300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

Thanks for your response.

I appreciate that you took the time to do this and share it for all of us, make no mistake about that.

One thing of significance as I said before is IF they both had the same media problem and LED did better it sure would be interesting to know why. (LED rep?)

For whatever reason 4 were affected and 4 weren't, or, 4 were less affected?

For those that didn't catch it earlier, the media used was supposed to be ready to use and it wasn't, it needed to be flushed prior to use, or some of them did and some didn't? It's really hard to say.

Please refresh my memory, what was the temps and RH?


S :)

It's really OK with me if you think the grow is fundamentally flawed and discredit it, so I have no interest in proving anything to you or in spending energy convincing you otherwise ;).
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

Let me start, I totally get where you are coming from.

Was the experiment scientific? No, it was missing was a control group. But if you really want to "prove" anything you would have to go far beyond a 2nd grow to get any answers. It would take several grows, grows (with different bulb manufacturers and LED vendors) to produce enough usable and stable data (to compensate of unknown variables like the deficiency) to make a truly definitive decision on which will grow a better plant most efficiently.

In the end though, do we REALLY need to know without an ounce (no pun intended) of doubt which is better? Does one technology absolutely have to crush the other to prove it's worth? They both kicked ass.

What more could we have asked from such a wonderful comparison grow.

This grow is more than enough to prove that one can grow copious amounts of high quality cannabis with either LED or HPS. Beyond that is comes down to what system will work best for your needs, plain and simple.

My 2¢

Well said, brother! + reps to you!!
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

Well I thought it was a vary honest and a great comparison.Every thing was equal except the light.AWSOME JOB SS.Its guys like you that pute your time and expense to reveiw a product that helps others from getting ripped off or scamed as we all know there is only a percentage of these leds that even work.And even Irish boy and staffy and everone using one of these units its a big deal that you guys share with us your results because you know darn well most the manufacturers are going to feed us more false claims.And a big thanks to mike for his donations and proving his product and standing by it 4..100%
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

is there a good garden that i should look for, one that wont do harm to the plants or are they perposley for plants. i think my KALI is gonna need one, all the colas are bnding down abit, i think maybe this might be good for her. before u chop ur ladies down do u give them a 24 hr dark period. i was told of this and was wondering if u thought this is the thing to do? :) :grinjoint:

high staffy!

I'm not quite sure what you mean by a "good garden". Do you mean a grow tent?

I've been giving the plants 24-48 hour dark period before harvesting, but I've never done a side-by-side on that, so not sure how effective or important it is.

I think on my next grow, I'm going to try dogsnova's suggestion to use some clear incandescent bulbs for the last few days and see how that goes.

If you can elaborate a little on the question about the garden, I'll try to help you out.

thanks bro
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

have you ever heard of The Exhale- Homegrown CO2 Cultivator? do u know if they are any good? says it cultivates 20,000 ppm CO2 in a 5x5/ 4-6 plants.

hmmmmmm, those look interesting, but not sure how you would use one in a tent like mine because the exhaust fan has to stay on to keep temps down.

I guess if you were venting an HID hood independently of the tent you could use those, but how would you use one with an LED or T5, on non-vented HID hood?

If you have your tent in a sealed room maybe, but the website says it's good for 4-6 plants, so that sounds like a smaller space.
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

CO2 is necessary, and more to a point is good. Too much can kill everything. The only way makes sense to me is a closed/sealed room, and constant metered regulation. Problems are: the room commitment, and the cost of the meters & regs hookup. Once one accepts a cost like LEDs, a propa(I wish) computer controlled enviroment looks a lot more reasonable.

Here's a kick in my butt:
yes, I did notice some differences.

In fact, you reminded me of another difference I noticed between the buds when I was trimming them.

The aroma of the buds is basically the same, but the LED buds smelled stronger and my eyes actually watered when I was trimming them. Never had my eyes water before like that.

The LED scissor hash was better.

Stronger aroma, better taste, and the high was stronger, spacier, and lasted longer than the HID hash.
Does this end the discussion? Aye, if I can get a co-signer for a bank loan ;)
I mean, either you're exaggerating or any medicine light not LED, is silly or sad.
Or commercial...

IMO, the final yield difference if any, is second to better aroma/taste, and
third to stronger, spacier, longer lasting high :yummy:
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

CO2 is necessary, and more to a point is good. Too much can kill everything. The only way makes sense to me is a closed/sealed room, and constant metered regulation. Problems are: the room commitment, and the cost of the meters & regs hookup. Once one accepts a cost like LEDs, a propa(I wish) computer controlled enviroment looks a lot more reasonable.

I'm headed in that direction. Once my room is framed in, I'll start thinking about CO2 and automated environmental control.

Here's a kick in my butt:

Does this end the discussion? Aye, if I can get a co-signer for a bank loan ;)
I mean, either you're exaggerating or any medicine light not LED, is silly or sad.
Or commercial...

IMO, the final yield difference if any, is second to better aroma/taste, and
third to stronger, spacier, longer lasting high :yummy:

I'm not exaggerating.

The HID hash was good, but the LED was notably better.

After the buds have cured a few more days, I'll see how they compare.

I was surprised by the potency of the meds I grew with the lower-powered LED lights, and this grow helps to confirm that.
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

One request for setting sun. Would it be possible for you to seal your tent or at least turn off the fan with the spectra 300 with only circulation fans on just to see what the I internal temps will stabilize to. It would be very useful for those who grow in a sealed environment with co2. Help us get a baseline on how much ac will be needed.

Thanks for the late late nights read and all the effort on your side

you're very welcome!

I'd love to run that heat test for you, but I'm concerned as to it having some effect on the panel's lifespan.

Maybe Mike can let us know if that would be an issue or not. If he says it's OK, I'd be more than happy.
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

Ok, here's some root ball shots.

Both groups had beautiful root balls, and I'd be hard-pressed to comment on any differences.



The drying rack has done its job and all the buds are now curing in mason jars.


I think these meters read slightly high because the last time I used them, my buds got a bit drier than I like, so I'm going to try to stop the cure at around 63-65% instead of 60, which is what I took them down to on the last harvest.

It's raining again and really humid, so the cure is going slow, but I'm checking the jars often and haven't noticed any mold. I've been leaving the lids off the jars quite a bit because of the humid weather conditions. It should make for a great cure if I can prevent things from molding.

re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

SS you did a great job on this grow.

Where does one get those little meters for the curing jars? Those would be extremely handy.
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

I'm headed in that direction. Once my room is framed in, I'll start thinking about CO2 and automated environmental control.

I'm not exaggerating.

The HID hash was good, but the LED was notably better.

After the buds have cured a few more days, I'll see how they compare.

I was surprised by the potency of the meds I grew with the lower-powered LED lights, and this grow helps to confirm that.

I noticed a more potent result from my last vertical CMH grow - same strains I'd grown outdoors over the summer were much stronger when grown indoors with the 400 CMH bulb.

I'd guess that it's the spectrum that counts, not HID vs. LED.
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

I noticed a more potent result from my last vertical CMH grow - same strains I'd grown outdoors over the summer were much stronger when grown indoors with the 400 CMH bulb.

I'd guess that it's the spectrum that counts, not HID vs. LED.
Well. Fancy high-tech LEDs may have kicked HPS ass, but CMH still shines :)
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

High SS,


Thanks for the rootie kazootie shots... those girls had some healthy foundations :smokin:

I thought I remembered it was an all hempy grow... or just this one plant?

I thought it was very fair comparison so far, pretty get 'em ready, get 'em set, let 'em go. But the dry weight and smoke report are what I'm waiting for :)

re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

Well I thought it was a vary honest and a great comparison.Every thing was equal except the light.AWSOME JOB SS.Its guys like you that pute your time and expense to reveiw a product that helps others from getting ripped off or scamed as we all know there is only a percentage of these leds that even work.And even Irish boy and staffy and everone using one of these units its a big deal that you guys share with us your results because you know darn well most the manufacturers are going to feed us more false claims.And a big thanks to mike for his donations and proving his product and standing by it 4..100%

thank you turttle!

and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mike from GrowLEDHydro for very generously donating a Spectra 300 light for this grow.

It takes a *lot* of courage and confidence in their product for a vendor to put their reputation on the line like that, but after having used the Spectra 300 for two consecutive grows now, I can see why Mike was enthusiastic about doing this comparison.

I also appreciate Mike's confidence in me as regards keeping things equitable and fair between the two lights.

I'm one of the toughest critics I have, and I feel good as regards the validity of the results. I wish marijuana were legal so we could get a panel of judges together to sample the buds, but I'm certain that's in our future.

In the few communications I've had with Mike, he has been gracious, courteous and responsive, and just generally seems to be good folk.

I would limit my comments to strictly the product, but it's rare these days to encounter business people who run a tight ship, so kudos to Mike at GrowLEDHydro!
re: GrowLEDHydro 300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration

high staffy!

I'm not quite sure what you mean by a "good garden". Do you mean a grow tent?

I've been giving the plants 24-48 hour dark period before harvesting, but I've never done a side-by-side on that, so not sure how effective or important it is.

I think on my next grow, I'm going to try dogsnova's suggestion to use some clear incandescent bulbs for the last few days and see how that goes.

If you can elaborate a little on the question about the garden, I'll try to help you out.

thanks bro

im sorry i meant good garden tap to rap around the bottom of my kali mist to help support the buds? only two colas have needed support so i put the bamboo sticks and tied them to it, but i dont like the fact im stickin bamboo stick in my soil, maybe damaging roots. im stickin them in on the sides.
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