Almost busted but got away!


New Member
So I just finished playing basketball with 5 of my friends down at a court in a town 5 minutes from the village I live in. (The village is actually in the town its really weird but both together are very small about 500 people) I go to leave around 9pm when it was getting dark and said good bye to all my friends. I see a police officer rollin by like normal and I didnt think anything of it as usual and I hoped into my dads truck to go on home. I had about 1 gram of weed on me but I drive very careful and was not stoned at all so I did not think anything of it at the time.
It all began as I got to the middle of the hill leaving the courts where there is a stop sign because there is a main highway that runs through the main hill leaving the town. I see the officer sitting in the middle of the highway waiting for my to proceed on through.... I sat there for about a good minute waiting for him to move and yes there was a car behind him.... So I waved to him for letting me go ahead of him and sure enough he pulls right after me with no directional of course....
So at this point I am heading up the hill to the first of my 3 turns to my house. I used my directional about 300ft before the stop sign lol.... pulled out onto the main street of my town where he continued following me and tailgating me and not using his directional.
I than turned onto a road leading to my house which was the second of my three turns which I again used my directional WELLLLLL before the turn. So at the end of this road is my final turn and than it is straight to my house so again I use my directional WELLLLLL before it.... So I turn go up another hill leading to my house and sure enough he pulls me over....
So here is where I will tell you about this cop that pulled me over. He has been in my town for 2 years now and has a record arrest rate most of them getting thrown out of court. He has abused his power and made quite a name for himself as the most feared police officer in this small town... What an accomplishment.... He has had a run in with many of my friends and I know the stories about him very well.... Another fact is that my family has lived in this small town for well over 150 years....
Back to the stop.... He pulls me over and asks for my DL and insurance. I told him this is my dads truck and I will have to look for the stuff I was sorry if it will take a second... Gave him my insurance and explained to him I was playing basketball and have been misplacing my wallet and phone alot lately so I did not carry it on me but my house was about 100ft from where he stopped me so he could follow me there if hed like.... He comes back with my stuff and the FIRST QUESTION he asks me is "When is the last time you smoked marijuana....?" I almost laughed because I know WELL ahead of time what he was up to... I told him I never smoked marijuana in my life and had no idea why he would ask me this. He told me that he knew me and my friends were up to know good and hes been watching us....
So at this point I am getting pretty aggravated and start to raise my voice demanding why I have been pulled over.... Well here is his reason... I did not put my directional on within 100ft of a stop sign... I erupted and started screaming that he didnt follow any traffic laws whatsoever when he was following me and I was watching him the entire time.
He told me to get out of the truck very rudely. So I stepped out of truck and he asked me if I had anything illegal on me or in the truck and I told him absolutely not and he could search me all he wants. He than asks me if he could take a look inside the truck and here is where he made his mistake....
From reading this website and studying the law I told him one simple word.... NO. I told him this was my dads truck and he was not going to search it. He could search me all he wants but this is my dads property not mine and I respect him more than any man alive and would never allow anyone to search his truck. (The weed was in his truck... stupid me I know)
He than used what all police officers say.... "If you have nothing to hide why cant I search the truck?"
I again became very angry and told him he had no right and I am not just some average punk kid and I study the law in my free time. He told me that he had all the right in the world to search the truck. So I than asked him if this was all being recorded because I want to use it in court when I go. He told me of course it is I record everything I am an officer of the law and blah blah blah. So he tells me to get in the truck and continues to drill me about how I am up to no good and me and him both know theres something in the truck and if I just let him search it he would find nothing and I would be on my way.
I told him I wasnt that stupid and I have the upmost respect for the law and that they put their lives on the line everyday which is true and everybody here knows that regardless of how dirty they are. So after I told him this he told me that he was watching me and all my friends. Throughout the whole arrest he said I was acting nervous and my temper was rising which I kept telling him was true because I was being pulled over by the god damned 5-0 kid. I was so pissed off but I kept my cool told him I would calm down. He again told me I was up to no good for about the 4th time and he just walked away and told me he was not going to write me a ticket for not using my directional within 100ft of the stop sign....
I went home and smoked a fucking FATTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

So the moral of my story is PLEASE JUST SAY NO WHEN THEY WANT TO SEARCH YOUR VEHICLE JUST SAY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. And dont be like me and get all riled up just say you would like a lawyer if they are charging you with anything if not than could you please just leave. This whole incident lasted about an hour it was a lonnnnng argument and a lot of emotion went into getting out of this. My mood went from apologetic to raging to respectful it was just insane. This cop DOES NOT let people go free I am telling you this cop is a vigilante and has pulled over a lot of respectful people in my small town so this was a big accomplishment for me lol.... I will be walking from here on out and thank you to anyone who reads this long ass story hopefully you get something out of it I needed to let this go somehow and here is the perfect place I thought.... Smoke alll dayyyy

If they ask why you wont submit to a vehicle search, just answer "Because you asked, sir."
Haha nice story, if I can share mine...

I am smoking with my buddy in my car, in my dorm parking lot on campus at my university (we all do stupid stuff....). Well, after we are done, i put my pipe and sack back into my handy dandy carrying bag, get out of the car and walk toward the front entrance of my dorm. I hear someone say, "Hey guys come back here!" I turn around and see this 6 foot black guy with POLICE written on his chest. I start thinking, this will be fun since i have my sack and pipe right in my hand. Having no choice, I turn around and walk towards him, positioning a SUV in between me and him to block his vision of me, very smoothly (years of experience of smoking gives you this kind of smoothness) I set my handy dandy bag onto the SUV rear bumper and continue walking towards him. When I get to him, he asks "what is this?" and points to ANOTHER sack of weed laying on the ground. I am completely dumbfounded and remain silent. My buddy says it was is, is arrested and hauled off. Meanwhile, 3 more squad cars show up. They ask to search my car, i reply, "I do not consent to any searches." He calls his buddy up with the canine, it scratches on my car and they find a bong in the trunk in my hidden compartment (that i did NOT just smoke out of mind you) and give me a ticket for paraphernalia. They also found one of those freezer bags that just had 2 ounces in it about 4 hours beforehand.

I then went inside, chilled out for 20 min, went back out, grabbed my sack, and called up my buddies and smoked them all out with that sack and told the story still fresh on my mind hahaha

Long story short, saying "NO" only works if they have no prior suspicion of you in possession of illegal substances.
Haha nice story, if I can share mine...

I am smoking with my buddy in my car, in my dorm parking lot on campus at my university (we all do stupid stuff....). Well, after we are done, i put my pipe and sack back into my handy dandy carrying bag, get out of the car and walk toward the front entrance of my dorm. I hear someone say, "Hey guys come back here!" I turn around and see this 6 foot black guy with POLICE written on his chest. I start thinking, this will be fun since i have my sack and pipe right in my hand. Having no choice, I turn around and walk towards him, positioning a SUV in between me and him to block his vision of me, very smoothly (years of experience of smoking gives you this kind of smoothness) I set my handy dandy bag onto the SUV rear bumper and continue walking towards him. When I get to him, he asks "what is this?" and points to ANOTHER sack of weed laying on the ground. I am completely dumbfounded and remain silent. My buddy says it was is, is arrested and hauled off. Meanwhile, 3 more squad cars show up. They ask to search my car, i reply, "I do not consent to any searches." He calls his buddy up with the canine, it scratches on my car and they find a bong in the trunk in my hidden compartment (that i did NOT just smoke out of mind you) and give me a ticket for paraphernalia. They also found one of those freezer bags that just had 2 ounces in it about 4 hours beforehand.

I then went inside, chilled out for 20 min, went back out, grabbed my sack, and called up my buddies and smoked them all out with that sack and told the story still fresh on my mind hahaha

Long story short, saying "NO" only works if they have no prior suspicion of you in possession of illegal substances.

Damn that sounds like a horrible situation man you did the best you could though. Yes "No" only does work with no prior suspicion which blows....Thankfully I did not smoke and luckily I live in a small town with no canine units! They just tear apart your car and when I say tear apart they on the spot rip the entire car to shreads. When my friend and me got pulled over one time (he was driving) and he said yes to a search of his truck (weed was on him not in the truck they didnt search him which was very wierd) they literally tore his truck apart. They ripped apart the dash, broke his glove compartment and ripped his seats because he had seat covers on them and the cops said they cover the seats anyways so what is the big deal.... I never saw anything like it in my life...
Sadly enough the best part of the night was putting his truck back together after they left... and then smoking a FAT blunt of the weed that they didnt find and man was that one hell of a blunt hahah
Lesson one never smoke while in a vehicle !!!!!
Lesson two never bring more than you can eat or dispose of
lesson three never forget your a target
lesson four never forget the lessons
Lesson 5 : YES SIR, NO SIR .... to everything but direct questions or a search.. that is lesson 6

Lesson 6 : No, you cannot search my vehicle without a warrant.

If coppa' gets warrant :

Lesson 7 : I want my lawyer, now. I have no further comment.

Had something like this happen to me not that long ago, got pulled over for not signaling a turn soon enough. He wanted to search my car.... they always say can I have a look around or something like that. They won't say 'may I search your car?'. I had a pipe and 2-3 grams in the car.

I'm sorry sir, I'll never consent to any searches without a warrant.

They'll ask you why you won't consent.... I think they all go to the same training or watch the same vids.

Sir I value my constitutional rights and won't ever give them up voluntarily. My grandfather gave his life for our rights.

Ok that part about my grandfather is a lie but they'll never know that.

He didn't like that one bit but there was nothing he could do. He called another cop, they peered into my car all they could, nothing was in sight.

Another note - when they ask you to exit your vehicle, get out and close and lock your door immediately, make sure you have your key. If they get you out of the car, they'll call you to the back usually, and if you leave your door open they won't let you go back to close it. They still can't search it without consent but they can see/smell much better if it's open.

He told me I seemed nervous, which of course I was. I told him I was unused to being pulled over so of course I was a little nervous. He asked if they got a dog would it detect anything... no sir. If he gave me a breathalyzer would it show anything... no sir. WTF it was 10am, we'd been talking for 20 mins or more, he could tell I hadn't been drinking and wasn't impaired in any way.

They push you and push you and push you, and in my case they had no reason to be suspicious. It was a bullshit traffic stop, I'm not a young kid, my hair was short, I wasn't high, etc.

Be prepared in advance to deal with this... if you're not you'll make mistakes and could end up seriously hurting yourself.

There's a great youtube video on what to do if your busted, luckily I had watched it so I had some idea of what to do. It helped save my ass, cause I could just see myself saying 'ok' when he asked if I minded him 'taking a look'.

And try very hard to stay calm. If you're upset and start in on the cop it won't get better, it will get worse. They can arrest you for almost anything they can think of. That's not what you want.
I was told that the response to a request to search is,
"NO, I prefer to keep my constitutional rights intact."

When they ask the nothing to hide question, "Sir, respectfully I disagree with your opinion, I will not consent to any search, period."

You see they still have the plain sight rule & the dog sniff test around your get probable cause, but at this point you have a preliminary objection on evidence intact for when you get "rick-rolled and stomped"
man, :Rasta:just do what I do, tell them you have a web cam in your car and it is being streamed to thousands of users, and being recorded.
They will be honorable and right because they know they are being recorded.
I recommend that ALL OF US get or use a laptop with a solid state drive, an air card from Verizon or sprint, or a cell phone that has shared modem capabilities, (again from verizon or sprint because CDMA internet is so much more stable and constant compared to AT&T), and a two or higher meg usb web cam, (I think they are even up to 8 meg cmos nowdays, but a 3.2 meg one is at right now for $49), so anything above 2 meg, verizon or sprint internet, a laptop, and a free streaming website looking for news and drama, and you have a recorded copy of your incident, and proof that you are innocent, if you are wise and let the dumb cops think they are gods and let them HANG THEMSELVES, then after you are sure you got some good evidence built up against these want-to-be gods, then, and only then, do the wise inform the cops that they are on a live broadcast and anything they might have done wrong during the arrest was just watched and recorded by thousands of viewers, and then they will be YOUR bitch!
vehicle dash cam - one reason why i have one of these =] you can never be too careful.. all kinds of creative insurance scams out there in addition. this way you can protect yourself vs both!

i once got pulled over on the way home from college, with a bunch of art supplies in the back. hadnt smoked and didnt have any pot on me. i unfortunately had 2 concurrent suspensions on my license, and was unaware that i needed driving privs for both. i had privs for one and thought it worked for both. my mistake there.

anyway, they started searching my truck while i was in the back of the squad car without asking. arrest is probable cause i guess. they were looking for meth and ecstasy. they kept asking me where it was, and they said they would take my car back to the station and the drug dogs would tear the hell out of the seats. i calmly replied, "i certainly hope they dont, because when you don't find anything, the city will be paying for my new interior." they probably didnt like that response, because when i got my car back, i noticed they had cracked all my expensive pencils, charcoals, and pastels in half for no reason.

good logic huh? ruin someone's educational supplies when you dont find drugs.
you prolly looking mad shady at the park. lol j/k man thats mad creepy he is just stalking you and your friends. The cops where I am at are just as bad. Ill be driving down a street at night, a cop was coming from my left at an intersection , he stopped in the middle of it and shined his spot light at me for a good 3 minutes before pulling off. And when i do get pulled over i go through hell trying to prove im not high... and most of the time im actually sober when it happens
I recommend that ALL OF US get or use a laptop with a solid state drive, an air card from Verizon or sprint, or a cell phone that has shared modem capabilities, (again from verizon or sprint because CDMA internet is so much more stable and constant compared to AT&T), and a two or higher meg usb web cam, (I think they are even up to 8 meg cmos nowdays, but a 3.2 meg one is at right now for $49), so anything above 2 meg, verizon or sprint internet, a laptop, and a free streaming website looking for news and drama, and you have a recorded copy of your incident, and proof that you are innocent, if you are wise and let the dumb cops think they are gods and let them HANG THEMSELVES, then after you are sure you got some good evidence built up against these want-to-be gods, then, and only then, do the wise inform the cops that they are on a live broadcast and anything they might have done wrong during the arrest was just watched and recorded by thousands of viewers, and then they will be YOUR bitch!

Even though I fully agree with you on this concept, be careful of recording police with audio and video in certain states. I know there is a handful of states that have passed laws that make recording the police illegal...I believe it falls under wiretapping laws... So be careful if you do record the police...make sure of your laws in your state...
Assert your rights with LEOs

DO NOT get aggressive with LEOs (verbally or physically)

Argue with the judge, not the LEO.

Remember at the scene, they are the ones with all the control. You do have rights, and the obligation to ASSERT them. But their power and control comes from a night stick, tazer, pepper spray, a gun, and "The Thin Blue Line."

Always remember that just like in a deposition or on the witness stand you have only three answers to all questions - "yes, sir", "no, sir" and "I don't recall, sir."

Never argue with the judge, either. You can be incarcerated for contempt of court even if you're found innocent of the charge that got you in court in the first place.

You're fight is with the prosecution, not the judge. (But you're right about not fighting with the police, either. That's most often a losing game, lol.)
you prolly looking mad shady at the park. lol j/k man thats mad creepy he is just stalking you and your friends. The cops where I am at are just as bad. Ill be driving down a street at night, a cop was coming from my left at an intersection , he stopped in the middle of it and shined his spot light at me for a good 3 minutes before pulling off. And when i do get pulled over i go through hell trying to prove im not high... and most of the time im actually sober when it happens

Haahah ya a couple sweaty guys playing basketball is pretty creepy if you ask me :p But ya man they are straight up creepers. They just drive maddddddddd slow and stare at us. I would love to just one time stop what I am doing and just slowly start at them too while they are driving by... Would be so funny.

I love all the tips and stories out there haha. The lessons are sooo legit and key to getting out of your situation. Follow them haha.:420:
Never rely on the law to protect you. If a cop wants you he will get you, period. Too easy to plant evidence and lie in the court. Recording certainly helps your case but cops turn recorders off all the time. Until we reinstitute the Bill of Rights we are all in danger.
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