Burned sugar leaves, should I harvest now? Indoors, W10


420 Member
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.
I have this plant, strain is Amnesia Haze auto.I did not pay attention to some serious matters like ph,led distance plus a couple other things
and i gave my girl a serious sugarleaves damage from light and probably nuts .
Almost all of them are dried out , they did not pluck out if i pull.
72 days now, i want to give her 1 week more but i am afraid of mold .
Trichs are cloudy,there are some amber as well ,i use a 60x nonocle.

Should i wait -and risk?- or take her down ?It is my first indoors cultivation ,learned a lot of stuff to do better,i just dont want to lose it now!
I have a big tower fan , a small oscillating fan and two other static small fans plus one 100mm vent outside through a filter.Air intake is passive
Thank you for reading and your time ,i give some photos.
Live long and prosper,peace.
edit forgive me if i posted in wrong section.


Even with the damage, the buds look pretty darn good, but, it's still too soon to harvest, lots of white pistils still showing. Couple-three weeks, with the caveat that if you find mold, then an earlier harvest might be necessary. Not exactly sure what kind of a deficiency/lockout issue you have going, but it appears to be affecting the upper part of the plant, I'm thinking magnesium or iron deficiency/lockout , but without knowing PH, nutes used, media type, I can't really suggest a course of action.
ER, I'm well known for being a lil fuzzy...

But I'm sure on the first pic I saw some pistils turning to the classic burnt orange colour a true sign of ripening trichomes... how ever if you wish to pull now you may not benefit from good old fashion ripen bud !

First grow ah ! loads of sizzle to read through..... Don't believe any of it & if you are a jedi you may remember about using the force @nickmetal :green_heart:

Anyway the plants are looking good at this stage.

You might be over thinking some stuff & as suggestion a good strain for anxiety with relaxing qualities may benefit in the short term for any medical needs required.

I hope you happy with my prescription :popcorn:
First of all thank you both very much for your time.
I grow in biobizz light soil, i never checked ph untill week 9 so imagine :) (problem 1)
used Biobizz nutrients, always lower dose from recommended.
my led was close for a couple of weeks, i fixed that now ( problem 2 )
I gave them clean water with ~6.5 ph the last 2 times , i shall give them the same tomorrow.
Humidity is ok , 35-45 but thats because temp outside is 35+ at days, i see 31-32 in my closet. ( problem 3)
My major concern is mold due to the all burned leaves,airflow in there is decent (3 small fans, 1 tower facing wall plus airflow outside)
Next time i shall have all the equipment i missed this time (electronic or no) to monitor everything better.

Not sure what path to choose, indeed i want to give her 1 more week for sure and maybe more.

@Fuzzy Duck indeed that is my big problem now, i am more stressed than the autoflowers for sure :cool:
They will have time ,i like them oldschool and if something bad happens ok,thats how things happen .
I followed your prescription , worked like a charm :bongrip:
First of all thank you both very much for your time.
I grow in biobizz light soil, i never checked ph untill week 9 so imagine :) (problem 1)
used Biobizz nutrients, always lower dose from recommended.
my led was close for a couple of weeks, i fixed that now ( problem 2 )
I gave them clean water with ~6.5 ph the last 2 times , i shall give them the same tomorrow.
Humidity is ok , 35-45 but thats because temp outside is 35+ at days, i see 31-32 in my closet. ( problem 3)
My major concern is mold due to the all burned leaves,airflow in there is decent (3 small fans, 1 tower facing wall plus airflow outside)
Next time i shall have all the equipment i missed this time (electronic or no) to monitor everything better.

Not sure what path to choose, indeed i want to give her 1 more week for sure and maybe more.

@Fuzzy Duck indeed that is my big problem now, i am more stressed than the autoflowers for sure :cool:
They will have time ,i like them oldschool and if something bad happens ok,thats how things happen .
I followed your prescription , worked like a charm :bongrip:
Let me give you my take on this... please brace yourself. :)

First, this is not a burn. You did not give too much of something. This is a deficiency.
You fed lightly, and that makes it much more likely to have a deficiency.
You did not adjust pH, so about 4 very important nutrients stayed locked up in their chelation and were not available to the plant. These 4 affect the uptake of several other elements, and it is those that I see deficient here, mainly potassium. Adjusting pH correctly could have avoided all of this. Amplify this effect, because you are also feeding lightly.
If you had been feeding strongly, I would have recommended a 3x flush of your soil to rid the container of salts, as a salt lockout also looks a lot like what you have going here, but again, you have been feeding lightly, so I doubt you have a salt buildup of any significance.

So you see the results of this grow. You are getting through it, but clearly something could have been done better. Next time, carefully adjust every fluid that hits your soil to 6.3 pH. See for yourself what a difference it makes. Also, stop being so timid and use your nutes as they are recommended. No one is trying to rip you off by telling you to use more than you need and it is in the best interest of the nutrient company to advise you correctly so that you have a fantastic grow and come back over and over to buy their product. Don't believe what you read on the internet over the recommendations from the nutrient company... they actually know how to use their product.

Everything else in your grow sounds like it is good... just adjust those two things for your next grow to see how it goes. I hope you like what happens. Good luck!
Hello @Emilya ,thanks for the response.
I consider them ''burned'' from my fake sunlight mostly than from nutrients.
I shall wait one week more ,indeed looks like more days will make it better.
There are brown trichromes but on leaves,few in budsites but most are cloudy ,pistils turn to amber more and more with every day .

Today is water day so i think what to do now, keep plain ph water?
Add some light bloom dose maybe ?I have also a new bottle from Biobizz Alg-a-mic
they say ''Alg·A·Mic comes to the rescue if they have suffered from overfeeding, deficiencies, diseases, or temperature fluctuations. It also ensures green leaves by stimulating chlorophyll absorption.''

Also i cant fight the current heatwave,is almost 33c in my closet despite the ice blocks i put in there.
Peace,thank you :)
No one is trying to rip you off by telling you to use more than you need and it is in the best interest of the nutrient company to advise you correctly so that you have a fantastic grow and come back over and over to buy their product. Don't believe what you read on the internet over the recommendations from the nutrient company... they actually know how to use their product.
Not only do they know how to use their product but they are often more than willing to discuss the problems and how to help. And they often will throw in tips and tricks that they use for their personal growing when using the same line of nutrients as you are.
Hello @Emilya ,thanks for the response.
I consider them ''burned'' from my fake sunlight mostly than from nutrients.
I shall wait one week more ,indeed looks like more days will make it better.
There are brown trichromes but on leaves,few in budsites but most are cloudy ,pistils turn to amber more and more with every day .

Today is water day so i think what to do now, keep plain ph water?
Add some light bloom dose maybe ?I have also a new bottle from Biobizz Alg-a-mic
they say ''Alg·A·Mic comes to the rescue if they have suffered from overfeeding, deficiencies, diseases, or temperature fluctuations. It also ensures green leaves by stimulating chlorophyll absorption.''

Also i cant fight the current heatwave,is almost 33c in my closet despite the ice blocks i put in there.
Peace,thank you :)
ok, so continue then with your thoughts that they have been burned by your lights. Don't ask the logical question as to why the parts of the plants that are closest to the light did not "burn" yet you have these leaves underneath that have done so. I am trying explain that your underfeeding is the cause of all this, that and your lack of pH adjustment, but you wish to maintain that it is not you causing this problem, but instead it is the lights causing the problem, and then continue on as you have been doing, not changing a thing.

Now you are considering plain water... are you attempting to flush the plant? I suggest full feed every other time, but you are wanting to try another supplement and to continue on with either no nutes or light nutes at the best. You did come here for advice after all, and you got some from a very experienced grower of this weed. Smoke a big joint and ponder what I have told you very carefully... I am just trying to help. I also have no incentive in steering you wrong. You are drastically underfeeding and ignoring the science of pH and why it is so necessary to adjust it with every fluid hitting your plants. You paid good money for those nutes and it is a shame that you are misusing them so. Lastly, regarding the heat. It is nearly 38c in my attic grow rooms every afternoon during the summer... please trust me, that also isnt the main problem here. :peace::love:
Biobizz nutrients are organic based product so thinking that you have to PH correct is a tad over sight on the matter at hand !

How ever OP mentioned about under feeding or using less than nutrient company suggested for stage of growth which may suggest some problems with the sugar leaf's & smaller fan leaf's located in the bud sites, I'm still pondering over that one ?

I've had worse looking plants but all turned out alright & ye I do use Biobizz products myself for several years & never PH corrected an organic product :cough:

Biobizz nutrients are organic based product so thinking that you have to PH correct is a tad over sight on the matter at hand !

How ever OP mentioned about under feeding or using less than nutrient company suggested for stage of growth which may suggest some problems with the sugar leaf's & smaller fan leaf's located in the bud sites, I'm still pondering over that one ?

I've had worse looking plants but all turned out alright & ye I do use Biobizz products myself for several years & never PH corrected an organic product :cough:

Thank you for clearing that up Ducky, I really should have looked up the nutes to see that was the case. So everything I said about pH really didn't matter in this grow, and the whole issue here is that the product is being used incorrectly. I could expect the same result if I chose to not follow Geoflora's recommendations and feed lightly... the organics would not have enough to keep going between feedings.
@nickmetal, just follow the directions. Stop thinking that you have to feed lightly... in this system YOU are not feeding the plants, the microbes are. You really have no say on how much they get, but you have to supply enough raw nutrient and populations of microbes periodically, just exactly the way they say to do it, or the system will shut down between feedings.
Thank you all for your time and knowledge .
Yesterday i feed and gave them a dose of Biobizz bloom/topmax.
I am sure that they look happier today, green on buds is green alive ,not fainted.
Ah, also i set ph to ~6.5 to my nutrients solution.

About Biobizz schedule they say flush at week 11,harvest at w12 but i think that is a general idea of ''flush last week before harvest'' , since i walk in week11 already . True or false?

Some fresh pics also ,thank you all for the support !!!!
Let me give you my take on this... please brace yourself. :)

First, this is not a burn. You did not give too much of something. This is a deficiency.
You fed lightly, and that makes it much more likely to have a deficiency.
You did not adjust pH, so about 4 very important nutrients stayed locked up in their chelation and were not available to the plant. These 4 affect the uptake of several other elements, and it is those that I see deficient here, mainly potassium. Adjusting pH correctly could have avoided all of this. Amplify this effect, because you are also feeding lightly.
If you had been feeding strongly, I would have recommended a 3x flush of your soil to rid the container of salts, as a salt lockout also looks a lot like what you have going here, but again, you have been feeding lightly, so I doubt you have a salt buildup of any significance.

So you see the results of this grow. You are getting through it, but clearly something could have been done better. Next time, carefully adjust every fluid that hits your soil to 6.3 pH. See for yourself what a difference it makes. Also, stop being so timid and use your nutes as they are recommended. No one is trying to rip you off by telling you to use more than you need and it is in the best interest of the nutrient company to advise you correctly so that you have a fantastic grow and come back over and over to buy their product. Don't believe what you read on the internet over the recommendations from the nutrient company... they actually know how to use their product.

Everything else in your grow sounds like it is good... just adjust those two things for your next grow to see how it goes. I hope you like what happens. Good luck!
Couldn't you still get a salt build up, even feeding lightly, if you aren't feeding to run off ?
It is not uncommon to see some strains show more problems than others depending on feeding regime & stage of growth or flowering period !

How ever a bloom nutrient is being used which mainly supports the NPK macro nutrients.

On the other hand we have not ruled out micro nutrient deficiency which do not show in fan leaf's but may show in others ways.

I may suggest investing in Biobizz Bio Heaven as a boost, stimulate for nutrient uptake full of amino acids & helps with the microorganism content of the soil & Biobizz Alg-a-Mic which is a cold pressed seaweed extract full of micro nutrients to your regular feeding regime.

If you wish to reuse your Biobizz compost I can suggest ways to amended the product & a product to break down any remaining root systems before using again by Hesi which is another Dutch brand.
Also….make sure to clean the ph , pen , every couple weeks…I had plants go exactly the same way…was doing everything correctly, but my ph was away off …I was ph’ing every mix…but the ph reading wasn’t true . Bought another ph pen….plus cleaned my other pen..now they both read the same….just a thought.
I just wanted to chip in here, just to make sure bud rot is not the issue.

I harvested this plant 2 weeks ago. Fuzzy Duck helped me out at that time with, what I thought was a copper deficiency, appearing on the fan leaves. It turned out that this wasn't the only issue.

Toward the end of this grow, I started to notice some upper sugar leaves starting to die back on one cola. Thought it was just end stage leaf color change. It continued, and that one cola, near the top, started to brown and get crispy. At that point I thought it was light burn and moved the light up. It was decidedly not light burn.

Pretty soon the top of that cola was just dead. Here's what it looked like:

Bud Rot Close.jpg

Sometime after my conversation with Fuzzy, I thought I had nothing to loose, and I cut the dead part of the cola off. Lo and be-fricking-hold, right at the junction of the brown and green parts was massive rotting and grey mold! The nutrients hadn't been able to get to the top of the cola, which caused it to die. I'd had plenty of air circulation, but during flowering, I had a hard time getting the humidity to go lower than 65 to 70% RH. I harvested immediately.

At harvest, I found 2 other colas were similarly infected, though not as bad. I was able to save most of the harvest by cutting out the rot. Here's a shot of the whole plant with the bad cola marked. In this picture, the farthest cola to the right and left were the two other bad colas:

Bud Rot Cola.jpg

So, I just tell this story as a suggestion to Nickmetal to check for bud rot. Maybe he should dig in a little to expose some stem right at the junction of where the leaves are beginning to brown and where they remain green. Check for mold. It can't hurt.

BTW, this is a one plant hydro set-up.

In spite of the rot, I got just over 14 ozs. of bud, no stem, no rot, out of this one plant. :laughtwo:
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