Blaze's Garden Of Weeden All Orgasmic Organics 2017


Well-Known Member
k so this is my organics journal
strains in the arsenal:
are as follows currently running purple kush, early vixen, pineapple skunk, kali mist those are all photo fem seeds and I also have a blueberry and electric fruit both of which are autos and as 4 new beans I jus popped three more tht are under the t8s now and tht is another purple kush and an afrodite both of which are photo fem seeds and also another blueberry auto and I'm germing a strawberry cake and also another pineapple skunk

lights: I'm using all leds in the tents almost all are mars hydro except for the one in the veg tent is a vipraspectra 600w but the flower tent has 3 150w led cubes and two reflector 96s in it all of which are mars hydro and my veg tent has one 150w led cube and one par34 I believe it is alil 24w for the seedlings both of which are by mars hydro

nutes: I'm not using chem bottled nuthn i use a organic los (living organic soil) mix and organic acts (aireated compost teas) and ssts (seed sprout teas)

growing medium: I use a los kit ordered from (

tent size: for the veg tent it is 2feet 4inches by 2feet 4inches by 5.3 feet tall and my flower tent is 5 by 5 by 6 roughly I forgot to measure wen I was in there hahaha but yea

ipm (integrated pest management) Monterey garden spray with spinosad, ful-power which is humic acid by bioag, and pro-tekt the silicon solution it has silica in it which is a major boost to plants
ok so on 2 my favorite part posting pics lol here is my electric fruit auto13 days old 2day


and here is my baby tunnel my two t8 ballasts hung up over alil end table and it has my fig tree on it and my 3 newest babies on it which ina day r 2 will have 2 mre to add on here but 4 nw I have a purple kush and a afrodite and also a bluberry auto the first two are photo fem seeds

notice I hung up some panda lining to help reflectability plus to block light out wen I sleep lol

and here is my early vixen I'm doing some crazy training on I turnd her into like an octopuss lol also I trimmed off all the lower branches and any future bud sites I'm hoping by doing so it force all production into the tops and also by turning her into an octopuss it will hopefully alow more light to the 1 or 2 bud areas I saved under each top so they wont turn into popcorn buds but like golfball sized or bigger I'm hoping I'm letting her veg out for quite awhile but since she is part of the first batch I forgot to label lol ill have to go on size n how the plant looks as 2 wen I flip her but I'm guessing another week atleast mite be 2 and then ill flip her but prolly one so come harvest time with the ev I got in flower now it wud only be 3 more weeks then this one wud be done roughly so it wud kinda match up with the starting of my perpetual grow but I don't want an xtra small yield cause I didn't veg herlong enuf due to the training I did I want her to have a full month atleast after I got done doing all her training and its only been 2 weeks roughly since I last trained her so if I flip her ina week tht wud go against what I wanted but shit these plants don't always grow the way we want em 2 lol but yea here is the octopuss

and now onto the flower girl
Leaf stems are super purple. I've read that it can be caused by a mag deficiency or by genetics. Eager to see how yours turn out because mine look the same...

yea ive heard the same thing an I think its due to genetics atleast I think so with this strain since I'm doin a los mix and am using nutrient super pack it has everything u need from veg to flower n I use tht in weekly teas tht I feed my girls so they have all the nutrients they need and use them as they need em so I hope its not a deficiency lol but yea so far all the plants ive grown of this strain of seeds has purple stem action so hopefully its an indicator tht these buds will be all fruity colored and tasty as shit atleast I hope so ohh I almost forgot tht wen I went into look at my new t8 table to my surprise look what I found peaking out at us up first is afrodite then second is purple kush both of which are photo fem seeds and third is blueberry which is an auto fem seed ersohh what a great day indeed to add 3 new babies to the family I'm so excited lol I cant wait to c afrodite and how she flowers man I'm so excited about all of them I just love gardening this great plant and all the different strains its jus so much fun lol
k so I was messing around in the veg tent doin alil training b4 lights out and wen I got to I believe it was pineapple skunk the 1 tht is havn all the issues well I noticed alil sprout of sum kind and I'm wondering if its another seed sum got lost in the mix n feel in the bucket but y is it jus now sprouting out ofno where and it looks kinda funny to be a 420 pplant idk what it it is lol or how it even got here lol this has me tweekn out jus rolling wondering if its like the movie toy story or the adult animated movie of seth rogans where all the food comes alive lol do the plants all come alive at night wen we not in there up walkn around talkn to buddies n wat not lol well this one had friend over 4 the night I guess lmao :rofl: anyway here she is lol

see it right there on the lower left side right below the one droppy branch lol idk what iit is but its cute all tiny n shit lol if any1 knows what this cud be please let me no :thanks: an :Namaste:
k so I'm starting to kinda see the leaves starting to pick up alil bit on the purple kush clone so I have hope 4 her I think she mite be sticking around longer then I originally thought atleast I hope so lol here she is see the tips on some of the leaves r starting to curl back

and even the pineapple skunk#1 is starting to kinda come back some of her leaves look like they r gettn more life flowing threw em so hopefully she makes it threw my big fuk up lol and if she does then I will have two hopefully the 1 I'm germing right now makes it to the tent cause if I get 2 of em going then ill feel alil more at ease to do some crazy expriments training wise on one of them its all about tryn to find the best way to the biggest yield meanwhile staying all organic but yea here is pineapple skunk #1

she is still looking ruff but I think she is starting to show signs of life again like she mite come back from this atleast I hope

now on to the guddens up first is is blueberry auto

4 being only 2 ana half inches tall she is really packing on the buds everytime I move leaves around I keep finding new buds an they keep getting thicker I'm so pumped I got another one of these going I'm guna let the new 1 go untopped to really see how much I can get cause if this runt is this frosty and smelly I mean my god she is the smallest plant ive ever grown but she is the smelliest just straight up blueberry like wen I squish a bud alil bit the room smells like a blueberry bush lmao I so cant wait to smoke her I bet she will be the tastiest bud ive ever grown so thts y I'm so excited about the new bb auto and my electric fruitauto both I think will be tasty treats but blueberry has always been my most favorite strain so its got me pumped lol

up next we got we doc oc I call her lol the octopuss got alil mre training 2day an is now in full octopuss mode :rofl: here she is

now I'm jus guna let her veg alil longer to get some gerth to her then ill flip her so tht way I turn her into a big bush of beautiful buds lol say tht three times fast haha

up next is my electric fruit auto just chugging along this auto and my blueberry I will not be topping since I'm chicken and to scared to stunt one of em or both again and lose some yield since I only got 2 autos rite now I'm jus guna bowl train and lst them to get a bigger yield and wen I order seeds nex ill be placing an xtra order of just autos then ill try different methods of training topping includedcause ill have more seeds to work with I wont be as worried about it if something goes wrong but yea here she is electric fruit auto 14 days old 2day
k so as promised I took a bunch of pics during my 420 harvest of my blueberry auto man it was kinda sad havn to watch her go once I had her all trimmed up she jus lookd so fukn cute lol and I found 3 more lil buds tht I didn't even no where there hide behind abunch of leavesso over all I think I mite get like an 8th ana half dry I'm not quite sure as I forgot to get a wet weight so I cud have a better starting guessing point but from eye balling it I'm guessn right around n 8th to an 8th ana half anway here she is

there ya go enjoy every1 tht is my 420 mini auto harvest:cheertwo: I cant wait till my other blueberry gets bigger cause ive never had a harvest with this much frost on the shade leaves so I can just imagine if she wuda get the malted grain teas how frosty she wuda been well guess I'm about to find out shortly lol cause the 2 autos I got goin now will have the malted grain teas so I'm bout to be kickn off a snow storm in the summer over here lol garden of weeden is in full swing now :circle-of-love::cheertwo:
k so I went to plant my pineapple skunk #1 out of the 2 iwas germing one was a pineapple skunk #1 the other is a strawberry cake and the strawberry cake has yet to pop but the skunk was nice an fat already here was her tap root


now the very cool thing about this planting was wen I went to go get the soil from the bag soil I have its roots organic bag soil from aurora now wen I'm filling up the lil container this is what I find wen I pull it back out


lmao omg this is def a weed seed already sprouting lol I so wana no who bagged this stuff lol :rofl: I hope its a gud strain and if itsmine sum how which I have no idea how it wud be sine I havnt been in tht bag with seeds for over a month lol so if its one of my seeds tht didn't pop which like 2 months ago I did think I lost a seed cuz I cudnt find it even wen I dug threw the dirt but u figure it wuda died off or started sprouting but this tail is fat n thick bright white looks new other then the fact its like an inch ana half two inches long:rofl: and it has lil splits on the end where its starting to build more roots so i got another lil planter ready quick fast and in a hurry lol and planted mystery girl atleast i hope its a girl I have a feeling if it is its guna be a really gud 1 if its my other strawberry cake tht wud be cool idk now I'm all excited cause i got to plant my newest pineapple skunk and a mystery bean and i have my other strawberry cake bean still germing inbtween two pieces of paper towel so i hope she cracks 2day/2nite so by 2morow i can put her into soil:cheertwo:
k so added alil figure in one of the veg girls on the veg table to help remind me to stay on top of her tea schedualing and not to forget to feed her lol see the feed me sign in the sharks mouth n if this one grws better since she will have alil more juju from the feed me sharky then i will look into getting mre lil figures to help grow my amazing plant lol here she is kali mist phot fem jus chugging along with the feed me shark lol

garden of weeden is in full swing now :circle-of-love::cheertwo:

It seems I've been tryin to respond to this post for 3 days. Every mammal in the house has interrupted me while I was trying to type. Now that I have wasted 11 hours on indoor and outdoor gardening, I return to this post to discover I have no recollection of what I planned to post.

That Blueberry Auto was a real cutie. May she smoke as good as she looks.
It seems I've been tryin to respond to this post for 3 days. Every mammal in the house has interrupted me while I was trying to type. Now that I have wasted 11 hours on indoor and outdoor gardening, I return to this post to discover I have no recollection of what I planned to post.

That Blueberry Auto was a real cutie. May she smoke as good as she looks.

yea I forgot to consider since she was so small amount tht it wud dry out super fast so went I wen in 2 days later she was dry dry so I clipped her and jarred her up 3 grams on the dot and wen I tryd some today it don't have a smell till u break it up thn it kkinda stinky with in like a 1 or 2 person distance so not much farther thn wwhere ur sitn for the smoke sesh but the high isn't bad I thin I'm guna try some sativa indica mix but with alil less indica then I normally get cause this one is also making me kinda sleepy not so much as the purple kush but enuf relaxed tht I can Easley fall asleep lol so over all other then yield which I new wud be small I'm pretty satisfied to day I topped a few tops on doc oc in veg and also kali mist got her first topping 2 days ago I believe lol horrible memory but yea they are doing great so far also I put a worm in with doc oc the girl in the veg tent I'm wondering if tht wud be a gud idea I jus figured a continuous supply of worm casstings tht way lol shud I keep it in or take it out jus wondering what every1 else thought?? her she is lol

and here is the training I'm doing on kali mist which is another 1 of my photos I have going

I think I'm guna start another journal just for my autos since I'm trying out alil experiment since I keep hearing tht autos don't do so hot in a los mix n tht with bottle nutes thy do way better now idk if tht is refeering lol to bottled chem nutes and not bottled organic nutes but I figured since I got them y not give a shot right? so I'm guna try out with these 2 autos I have going now a grow using roots organics bottle nutes and roots organic bag soil all are from aurora so 2nite I will be taking pics and writing up another journal to document my auto grow and see how good we can get them and if these 2 which one is blueberry which is the newest and the other is electric fruit which jus got transplanted the otherday and I used the knife method bobrown14 showed me and its doing great not even slowed down actually kinda seems like she is picking up the pace growing bigger now I just hope she gets taller and doesn't stunt on me like the last auto I tried lol but I think since I'm not guna top her she shud do fine atleast I hope lol but yea off to start my new journey and thanx every1 4 all the help u have done a great deal helpn out man in need lol thanx guys and member keep it green and stay frosty my friends :Namaste:
Sub'd for buddage!

Hey there Blaze... congrats on the harvest! I smoked my last AUTO plant in less that one sitting! hahahahaha was good tho.

Why don't you try and find some different soil hummus base instead of the Aurora stuff? I used that many years ago and it runs out of steam pretty quick. Does great in VEG then I struggled thru flower at times.

I "think" you're on the east coast.... maybe not.. if you are try and find some Coast of Main Lobster compost. That's the base hummus along with EWC I've been using and what I used in my soil that I had tested at Penn State Ag... test was perfect soil. I use all the same stuff from BAS as you as well for the most part.

I mix my own up and go a tad heavy with the Kelp and Alfalfa meals but not much more.

AUTO's ... you can grow them fine in your soil mix.

A few tricks I've learned. Start them in your finish container - try a #2 nursery pot 1.6gal - they are taller and more slender so deeper roots. More roots larger plants. I've got 20 AUTO's going now... all the tall ones are in the #2 pots - the short ones are in smaller containers ... the HD colored pots like you are using. I use them primarily for seedlings fro REG plants.

Think of it like this.. the plant shortly after seedling stage, will send down a apical (main) root just like the Apical Meristem (main stem). The Apical Root will be much much longer than the plant is tall. What the plant is doing growing this long main root stem is finding out how much soil and how much room she will have and grow according to what she finds out with that main root stem. When/if she hits bottom with no more room, then the root sends a message to the main stem (apical meristem) above the soil to regulate height.

That's how it happens naturally. Of course we humans try and manipulate that force of nature with topping/fimming/LST ect.
I.E. top the plant then the message from the root get lost in the shuffle... and plant has to figure things out all over again and will try and grow taller...

I'm from the less is more generation... I sometimes top at the 3rd node in VEG and that's it. Whatever happens happens. If plant does not grow naturally bushy and taller ... cull. Genetics at play.

AUTOs are "for me" more of a fill in and I for some odd reason keep messing with them in hopes to see genetic improvements. Out of 20 AUTO's I have going now 4-5 are short .. they are all in the smaller pots. I ran out of #2 pots. The plants in the #2s are flowering at 15-20" tall.. still pretty short.

If I had limited space I would not grow autos. The time it takes to grow a fast flowering Indica leaning hybrid is almost the same as growing an AUTO to the finish line. AUTOs I tend to let them grow until they stop growing and then wait a week or 2! Ya so it's not a time saving thing for me... AUTOs are more like house plants with a punch!

Blaze your plants are looking very healthy and getting bigger everyday... less it more.
Sub'd for buddage!

Hey there Blaze... congrats on the harvest! I smoked my last AUTO plant in less that one sitting! hahahahaha was good tho.

Why don't you try and find some different soil hummus base instead of the Aurora stuff? I used that many years ago and it runs out of steam pretty quick. Does great in VEG then I struggled thru flower at times.

I "think" you're on the east coast.... maybe not.. if you are try and find some Coast of Main Lobster compost. That's the base hummus along with EWC I've been using and what I used in my soil that I had tested at Penn State Ag... test was perfect soil. I use all the same stuff from BAS as you as well for the most part.

I mix my own up and go a tad heavy with the Kelp and Alfalfa meals but not much more.

AUTO's ... you can grow them fine in your soil mix.

A few tricks I've learned. Start them in your finish container - try a #2 nursery pot 1.6gal - they are taller and more slender so deeper roots. More roots larger plants. I've got 20 AUTO's going now... all the tall ones are in the #2 pots - the short ones are in smaller containers ... the HD colored pots like you are using. I use them primarily for seedlings fro REG plants.

Think of it like this.. the plant shortly after seedling stage, will send down a apical (main) root just like the Apical Meristem (main stem). The Apical Root will be much much longer than the plant is tall. What the plant is doing growing this long main root stem is finding out how much soil and how much room she will have and grow according to what she finds out with that main root stem. When/if she hits bottom with no more room, then the root sends a message to the main stem (apical meristem) above the soil to regulate height.

That's how it happens naturally. Of course we humans try and manipulate that force of nature with topping/fimming/LST ect.
I.E. top the plant then the message from the root get lost in the shuffle... and plant has to figure things out all over again and will try and grow taller...

I'm from the less is more generation... I sometimes top at the 3rd node in VEG and that's it. Whatever happens happens. If plant does not grow naturally bushy and taller ... cull. Genetics at play.

AUTOs are "for me" more of a fill in and I for some odd reason keep messing with them in hopes to see genetic improvements. Out of 20 AUTO's I have going now 4-5 are short .. they are all in the smaller pots. I ran out of #2 pots. The plants in the #2s are flowering at 15-20" tall.. still pretty short.

If I had limited space I would not grow autos. The time it takes to grow a fast flowering Indica leaning hybrid is almost the same as growing an AUTO to the finish line. AUTOs I tend to let them grow until they stop growing and then wait a week or 2! Ya so it's not a time saving thing for me... AUTOs are more like house plants with a punch!

Blaze your plants are looking very healthy and getting bigger everyday... less it more.

thanx bb much appreciated I'm def putting the arm back into organics as u say lol but 4 real I am so happy I switched to organics and as for the east coast I'm in Wisconsin so Midwest lol but yea u think I shud go with coast of main lobster and as for using the aurora stuff I usually only use it in veg and then for flower I use my los mix wen I uppot to last container but now I'm doing autos so its a new ball game lol but yea thanx for the info I'm trying to learn as much as I can while I grow out these 2 I got goin now and am guna be getting a new journal 2gether jus for my autos since I here they do better with bottle nutes then los mix I'm guna try and see if its not worth getting a few autos and keep getting roots organic nutes or sum other organic nutes only reason I'm using the bottle nutes is for my autos I hear they do better and I had already bought them lol so y not right but yea if any1 knows of any other bottle organic nutes tht work gud for autos please let me know

Mind if I chill here this shit is great

yea man glad to have ya I'm still learning myself but coming along this place is a fountain of knowledge I love :420: I wudnt be as far as I am with out this place and the people here :Namaste:
Hey Jones who is the breeder on ur Kali mist? I have some Kali China by ace that I wanna grow soon. Supposed to be some strong sativa. I love a good super potent cerebral high but I have to keep some indica on hand for the girlfriend. Sativa gives her whack attacks.... As far as that lobster shell goes, it's super popular with growers here but I live in Maine so it's the local stuff. Let me know if u start a new journal man. Best wishes!
I put a worm in with doc oc the girl in the veg tent I'm wondering if tht wud be a gud idea I jus figured a continuous supply of worm casstings tht way lol shud I keep it in or take it out jus wondering what every1 else thought?? her she is lol

I've had worms in my pots before, but they prefer living in a worm bin. The way I let my soil dry out in veg, worms go dormant or die. I water every 2-3 days in flower, which is a bit wet for worms. So it won't hurt the soil, but it will probably hurt the worm.

That said, I probably killed 30 out of 200 worms exposed while excavating in my front yard last week. They'll recover :)

At over $1 per lb for Wiggle Worm, I'd love to have a larger worm farm - but temperature controlled living space is at a premium. I need to go vertical in my veg room for the dirt and worms :)

- - -

I have 2 bags of Coast of Maine Quoddy Blend Lobster Compost that I brought with me from New England. It's good stuff. Online, it was 3x as expensive as my local grocery store at the start of planting season.. At this point, I'm only using it for repotting house plants. For LOS, I'd use the Lobster Compost.

Coastofmaine<dot>com/find-a-local-garden-center/ for within 50 miles of Madison wisconsin shows Madison, Janesville and Oconomowoc. There might be someone within driving distance who sells the Quoddy Blend. I'd for sure call and ask before driving far :)
Hey Jones who is the breeder on ur Kali mist? I have some Kali China by ace that I wanna grow soon. Supposed to be some strong sativa. I love a good super potent cerebral high but I have to keep some indica on hand for the girlfriend. Sativa gives her whack attacks.... As far as that lobster shell goes, it's super popular with growers here but I live in Maine so it's the local stuff. Let me know if u start a new journal man. Best wishes!
Hey blood i jus wanted to let u no i started a new journal n idk what was the breeder it was one of my freebies from gyo i believe
I've had worms in my pots before, but they prefer living in a worm bin. The way I let my soil dry out in veg, worms go dormant or die. I water every 2-3 days in flower, which is a bit wet for worms. So it won't hurt the soil, but it will probably hurt the worm.

That said, I probably killed 30 out of 200 worms exposed while excavating in my front yard last week. They'll recover :)

At over $1 per lb for Wiggle Worm, I'd love to have a larger worm farm - but temperature controlled living space is at a premium. I need to go vertical in my veg room for the dirt and worms :)

- - -

I have 2 bags of Coast of Maine Quoddy Blend Lobster Compost that I brought with me from New England. It's good stuff. Online, it was 3x as expensive as my local grocery store at the start of planting season.. At this point, I'm only using it for repotting house plants. For LOS, I'd use the Lobster Compost.

Coastofmaine<dot>com/find-a-local-garden-center/ for within 50 miles of Madison wisconsin shows Madison, Janesville and Oconomowoc. There might be someone within driving distance who sells the Quoddy Blend. I'd for sure call and ask before driving far :)

yea I noticed I got a few worms wen doing some yard work as well but I figure there so many tht the 4 or 5 I chopped in half will jus turn into more worms so actually I'm helpn my yard lol but yea I think I'm guna be looking up about coast of main stuff and sum gud lobster compost anyway here is an update so far with everything up first I figured id show some of the training I been doing on kali mist I'm starting this girl early ive been training her lower branches with the wire for 4 r 5 days roughly and the first topping I did back then as well now jus 2day I topped both side branches to bring a total of six tops hopefully lol anyway here she is Kali Mist

and up next we have Doc Oc I call her lol its Early Vixen I trained out like an octopus

then we have PineApple Skunk #1 tht made it threw transplant she was looking pretty ruff there for a min but now she is starting to come back and show alil growth again so I'm glad I held on to her and kept her goin here she is

and another 1 who made it threw a ruff transplant the 1 who never fails and always pulls threw in the end lol my Purple Kush Clone she is making a nice come back she is still having some weird leaf growth going on due to monstercropping her maybe?? isk but she is doing great and also I noticed 2day both of her clones I have going now in the cloner box have started to show alil roots so hopefully in the nex week they will be ready to go into soil but yea here is the mama of the lil clones I got and am thinkn about turning into a mother plant to keep taking clones and keeping purple kush going in my arsenal

and lets not forget lil flux attempt number 1 lol early vixen #1 in flower she is jus now startn to show sum buddage action so alil bud porn for every1 dam guys I feel like its been forever since ive been able 2 post my own bud porn jus been surfn here lookn at every1 elses while I keep mine in veg its so hard not to want to throw a few in flower jus so I have sumthing in there :rofl: thts the only draw back of starting a perpetual grow is the begening and having to wait while the tents are getting filled up but once I get em filled I hope to keep em filled and always be harvesting buds well not always but a plant or 2 every 3 weeks or so is my goal atleast for now and then once I get a bigger veg tent and I can start a proper auto run then ill amp it up alil lol jus cause I gotta satisfy my taste cravings but yea without delay here is Early Vixen #1 in flower

oh and I almost forgot to show u so this is the mystry seed I had found well she shriveled up and died

and here is the strawberry cake I just put into soil ive been tryn to pop her open for like 4 or 5 days now she has been in the paper towel and dam ive never had one take this long and be so tempermental lol but yea finally she is starting a tail so I jus put her into soil and sprayed it down with ro so hopefully she makes it idk y she took so long who knows maybe she will be a monster once she gets goin

so yea thts the lovely ladies and all there glory hope u enjoyed it and feel free to give any tips pointers or anything u feel the need to say lol :Namaste:
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