been growing like crazy lately. Started to get some white hairs about a week ago at the top and now seeing those in the middle where new branches are growing and taking shape. Been using Dyna-Gro Bloom nutrients once a week since I entered flowering stage.





Kinda looks like a polyploid flower

Outdoor organics. Ohioboy With Fast Buds - Let's See How Fast Exactly
Seems like hermie. As said above pay attention to those ball shaped glands, a close photo would help.might be urgent, yhe sooner the better.
Hermies are result of some kind of shock normally.plant is trying to protect her race.
Pot size is too small, nute is abit weak, light is tooooo weak.and no training has been done.
As a first try its ok, but youd better take care of your ladies much better in the future.
Good luck :)
I found a number of good articles by googling on hermies and sexing. Anything from bad genetics to environmental shocks, to inconsistent light schedules can cause hermies in some strains.

You don't want to let those breed, as their offspring will also hermie. And THOSE offspring will be weak, not worth propagating.
I think from what i saw that bad genetics are to blame only when male organ formation preceds female organ formation, other cases of hermies are pure fault of the grower.at least as far as i have seen.
I think from what i saw that bad genetics are to blame only when male organ formation preceds female organ formation, other cases of hermies are pure fault of the grower.at least as far as i have seen.

Yes. I remember the article mentioned two types of hermies and how they manifest themselves. A true hermie is genetic, and the male and female organs appear where they usually do on separate sexes, not mingled toegether. The environmentally-produced hermies' sex organs appear in a clump, the pods growing in amongst the flowers.

And they don't need to be open to spread their pollen. As soon as you see a possible hermie you must remove it from the grow immediately!
Can anyone confirm sex? First time making it this far, feeling pretty good but would appreciate some feedback. Growing Jack Herrer in an apartment that's not totally condusive but I'm making the best of it. Been using 3 CFL bulbs since day one so was fighting some height issues but overall she seems healthy to me and has been growing like crazy lately. Started to get some white hairs about a week ago at the top and now seeing those in the middle where new branches are growing and taking shape. Been using Dyna-Gro Bloom nutrients once a week since I entered flowering stage.




I need closure did she finish growing?
Haha isnt the first or last time i wont get closure.. Im a fisrt time first plant grower and these forums help but it would also be nice to see the finished product
i just posted for the first time im 1 week into my flower stage and have no clue what im doing. Brilliant idea my dude im on that journal page...
Can u help me? I was hoping female the way it took off but now im worried... Male or female???


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