Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

New pics, since I didn't take a side picture yesterday.



Providing the rest of the grow goes well like it is now, without any further problems, I think I should see at least 2 ounces from this plant. Maybe 3 if I'm lucky, and stretch goes crazy.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Awesome stuff man. Very good looking girl.

Oi, how high up is your panel? I'm trying to work out if 80cm/ 31.5" is close or far enough. The girls don't seem upset about it(yet). ;)


Thanks man, she's not perfect yet, but she's doing great compared to a few weeks ago. I kept my panel around 24" 60cm for the first half of Veg, then 18" 45cm through the second half.

Currently on day 6 of flower. Closest top right now is about 16" 40cm from the LED panel, and no signs of burn/bleaching/etc..

A while back when I was having my PH/deficiency problems, I thought maybe the light was too close, so I moved it, far. I think at one point I was almost 36" 90cm above the plants, and had no issues. Just lower it slowly until you're comfortable with the height, and of course, the girls enjoy it too.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

I'm going to update this again.

A while back (on page 16), someone had some pretty nasty comments to say about my grow, and my choice of light specifically (which is from one of our sponsors, Mars-Hydro/TopLED)

Here's what he said:
Hi mate. The only thing you should learn from this grow is that this cheap shitty chinese led panel is crap and there is no way to grow smthing ONLY with this and if u do, will be for 0.5 ounce. Have you thought that maybe is not too intense but too weak or even wrong spectrum? cause i am sure thats the case. i know it's hard for your ego to admit that you tossed 100$ for nothing, but do it and move on. Add your cfl lamps and keep the led at 20'', do what u know and what u did the previous time and you' ll be fine. if you want led, try something more expensive, mars II and above. Good luck

i don't think that i insulted you and didn't have such purposes. Eveybody make bad choices like you at this led. I didn't know you are too sensitive, kid. i just said my opinion. i have seen this panel in action and know it's shit and it's good only as supplemental light. Don't take it personal. I know you can do much better with the cfls. Equanimity, i was not replying to you but to Antics effort.

I don't care to introduce myself because i just signed in to tell you my opinion from my experience with this panel, because i see you are losing your time. I had never nute def, the growth was as it should green and nice, all in check but the plant was growing slow. Again, don't take it personal. i dont know you. Some people are making fun of you and you don't even realize it.. Are you a rocket scientist to know that this led is good and strong and how are you so sure you can have good yields? Again, my opinion. I don't give a shit if this light is from forum sponsor.

And I'll admit, I was pretty pissed off about this. But I kept on doing my best.. In the end, I lost Big Bang, but was able to keep Strawberry Blue alive. It took a while to figure out my problem was a PH issue, due to a cheap/faulty meter.

So this is what I had to look at every day:

And it really gets to you some days. There's only so much Sativa can do to cheer you up when you're watching your grow go down the tubes. I kept thinking how badly I wanted to prove this guy wrong.. .5 ounce? Fuck.. I know I can beat that. But at the time, it didn't seem like it was going to be easy.

But I have nothing to lose on the grow, and plenty more seeds to start over.

So fast forward to today. Am I still annoyed at that guy? A little.. but I'll tell you one thing, when harvest time comes I'm going to be laughing my ass off. I passed .5 ounce a long time ago. The plant currently has a 22" 57.5cm spread, and the pictures will say the rest for me.





Will it be the biggest plant? Not at all, and not even close. But it's definitely going to be MY biggest so far, and quite possibly yield more than both plants combined from my last grow (which was a little over 3 ounces)

And this is only day 6 of flower.

I'm not writing all this to pat myself on the back and show off how amazing I do things. I'm more modest than that... until someone challenges me. :)
But the reason I'm writing all this, is so anyone out there, who's thinking of giving up on a plant, or giving up on growing, knows, and can see that things can change for the better. It's really difficult to keep going sometimes, when you look at sick plants that look like they could die any time now, but if it might die, you have nothing to lose by trying to save it.

This is only my third grow, and if I can do it, anyone else can too. It just takes determination.

Just do your best, at all times, and listen to advice from these other growers here. The things they do with Cannabis is nothing short of amazing, and without them, and all the growers before them, I wouldn't know what I do now, and my plant most likely wouldn't have survived.

So thank you... to all of you. And keep on growing brothers and sisters.

And for anyone curious, this plant will be used to make a batch of oil for my dog, who is 13 now, has some joint pain, and some tumors that the vet didn't want to risk surgery on.

So I'm hoping for a nice healthy yield.

:Namaste: And thanks to anyone who made it this far in reading!
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Well said Antics. Nothing speaks louder than success.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Well put Antics. The plants look like they have recovered quite well and are moving towards a great flowering time. As for toplight LED's this is my second grow with my 96 x 3 light and I hit 5oz with it and I'm pretty happy.

Keep up the great work, your an inspiration for the rest of us that struggle sometimes keeping our plants alive through the tough bits.
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Quick update again.

No new problems. Runoff was 5.9 today. She seems happy, which makes me happy.
Calcium spotting doesn't appear to be spreading or appearing on any new leaves.

Nutes were fed but not precisely measured. I'm getting nutes down to the number of eyedroppers full, opposed to measuing ml. 5 droppers of bloom, 4 of micro, 4 of grow (which works out to roughly 5ml/gal grow/micro, 7-8ml/gal bloom), plus 1.5 tsp CalMag.

Every few days I would defol dying, or damaged leaves. All the worst leaves are gone now, so I remove 3-5 somewhat bad/minor damage leaves every few days now.



And the main top appears to have received some minor LED damage. I don't have any pests that I've seen, or know of, so I can only assume this is because the top was allowed to grow too close to the LED (which was about 14"/ 32cm)


OH! I can't believe I almost forgot this... I am finally seeing tiny calyxes and pistils appear on the 4 largest outside tops. It's like the final sign that she's telling me she's happy again :)

Other than that, I have nothing new or exciting to report, but I am VERY happy with my TopLED/Mars hydro panel.

Thanks for stopping by, keep it green, and stay healthy and happy my friends. :Namaste:
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

WooHoo! What you posted is Very True! Experiencing problems in growing is by FAR the Best way to Becoming a Skilled Grower.

Hehehe... at this rate... your going PRO!

McFreakingAwesome Job Antics! WooHoo!
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

WooHoo! What you posted is Very True! Experiencing problems in growing is by FAR the Best way to Becoming a Skilled Grower.

Hehehe... at this rate... your going PRO!

McFreakingAwesome Job Antics! WooHoo!

LOL thanks brother, although I don't think I'm close to pro yet, but I have some decent experience, from my own grows, and from reading the experiences that other growers have shared here on 420 Mag.

But that's exactly why I like to help when I can, and see new growers save a plant, instead of give up and start over. There's so much to learn about horticulture from growing Cannabis.

However, my problem, is that I'm stubborn and hate having to ask for help, so I always try to figure things out on my own, which in this case worked, but 1 plant ended up dying.

But in a way, it worked out better... there wouldn't be room for 2 plants of this size in the closet. I'm just hoping to see a really nice yield. I'm hoping for about 3 ounces, but I have my fingers crossed for 4oz :Namaste:
re: Antics Perpetual Learning Experience

Dude, what does a Cal Mag deficiency look like out of LED light? White?
It's surely not what I'm dealing with with my Choco is it?

Happy Friday, Antics and all.


Cal and Mag are two different deficiencies, but people tend to lump them together, due to the availability of ONE product to fix them both.

Calcium will show up as random brown spots.

Magnesium usually shows up as lightening green/yellow between the veins of the leaflets, but the veins stay green.

This post has a more detailed explanation, with pictures for both deficiencies, as Magnesium deficiencies can show up in different ways: Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

I'll head over to your journal in a bit and take a look. Have a good weekend brother.
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