Auto Growers Unite: A Community Thread

How old are your plants? Is it too late to transplant? If you're going to use peat moss, I would recommend mixing it with either coir or compost.

They are about 33 days old. I don't know if transplanting is an option? Is it? Im not a huge fan of the peat it seems to take to long to dry out. I'm basing my watering schedule on when the pot feels super lite. It seems like it takes a long time for them to dry and requires a lot of water to get any drain out. If the problem is overwatering would they not have bounced back by now?
Thanks all who helped out I honestly do appreciate the help.
I have no idea what flower power nutes are, but are you familiar with NPK and the different proportions needed for different stages of growth? Also, don't feed every time you water, maybe every third time just give plain water and make sure the ph is between 6 and 7.

that's s digram of recommend use for flower power in diffrent stages of growth
here's the sweet tooth auto by barneys farm. around day 11 now and it looks as if it's topped itself !!!

also an amnesia haze auto from royal queen seeds and a critical kush auto from barneys farm


how long do yall wait till you start feeding nutes? obviously usual photo periods I start around 2 weeks or after the first top but autos I'm not sure. sorry for the nub questions I am a long time grower but autos are very very new to me and would rather not throw money at seeds to waste them (especially seeing autos are almost Double the price of photos!)
Thanks. But see I already have 2 planted
so that's why I was concerned about lighting. But that's I'll definitely go back and do some research but I at least want these two to make it to harvest and feel accomplished of my first grow
I would say get hold of Mars hydro and ask them what they can do for you. Imo for the price you pay its the best quality. perfect sun leds are much much better but prices obviously are higher.
I would say get hold of Mars hydro and ask them what they can do for you. Imo for the price you pay its the best quality. perfect sun leds are much much better but prices obviously are higher.
I would hate to say this but I'm going to say it anyways. I have had mars hydro lights before and I got rid of them pretty quickly. I have been using cheap Chinese lights and they are out performing the mars hydro lights by far, just food for thought
I would hate to say this but I'm going to say it anyways. I have had mars hydro lights before and I got rid of them pretty quickly. I have been using cheap Chinese lights and they are out performing the mars hydro lights by far, just food for thought
demonic is right there are leds that will most definitely destroy marshydro leds but for customer service ect I've found they are the best especially for beginners :)
demonic is right there are leds that will most definitely destroy marshydro leds but for customer service ect I've found they are the best especially for beginners :)
They are awesome but I have a no questions asked policy with them for 2 years. I have a problem, I take a pic, and they send a new one. I even get to keep the broken unit. Lol
They are awesome but I have a no questions asked policy with them for 2 years. I have a problem, I take a pic, and they send a new one. I even get to keep the broken unit. Lol
is this marshydro you're talking about ? I've heard mixed reviews on the fixing of led units. sometimes they seem to be all for it when other times people literally go more out of pocket fixing the light then they did buying the thing !
Ok so it was pretty nice out the other day so I set my autos outside to get some fresh air and true light and she got sun burned. She still pretty young need some help to pull her through it .
Here's a few of my autos. First up are double potted train wrecks. Shortly after I topped them, I put them in the big tent and didn't think to adjust my fan. They had wind burn and were stunted something fierce. They're probably a week or two away from flush.


Next up is a Pineapple Express. It didn't take kindly to being topped and went into flower. As disappointing as it is, this'll be another low yield plant.


Last up is my best looking plant yet. She and my pxpress were planted at the same time and have been grown under the same conditions, however this white widow EXPLODED after being topped and trained. As well as she's performed under the lst, I'm wondering if autos are even worth topping.


She's a monster! At least from my tent. She and the pineapple were planted on 3/19.

Here's a few of my autos. First up are double potted train wrecks. Shortly after I topped them, I put them in the big tent and didn't think to adjust my fan. They had wind burn and were stunted something fierce. They're probably a week or two away from flush.


Next up is a Pineapple Express. It didn't take kindly to being topped and went into flower. As disappointing as it is, this'll be another low yield plant.


Last up is my best looking plant yet. She and my pxpress were planted at the same time and have been grown under the same conditions, however this white widow EXPLODED after being topped and trained. As well as she's performed under the lst, I'm wondering if autos are even worth topping.


She's a monster! At least from my tent. She and the pineapple were planted on 3/19.

Good looking ww, I like the ww auto, vigorous growing strain. I have a few on day 28, i hope they get as big as yours. Here are a few pics of them.✌
Good looking ww, I like the ww auto, vigorous growing strain. I have a few on day 28, i hope they get as big as yours. Here are a few pics of them...

Looking good. Right where mine where at that age.

My suggestion would be to tie the branches down as soon as you can! The girl has easily doubled in size in the last week. I just stayed on top of keeping those tops growing outwards, then new ones would pop up daily. Hard to say exactly what will top out and what won't, but I'd for sure count 14 tops on her. I'm hoping to get at least 4+ more inches, but she's close to hitting flower, so that's wishful thinking I bet. If I wasn't strapping her down, I bet she'd stand 2 1/2 feet. I can't wait to see what the final yield will be. I feel like it might weigh as much as my first yield combined!

I just realized how much I'm gonna have to cut back on my smoke for the next two months unless I want to go out and buy some - which I don't .
Thanks, i cant wait to see what you yield also, i have been lst for a few days and they are responding great, i spread all branches out to let light down to shoots, the lower shoots are coming to the top fast, gonna be alot of training, i also tied the top down on a couple and some branches, they will show alot of progress in the next week, i will have my hands full keeping everything trained the way i want it lol. ✌
Looking good. Right where mine where at that age.

My suggestion would be to tie the branches down as soon as you can! The girl has easily doubled in size in the last week. I just stayed on top of keeping those tops growing outwards, then new ones would pop up daily. Hard to say exactly what will top out and what won't, but I'd for sure count 14 tops on her. I'm hoping to get at least 4+ more inches, but she's close to hitting flower, so that's wishful thinking I bet. If I wasn't strapping her down, I bet she'd stand 2 1/2 feet. I can't wait to see what the final yield will be. I feel like it might weigh as much as my first yield combined!

I just realized how much I'm gonna have to cut back on my smoke for the next two months unless I want to go out and buy some - which I don't .
What day are you on and about how many days do you think it will take to finish, also when did yours start throwing pistols.✌
What day are you on and about how many days do you think it will take to finish, also when did yours start throwing pistols..

I popped her in the medium on the 24th of march. The pineapple was the 19th. So today's day 45. If I had to guess, probably 11 week flower. Here's a picture from the 29th. You can see how much she's grown in just a little over a week.


Tie her down so your tops are growing straight outwards - almost slightly downwards if the stress isn't to much. Each morning, adjust or add more ties to keep her pointing out. It's going to open her up to get good growth on the inside that would otherwise be shadowed and your tops are going to pop up everywhere! I'm still learning, and I'm sure it also has to do with the girls genetics, bc 5/6 of my plants since my first grown have been stunted dwarfs, but I feel like I'm learning a lot on producing yield.

This plant looks like it'll produce 3-4 oz, which is exciting for me. One thing I think I'm doing is giving to much N during flower, bc my leaves have been quite dark, so if I understand it correctly, if I get my N dialed in, my yields will increase.
I popped her in the medium on the 24th of march. The pineapple was the 19th. So today's day 45. If I had to guess, probably 11 week flower. Here's a picture from the 29th. You can see how much she's grown in just a little over a week.


Tie her down so your tops are growing straight outwards - almost slightly downwards if the stress isn't to much. Each morning, adjust or add more ties to keep her pointing out. It's going to open her up to get good growth on the inside that would otherwise be shadowed and your tops are going to pop up everywhere! I'm still learning, and I'm sure it also has to do with the girls genetics, bc 5/6 of my plants since my first grown have been stunted dwarfs, but I feel like I'm learning a lot on producing yield.

This plant looks like it'll produce 3-4 oz, which is exciting for me. One thing I think I'm doing is giving to much N during flower, bc my leaves have been quite dark, so if I understand it correctly, if I get my N dialed in, my yields will increase.
I appreciate the information, it is amazing how much yours grew in a little over a week, im on day 29 today, they should be getting ready to stretch out. I am new also, i am loving doing lst on my plants, this will be a learning experience for me but im excited, keep us posted on your girl, im excited to see her finish, great job with her. ✌
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