Best things to do while stoned

helllo new user

i rather get stoned on the beach in mexico while eating bomb ass burrito and mango on a stick with chamoy hot sauce

daily stonage i like to play mw3 or kick back adn watch a movie
I like to play a game with my friends while super stoned.

Its the game "long sentence." Where it requires multiple people to play, and one person starts by saying a something and each subsequent person must repeat and add on to the sentence and continue without mistakes.

Nice. The longest sentence (in the English language) that I know of is Nigel Tomm's novel The Blah Story, which is only one sentence. It's a 469,375 word sentence.

You get close to beating it yet, lol?

I once got to wondering about "longest sentences" and did some checking. I also got to wondering about "longest words." Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest one that I would consider as qualifying - although some "technical words" are longer. The scientific name for the protein titin, for example, is almost 190,000 letters. So in terms of longest sentence, if you count by letters instead of words, things could go differently with a little effort.

Short words are cool too. Here's a game (of sorts):

What's a six-letter word with only one vowel and that one vowel only used twice (there are several words that qualify)?

What's a nine-letter word with only one vowel and that one vowel only used once?

What's a six-letter word that uses all five vowels?

What's a seven-letter word that uses all five vowels in order?

What's an 18-letter word that uses all five vowels in order (only once each vowel)?

What's a seven-letter word that uses all five vowels in reverse order?

What's a 17-letter word that uses all five vowels in reverse order (only once each vowel)?

What's a word that uses all five vowels twice each? (They seem to vary from 18 to about 23 letters.)
I find the old in-out-in-out to be especially rewarding whilst baked.

And listening to any of a zillion great albums, from DJ Shadow to the Brandenburg Concertos.
Mass Effect 3's multiplayer is decent baked. I also like reading The Dresden Files(a series about a Wizard/Private Detective, battling the forces of evil and finding lost puppies. You know, guy shit.), it's the only thing I can read when I'm high.
i enjoy league of legends BAAAKED... though sometimes i start dozing off resulting in teammates getting angry :D
As a special for 4/20 I got my old N64 out of the attic, I'ma try to beat The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask in a day. Way baked, of course.
first of all they need to make it easier to sign up for cool stuff like this when you are stoned but secondly i would like to add that the best thing to do while stoned is to let the munchies get the best of you and see what crazy thing you can make to eat.
ah the best thing to do when the nights are clear is to pack a bowl and stare into space. I have a couple of dobsonian telescope to do just that with, a 8" diameter and a 10" one. its that or sit home with my wife and be couch potatoes.
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