Calcium Deficiency?


420 Member
Hello everyone,
I'm having an issue that I'm convinced is a calcium deficiency, but I'd love to get a second opinion as my plant has not yet shown improvement. I think my issue is rather severe and I'd hate to lose her as she just started showing preflowers. I've been trying to tackle this issue for a while and just can't seem to figure it out, however, the rust spots seen in the pictures I attach resemble a calcium deficiency to me. I've ruled out PH issue. The temperature is always between 68-70F. The humidity, while a little low, is at 45-47% and wouldn't cause this I believe. I am growing indoors under a 600w light. I'm growing in the Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. I feed with foxfarms Grow Big, however, she is not tolerating any feedings atm. I've tried flushing with florakleen to rule out nutrient imbalances. I've been paying extra attention to waterings and making sure the pot is light between waterings. Yesterday, I gave her some Calmag, but the leaves still seem to be getting worse today. This issue started on the primary middle fan leaves. The small lower leaves and new growth are just starting to show signs of it. The stems are also purple but that may be due to stress. With all of these things ruled out, I feel that it must be a calcium deficiency, or perhaps PPM but that was never an issue before. I would greatly appreciate any theories or advice as I'm scared to flush her again for fear of overwatering.


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How did you rule out pH?
What’s your input after mixing at?
Are you following this feed schedule?

You really need the trio with FF.
To much salt build up from the grow big has caused lock out your solution is flushing.You said your going easy on the watering so a good flush should be fine for you just make sure they drip well so there is no standing water wait a few days then she should improve.
@Emilya says a flush is three times the volume of the pot, so be sure your pushing enough through. pH to 6.3
@Emilya says a flush is three times the volume of the pot, so be sure your pushing enough through. pH to 6.3
exactly right... a watering with just a little bit of runoff is not sufficient to wash all the salts out of a soil... it takes 3x the volume. Regarding flushing... if you check the FF feeding chart, it recommends PERIODIC flushes of the soil... and they are not talking about just giving water.
Thank you for the help everyone! I always PH 6.2-6.3, and my latest run off when flushing was a 6.7. I figured this meant it was not a PH issue due to the run off being within normal range, however, could a number of 6.7 potentially mean my soil is too alkaline even with multiple flushings and waterings all done in the 6.2-6.3 range? I was not following that exact feeding schedule, I have the trio, but I actually had no clue that the big bloom should be fed during veg as well. I've always fed around 1tsp per gallon usually once a week as my plant seemed to get nutrient burn in the past when feeding it the recommended amount. I'm going to flush again and hopefully she will start to show improvement. Per the chart, with the trio, is it recommended to feed the plants both Grow Big and Big Bloom at the same time, adding in Tiger Bloom during flowering?
Thank you for the help everyone! I always PH 6.2-6.3, and my latest run off when flushing was a 6.7. I figured this meant it was not a PH issue due to the run off being within normal range, however, could a number of 6.7 potentially mean my soil is too alkaline even with multiple flushings and waterings all done in the 6.2-6.3 range? I was not following that exact feeding schedule, I have the trio, but I actually had no clue that the big bloom should be fed during veg as well. I've always fed around 1tsp per gallon usually once a week as my plant seemed to get nutrient burn in the past when feeding it the recommended amount. I'm going to flush again and hopefully she will start to show improvement. Per the chart, with the trio, is it recommended to feed the plants both Grow Big and Big Bloom at the same time, adding in Tiger Bloom during flowering?
pH runoff isn’t reliable (waste of time). Run a good flush with plain water at 6.3ish, 3x your pot size, then start feeding half the recommended dose of the trio. See how they respond and adjust accordingly.
Don’t anticipate the effected leafs to “get better”. Trim the really bad ones, and let’s focus on the new growth.
I do not use grow big much due to the fact my plants are in fresh soil before i flip them to flower.But when i do need to feed them i flush them also.I start feeding big bloom and tiger bloom two weeks into flower most of the time.I do not use the chart i go by looking at my plants i have that much experience all i do is look diagnose and act accordingly.Its 3 to 4 teaspoons of big bloom and tiger bloom per gallon of water.For flowering and i flush my plants every week and feed three times a week until the end of week 6 then its water only.If you flush your plants you will never over feed them its that simple.
A healthy plant should never get over watered.In other words it will draw up the water and dry the bucket if healthy.So if your over watering that means your plant is not healthy and properly taking up the water and its standing at its root mass.I water daily and daily the buckets dry until the end of week 6 when uptake slows.
I would skip trying to use florakleen in soil based mediums as well. Just use water to flush anything out but a properly fed and watered plant shouldn’t need a flush either.
I agree one the first part, but FF trio is salty.
I agree one the first part, but FF trio is salty.
Agreed it is salty. But if fed and watered correctly a flush shouldn’t be necessary. He flushed with florakleen and the plant was hungry which undoubtedly exacerbated his problems. Feed em half strength nutes the next two waterings and the third plain water. By then you should see some change in the plant. In soil everything takes longer so once you feed your plant won’t get green and lush over night or even a few days. More like 5-7 days maybe longer depending on your roots ability to use the nutrients provided in your feed. After the feed feed water reassess and decide if you want to increase nutrients to 3/4 strength or stay at 1/2
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