Blazinjones's Hydro - Ebb 'n Flow - Grow Journal - 2016

Ok so wat wud u say wud b a gud wettin agent and I use bushdoctor flowers kiss for a foiler spray and I do it at night after I turn the lights off

You don't need to run out and buy a wetting agent, but when you mix your foliar, you should add a drop or two of something like dawn dish soap. It will act as a wetting agent.

If you haven't read it already, I highly recommend reading my "Top 5 Lessons" link in my signature.

One of the things I want to emphasize is that you really don't need a lot of expensive nutes to grow a great, healthy plant. And, when they have problems, throwing more/different nutes at it, isn't always the answer, and to much extent can complicate things for a new grower.

This is why I suggested earlier sticking to the basic trio to help get the plants stabilized and your grow "dialed in". Once it's dialed in, all those other "additives" simply help you get the most out of a plant that would have otherwise been perfectly healthy without them.

In other words, the nutes don't make the grower; the grower makes the nutes! :)

I took the lil seedling and put it back under the veg light n gonna tryn put it back in veg mode n I'm usen fox farm boomerang for nutes in hopes 2 get it bigger n stronger

Boomerang is not veg nutes. It's an additive for stressed plants to help them recover and put out new root growth. I think this is good to use on the reveg, but you really want to use the Grow Big for the nutes and add the Boomerang.

NPK Ratio on Boomerang: 2-0.2-0.3
NPK Ratio on Grow Big: 6-4-4

When I said above you don't need a lot of expensive nutes to grow a healthy plant, what you do need is N, P & K. This is why I suggested to stick to the "basic trio" and then add the rest of the stuff once you understand how to use those.
I no the boomerang isn't for veg but I figured itd help the stress of the plant n help make its roots alil stronger or more of them n the boomerang says 2 use by itself for 2 or 3 days n if plants look better go back 2 normal nute schedule but I'm barely usen any nutes very lil amounts n I was jus doin normal water but the ph is super hi all the time with and with out nutes so I always have 2 use ph down I jus got the dirty dozen fox farm nutes as a whole package deal but I'm not using everything all at once n I got the nutes wen the plants were in flower stage so jus started from there
And as for getting the rh figured out I'm Guna go get a hygrometer this Friday wen I get my check but rite now I dnt hav a way 2 test the temp in room or the humidity but I got great air circulation I got alil desk fan shooting air around the girls not directly on thm n a bigger floor fan aims at the lights 2 keep them coold dwn and I'm using hydroton clay pebbles and these grow rocks I got in my ebb n flow kit I got from the do it center I believe idk can't remember I jus orderd it online search from google for ebb n flow tables n it jus said they were I grow rocks for a grow medium n I also have an air pump with a 12inch air stone in the res. I turn on every other day or so now I did hav it running constant but found out sum nutes can't hav tht runing 24/7 so I jus turn it on every now and again to add oxygen to the water
I no the boomerang isn't for veg but I figured itd help the stress of the plant n help make its roots alil stronger or more of them n the boomerang says 2 use by itself for 2 or 3 days n if plants look better go back 2 normal nite schedule but I'm barely used any nutes very lil amounts n I was jus doin normal water but the ph is super hi all the time with and with out nutes so I always have 2 use ph down I jus got the dirty dozen fox farm nutes as a whole package deal but I'm not using everything all at once n I got the nutes wen the plants where in flower stage so jus started from there

Those plants are/were in flower??? What is the current light schedule? Are they autos? Are you trying to flower them or veg them, now?

I don't know what to tell you about the PH. It's possible there's some bacteria or something in the medium (with all the foam I saw in the res) causing the PH fluctuations. Usually, with more roots, the PH gets more stable, too.

How large is the res? A smaller res is also more prone to PH fluctuations so going to a larger res MAY help.

Are your nutrients being exposed to light? The res should be opaque and covered.
I have 2 setups one I bought n 1 I made the one I bought is setup 1 n the1 I made is setup 2 setup1 has my 2bigger plants in it n tht r in flower stage n I have light schedule at 12/12 n it has a 10 gal Res. Setup 2 has my seedling n the lil plant I put back in to keep veging plus 2 lil cuttings I jus put in there 2 c if they will regrow lol jus 2 play around but yea it has a 18 gal Res but only 5 gal of water in it n I do 24/7 lighting
In setup 1 the res is opaque so no light gets 2 it n in setup2 I taped the flood table wit black tape n the res is dark black so no light gets in n I'm usen hydroton clay pebbles in setup2 n half clay pebbles n half I grow rocks thats wat they call thm I got them in my ebb n flow table kit I orderd

This is my res. Now with no foam any more I stopd usen open sesame n the air pump 24/7 down to only every now and then jus 2 add oxygen 2the water n no more foam


In this pic I'm wondering if I had 2 many clay pebbles in the flood tray or is this a gud enuf amount to keep light from the water


I'm wondering in these pics y r sum stems redish purplish is this gud or bad??


I'm trying to do lst training for the girls am I tieing them down 2 much or is this gud?? Any1 wit any info on this wud greatly b appreciated thank you and once again I wanna give a special thanx 2 every1 on this site u ALL hav been an amazing help 4 me start out my new setup and also I did like 2 thank Mr. Krip personally with out all ur help man i wudnt hav made it half as far as I hav so thank you every1 and had an amazing nite keep it green ��

This is the potting soil I got 2 convert my second grow setup to soil since its alil easier then hydro I wana do it for my second setup bcuz I hav a few seeds from sum amazing herb thin mint girl scout cookies is one of the strains n lemon skunk is the other n since soil is alil bit easier then hydro I wana do those in the soil so I had the best chance to get the most out of them come harvest
Thanks for the good words, Brother, and don't give up on hydro just yet, but feel free and have fun playing with soil, too! :thumb:

While the soil can be a little more forgiving on the PH and possibly nutrient side, it does come with a whole other set of issues to deal with as far as dealing with pests, building microbial life, etc.

I did PM you a link to Doc Buds' High Brix journal, which is a great place to start learning about effective soil growing!

Your res looks much better and, maybe it's me, but it looks like your plants are coming back nicely, too! :welldone:

No need to worry about those purple stems. In some cases it can be indicative of a mag deficiency, but it's normal in some strains, your plants look fine, and with 300 PPM well water, there's no way you could have a mag deficiency! :)

Just stay on top of your PH and environment, keep it simple with the nutes, and you'll be surprised at how you're rewarded in the end!

Also, for whatever it's worth, my whole first journal is basically a documentary of me killing some very expensive seeds and plants. You're doing fine for your first grow! :goodjob:
Thanx again man n now I'm not scraping the hydro altogether I'm jus not Guna do 2 hydro setups I'm jus Guna do the one n since my other seeds tht r almost ready 2 b put in watever medium I decide r almost done germinating I'm prolly jus guna do those in soil since they r my more precious seeds lol

I had these lil light blue almost gray spot show up on my plant 2day idk if its mold or wat it is can any1 help me figure it out plz n thank you

Does it rub off on your fingers? If so, it's Powdery Mildew and there's an easy cure for that. To me, from the pic, it looks more like salt residue from a foliar.

These little black shiney dots showed up on my plant 2day can sum1 help figure out what it is thank you

Did you check the underside of the leaf on this for pests? It's either a pests or eggs, again, from what I see in the pic. Look for tiny spider webs, too!
Wen u say c if it moves u mean the dots that mite b scale?? What is that n yes the powdery stuff rubd off kinda n I havnt dun a foiler in a few days that one with the grayish stuff on it is a clipping I took off my bigger plant
Wen u say c if it moves u mean the dots that mite b scale?? What is that n yes the powdery stuff rubd off kinda n I havnt dun a foiler in a few days that one with the grayish stuff on it is a clipping I took off my bigger plant

Scale doesn't move, but it can be "scraped off" with a fingernail. If it moves, it's something else. It actually looks like pest poop (which, of course, wouldn't move) but since there's no leaves above it and no real damage to the leave I saw, I'm really not sure on the black spots.

For the Powdery Mildew, in 1 gallon of water mix in 1 TBSP of baking soda, 1 tsp of vegetable oil, and a couple drops of dish soap (something like Dawn). Mix it up (shake) real well and spray it on the plants. Make sure to get the undersides of the leaves.

PM spreads, so if you can't separate the plant, make sure you check and keep a close eye on the others; and it won't hurt to spray the others, either.
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