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Just so you can see them here they are
still think these 5 week old plants neglected.. The 2 little ones are a week and like 2.5 weeks old... And i know i topped way to soon on little l.a. i was experimenting with stress. But if neglect is still the concensus how would i not neglect them anymore.. I check ph 2 ,3, times a day if i can i res change everyweek on the nose. I was using fox farms 3 part now im using foxfarms gringo rasta nutes. 18 hour light cycle on a 1200w led. In a 5x5x8 tent. (Have more lights and co2 waiting for flower) so confused as to what i can do to fix it.. Also been added cal mag for a couple weeks now
Did this fall to far back or does no one have a clue? The only thing close to an answer was neglect but i really dont think that was the issue ,...anyone?
Man i have posted this issue on several journals my buddies pat999 and imtoasteds and my own no one knows... Calcium and ph are what keeps coming up... Im about to dump her res and fill it full of calmag...lmao could this possible be some pest i know nothing of.. I looked around didnt see anything...
Did this fall to far back or does no one have a clue? The only thing close to an answer was neglect but i really dont think that was the issue ,...anyone?
It looks to be over watered leaves a drooping but the stems a really standing up let her dry out quick like either put on a heating pad and fans blowing onto the soil see if that helps and try to hold of on direct sunlight to the plant till she starts to heal otherwise it will burn the plant and turn it into a limp dying mess good luck hope that helps and also you should check for pH issues check you pH run off wate
I totally meant to mention that... Ph should be checked first always... If it's out of range your babies cannot absorb the proper nutes. Lol totally should have suggested that first! Glad to hear you figured it out tho. Totally could go under your led. If there's a veg switch is start it with just that at 3 to 4 ft from babe. Should be good even w.o veg switch just start far away, watch for stretch, and adjust accordingly best of luck!

Damn dude your the shit the only prob I worry about is that I have to keep my door closed due to my dog eating everything so when my tent is shut I run exhaust fan and Intake fan and the exhaust gets put in my room and makes my room hot so then the Intake just sucks up the hot air that's getting put out so I don't want it to get super hot maybe this weekend I'll test it and see how hot it gets with the door closed. And last night I switched from the warm humidifier Tk the cold one and will keep conscious effort to keep it filled rn the humidity is about 55 percent I know people say 60-70 but if I do that the water will run out before I get home so I keep it less but it keeps a humid time for longer also one last question would you recommend that I add cal mag or just use seaweed extract I seem to see a lot of people using it when they have seedlings
It looks to be over watered leaves a drooping but the stems a really standing up let her dry out quick like either put on a heating pad and fans blowing onto the soil see if that helps and try to hold of on direct sunlight to the plant till she starts to heal otherwise it will burn the plant and turn it into a limp dying mess good luck hope that helps and also you should check for pH issues check you pH run off wate

its a hydro setup... i doubt if its under- or overwatering ...
to me it looks like P deficiency ... but Ca is also a candidate usually Ca deficiency starts with tiny pinprick brown spots and evolves in bigger spots when they grow into each other ...
Ca is most likely as that only starts to get absorbed at 5.8 and below in a hydro setup so hydro really needs perfect ph
It looks to be over watered leaves a drooping but the stems a really standing up let her dry out quick like either put on a heating pad and fans blowing onto the soil see if that helps and try to hold of on direct sunlight to the plant till she starts to heal otherwise it will burn the plant and turn it into a limp dying mess good luck hope that helps and also you should check for pH issues check you pH run off wate
Those are hydro buckets...not soil lol. Should have mentioned it but i figured you guys would see. And my ph is stable. The droop could be from me pushing them down several times a day
its a hydro setup... i doubt if its under- or overwatering ...
to me it looks like P deficiency ... but Ca is also a candidate usually Ca deficiency starts with tiny pinprick brown spots and evolves in bigger spots when they grow into each other ...
Ca is most likely as that only starts to get absorbed at 5.8 and below in a hydro setup so hydro really needs perfect ph
P is where i was at too!!! My ph is usually between 5.5. And 6.2. And p is absorbed at low ph right? And doesnt calium start on newer growth not older growth? So should i ph down to like 5.2?
Im scared to fuck with the ph too much because ph fluctuation scars look alot like the problem im having. Bit my ph is stable so idk... Scared to make a move. But i will if you pros give me the green light its going down (ph that is). Im here to learn! So were at ph flux, cal(still possible i guess) or p. Im gonna drop a banana in the res.. Jk lmao
From bag seed, very hot climate. Pistols seem to have disappeared this week while waiting for them to amber.

Should I pull and dry now and is this what it looks like when they hermie?
Thank you all! Heartbroken FL girl

Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see male flowers, nanners or seed pods on the buds, so to me it doesn't look like a hermie. The photos are not close in enough to see the trichomes to determine if it's ready to harvest, but based on the amount of white pistils, I'd guess you've still got a little ways to go.

Nice looking plant...and interesting that mostly all I can see are 3-finger leaves.

Is my first and just a bag seed experiment. Thank you so much! The pistol started disappearing and it look like bananas on the bottoms of the Bud sell it seem like it was changing I'll hang in there and wait
Quick question is this light okay to use for plant lighting
Yes but much more ideal for flowering you want a 6500k for veg. Or 5000k or higher at least. But definitely worth using for flower!!!
Yeah if you have 10 more....
No I don't have 10 more man kind of poor at the moment in making do with what I have. What I'm using it for is a clipping that I took yesterday that I'm trying to get roots on hopefully by the time it goes into the soil I will have the funds to get a few LED lights maybe even a tent
No I don't have 10 more man kind of poor at the moment in making do with what I have. What I'm using it for is a clipping that I took yesterday that I'm trying to get roots on hopefully by the time it goes into the soil I will have the funds to get a few LED lights maybe even a tent
And my favorite saying is there ain't no Nation like donation. Everything helps even a smile lol
Mike i would suggest that bulb in conjunction with a 5000 to 6500k cfl. The soft white will offer a little xtra heat, great for your cutting of you have a little dome (easily made from a 2 liter bottle). My seedlings are under 1 20 watt 5000k with a little 2700k(soft white) on either side until my 6500k arrives. 4 pack on Am@zon of 23w Phillips for 9- 10 bucks. Perfect until your able to get your LED. Hope this helps. Best of luck.

Mike i would suggest that bulb in conjunction with a 5000 to 6500k cfl. The soft white will offer a little xtra heat, great for your cutting of you have a little dome (easily made from a 2 liter bottle). My seedlings are under 1 20 watt 5000k with a little 2700k(soft white) on either side until my 6500k arrives. 4 pack on Am@zon of 23w Phillips for 9- 10 bucks. Perfect until your able to get your LED. Hope this helps. Best of luck.

Hey thanks a lot for the advice bro and yes I already done the Dome out of the 2-liter pop bottle and actually I used a cup with a lid and it has a hole for the straw that I put the flipping into I popped off the lid today and I think I noticed too little what looks to be like maybe root starting to protrude fingers crossed
Quick question is this light okay to use for plant lighting
Mike you can grow with them but its allot of work they have to be as close as possible to the buds in flower i currently run 8 of them with 2 58w 5 foot tubes which also have to be quite close .You end up having to move and adjust lights daily and i dont think it compares to Led or now cob leds

I know its cheap but if you have a little more cash rather go for LED or HPS if you can deal with heat

You can check my setup in my sig but i also will be switching to led asap

Oh yhea and the bulbs need to be in the correct spectrum for each stage of growth 6000k/cool white for VEG and 2700 or 3000k /warm white for Flower

My tubes i run the daylight tubes all through the grow but would recommend switching to warm white one

Hope this helps
. From Africa
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