Can you get ripped just from smelling good weed?

Sometimes I feel like I get a lil' effect from just smelling good herb. Sort of a euphoric feeling I suppose. But the THC must be ingested or inhaled into the small capillaries in your lungs to reach the bloodstream.
I want to build a dome over the earth and vaporizing towers and and we shall forever live high
I had a friend come in and stay at my house to take care of my garden when I was in Cali. He was never a big smoker a few hits here and there and hadn't smoked in a few months. He would tell me that he was having crazy dreams and that he almost felt high just being in my house.... I thought it was kinda interesting, told him it was psychological and to stop his whinning.... :yahoo:
Wish my mind would help me out like that - would save on bud.
Wow you guys are to much! I wanna hang out here! This thread turned out to be the best! Keep the stories coming guys! You know when i run dry on green for a night and cant toke my mind with mask a fake high for some reason! After two nights this subsides! So the mind is creapy! Cough-cough!
ive heard from people that have trimmed professionally that you can get high from it. something between getting tons of resin all over your hands and breathing in the dust, all those little trychomes kickin up everwhere.. do it for a few hours and you will get high. so i've heard...
ive heard from people that have trimmed professionally that you can get high from it. something between getting tons of resin all over your hands and breathing in the dust, all those little trychomes kickin up everwhere.. do it for a few hours and you will get high. so i've heard...

Nah, its all in the mind. I DO trim for hours, and hours. And I dont get high before hand, just because I prefer to trim with a straight head. Never been even close to high from smelling, touching or inhaling trichs....Just my personal experience.
Just goes to prove that the old saying is true: " A friend with weed is a friend indeed."

Placebo affect, lol. Yup. I had extra one time and popped a bud into my mouth and started chewing on it and tucked it into my cheek like snuff. (No reason other than I was already soaring and thought it would be funny. <SHRUGS>)

So my long-time friend who was at that time a 20-year toker was like, "WtF?"

I told him, "Here's a bud - you try it. But you've got to keep it there for like an hour." Ok, I sort of knew he would, that was what I thought would be funny... And the two buds were small, only about an 1/8th between them, so no loss (at the time <SIGH>).

So... He seemed kind of suspicious, lol, but he chewed it into a pulp and parked it in his cheek. He then had to leave. Called me the next day, said he got there from doing it... And then dried it out, smoked it, and got there again!

I just laughed, since I thought that (1) He wouldn't catch one from chewing/sucking on a little bud, (2) although the THC/etc. wouldn't dissolve in saliva, the process would surely have "knocked it all loose" and he'd have swallowed the psychoactives, and (3) it was only a lower light-starved bud anyway. Not to mention the mental image I got imagining him making sure to spit every little chunk out onto a plate and then painstakingly drying it.

And... no, I wasn't a complete pr!ck - he stopped by like every day to catch a buzz for a good three months after that because it was one of those strange times when he couldn't afford any bud and I was lucky enough to have "jars." (The situation was later reversed (minus the bud-gnawing, lol). Life's like that.)
Much of the psychoactivity comes from decarboxylation, so getting high from smelling, eating raw weed, as TS pointed out, is mostly psychological. I used to cook my firecrackers with regular dried bud. After my wife started vaping I started using her leftovers. Turned out to be more powerful than the new bud, just because of all the extra decarboxylation!
High no. As it has been mentioned aroma therapy works. I'm sure the terpines in lots of strains have positive results just smelling them. I know for sure I have had to smoke dry weed. Only because everyone was sticking their nose in the damn jar. Even the Dank nasty smelling one's give people pleasure.
Whenever you take strong smell ,be it from any source it will make you disoriented.
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