Black Diamond Perfect Sun

Surprise in the mail today. I received my second PS Mini in no time flat after ordering on Tuesday afternoon.

Here's my set up for the moment. I didn't raise or change the distance since what I'm really trying to do is add coverage on the side and in the corners. I did take PAR reading, and they are awesome. Will post in my own thread about the PS Mini.
Looking good, she has plenty of light now with two of them. I bet it will help you on yield also...️
dont know if you guys noticed or not, but I had 1 out in the first pic, then couple minutes later, another went out, so now, i have 2 out and havent went back on.

Im only using the Mini for less then a few hours a day. Im using my Modded mars for most of the time, then zap the plant with the mini for an hour or so every 3-4 hours.
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