Canadian Legalization: Good or bad for patient? My personnel experience so far


Well-Known Member
Found the Edit button!!! First time visiting the site on a PC - Editing now, bear with me.

OK This has been edited now for the final time. thank you for the understanding!!!!! Long read but if you are having issues getting an original medical document for the purpose of cultivation in Ontario, and or you have already submitted it and are getting the run around and unnecessary delays message me, no fee's not charges no bullshit. Patients helping Paitients thats what we need.

Remember Pay it forward.

o_O EDIT - Devastted - just had this whole article edited - adn some new informatino posted - to find out that somehow i hit a back button short cut and lost the edit. WIll save as I go this time.

Good day / evening, morning! Whatever it may be! I know we have members here from all over.

Firstly I am newer here, I thank all the kind members who share viable information and just shoot shop talk for fun! My wife hates hearing it, and I am the only local cultivators I know. This forum is my sanctum.

So, the purpose of this post. How have any fellow Canadians here who are medical patient finding legalization; is it hurting your access to medication or helping it.

A bit of background. Diagnosed patient suffering from GAD and depression. This has been since my early twenties, now I am reaching 40.... So, needless to say, I have tried the chemical compounds to assist me learn to live with my disability. In my early years there was this stigmata or perhaps dark cloud surrounding mental illness. I myself have seen a huge change as we move forward and more and more awareness has been made for mental illness.

That being said, I have been recreational using cannabis since I was 13 or so. Once and a while on fishing trips or while camping. It was not until trying various medications to help assist me on my learning adventure we call life that I realized cannabis was actually doing more for me then the chemical compounds being run through my system. The side effects from these medications alone, some where causing more issue then good.

I was amazed, I could drop all the cons of taking various SSURI's SSRI's anti-depresants and then anxiety management with lorazapam, various benzo's. All of these medications took a toll on my life.

I jumped for joy at the thought of being able to live life again.

Fast forward to around 2012 or 2013, I think it was. When the change from the old card holder program to the new LP system.

I went to one of the bigger cannabis clinics, as my family doctor would not prescribe due to warnings from the Ontario college of physicians stating there is not enough known information regarding the data behind the positives but he would not deny the request for a referral.

I waited.... Waited.... At the time, I was also a recovering addict who was successfully weening off of Suboxone and talking about management options and next steps. Cannabis was brought up. My addictions treatment doctor advised he would support my use of cannabis during me tapering off Suboxone and then using it to curb cravings and keep me from relapsing. He felt that since it helped with my GAD and my depression that it would also be effective in my addictions treatment. He also provided me a recommendation for use of cannabis.

The clinic got my referrals booked my appointment..... A day before I get a call.

"Hello, we are calling because we noticed that your illness is a mental illness, we had you booked in with a pain management doctor, but we just had a doctor who specializes with mental illness who will help you she just joined our team. Our next appointment is in two months.

My optimism of this program and access to medication was starting to fade. But at least now I had a new appointment booked.

I was excited now, not only a doctor to support my use of my preferred medication... But also a specialist who could help provide more answers regarding my illness. I had to ask a friend to come, as going on this appointment already had my GAD spiking.

Day of the appointment comes, my GAD is through the roof. I am almost not able to go to the appointment. It was downtown, an hour drive through traffic to a busy part of town. During business hours. I was terrified.

Finally make it, go through filling out forms and finally seeing the doctor. I explain my condition, all my previous medications I had been prescribed. My experiences on these medications both good and bad. Explained my knowledge of the plant, the terpine profiles and what have you so she knew I knew my stuff and was looking for assistance in becoming legal. Not just some person off the street looking to get high. Then we get to how much do you use per day......

I stated I used around 3g/day, because I have been self medicating for so long I have a tolerance. I also have a very bad cough and I try to vape and process my own edibles (that requires more dried flower). I was educating this doctor on why I needed the amount I did.She had no idea on the various different methods of consuming cannabis... imagine if I had brought up mention of asking for 30-40 grams a day so i could JUICE my plant matter....

I had peed clean, like I had been the previous 2 years while under treatment for my addictions.

What was I told by the doctor that day? I was an addict, that 3g/day is far to much and she refuses to help. She then starts to break down my situation and gets me to open up about past abuse in my childhood and puts me into a very bad mental state. I did not know how to get up and walk away. It was so bad, the can of worms that she opened that I broke down crying in her office.

She knew both my addictions councilor and GP doctor supported my use but due to their qualifications could not sigh. Remember this was in 2012ish

I left, I said fkcu the system. Go for help and you get a slap in the face and told you are an addict. She almost caused me to relapse.

I had heard of clinics you could pay administration fees and doctor's could help you. The rate was $400-$500 just to get a doctor willing to sign. I remember stories of doctors booking a hotel in remote towns, seeing as many patient as they could and sign them up. It was a money grab. I could not afford it, I could not afford to pay for access to the medication I needed. My basic human right to my medication was violated and there was nothing at the time I thought I could do.

I went to the underground, as far as setting up my own garden and take risks I normally would not do, just so I could have my medication.

For various reasons I was no longer able to grow. Fast forward to 2016........

My son was on the way! My first born! I had been clean from opiates as well as Suboxone now and had no wishes or recalls of relapse. I was good. The same time while my son was being born, my father was in the same hospital in ICU on life support, he had been admitted one month prior to my sons birth and fought hard for the following months to October. We lost him, without cannabis and the few family support we had I did not relapse! The plant is truly amazing!

I had a son now, and my place of residence was at risk of being compromised.

My building started having ignorant smokers stinking up the hall ways. I use a smoke buddy and only on the balcony at the time. There was a "witch hunt" talks of eviction and prosecuting to the furthest extent of the law....

By now there were multiple "clinics" providing access to doctor's. This was long after the government hunt and take down of doctors who were charging fees for scripts and going after them for tax evasion....

We were in a new era, the ACMPR had been revamped and introduced. Now the government is getting their cut.... LPs great quality product.... Trusted, tested and clean..... Shall we talk about irritated flower? Let's save that for another day....

My buildings witch hunt.... The fact my son was on his way.... And the fact my own parents not agreeing with my medication I finally said forget this.

I was sick of people labeling me a drug user, a pot smoker or addict when I was accessing and utilizing my human right to my medication.

I sucked it up and took the $174 and change admin fee (from the lowest quoted clinic) and got my first LP.

It was amazing! I was "legal" I felt like a kid in a candy store. Self medicating for over 20 years or so and NOW I can legally, now my parents won't talk down to me for my medication and I don't have to fear eviction. No more why do you spend so much on medication? My favorite response is to advise that because of lack of DIN number, my insurance does not cover my preferred method of treatment. If your insulin and blood pressure medication wasn't covered any more, would you not pay for it no matter the cost to ensure your heath and well being? That was usually when I get a "whatever" or some other ignorant remarking just solidifying the fact that the person is too ignorant to even research the topic that they condemn.

Amazing, great, I have been licensed ever since. I have been with Broken Coast, MedReleaf, Tweed, Delta9 Biotech, Emblem Cannabis, and recently just changed to WeedMD. I've been around the block, tested samples from many LPs and many dispensaries when I could not access my LP.

Now fast forward to last August where we had a family crisis. My wife was hospitalized for half the month among other things

(btw, watch for my post on that topic soon, she was denied her medical cannabis and in the span of 4 days had 22 seizure, lost partial use of her hands and temporarily blind, they were talking g possible brain damage) From Jan 2018-Aug 2nd 2018 she had 4 seizures while treating with cannabis. Then while being denied her medictation by the hospital she had 22!!!!!!!!
More on that later. We are actually considering suing the hospital for damages and malpractice.

Since then I was put onto a caregiver benefit due to the condition of my wife. Things were not good. Too long of a story to share and it's pretty unbelievable, I my write a book! (I actually decided to share the story watch for it I mention it in the paragraph above LOL)

Anyway with this change in our finances, affording our medication has been getting harder and harder, to the point the last few weeks we have been going with a gram here, an 8th there.... I have a 5g per day rX now and my wife 1g. Let's just say it's hard on a single income family, specially when off on a compassionate sick leave only getting 55% your normal income.

Legalization caused my dispensary with compassionate pricing that I thought was all about patients first shut down.
I was able to get an ounce of assorted popcorn and shake (very minimal shake great for vaping) for $50 an ounce. This is how we were affording our medication the last few months.

Why did they close? In come the "Ford" Government.... oh all for business and the entrepreneur lets allow private businesses to get licenses to sell instead of the OCS. So lets also tell all the dispensaries if you shut down before legalization, we will allow you to apply for licensing to sell...... patients first my ass.
Due to my income I did not have money until the day after they were shutting down, less then one week notice and no way to get an ordered billed and paid at 12:01am the folowing day by emt.

sad sad world we live in

Recreational went legal Oct. 17th!!!! We can have 4 rec. Plants. I've been saving and scrounging where I can and a friend gave me our old tent from the old days... I am up for renewal for my prescription. If I could get my original health document, I could grow my medication for a fraction of the cost to buy. I know, with 4 plants I could train, and SCORG and pull alot. But that takes time.

My grow style is one tent, one strain one set of ladies who all like the same thing .... Easy to handle... Now ladies of the forum please don't take offence, I just prefer a room full of ladies that get along over a group that all like different things and have different maintenance issues lol

So with my original medical document, I am able to fill out my own application to apply for cultivation and forward the original document. Yes that is right, All you need from your doctor or the clinic is your original medical document. I think usually 1-3 pages, a secure fax by their office, one photocopy and handing you the original document.

The difference on the original document if you are just getting possession to use, or you are cultivating is basically a box where they only want initials.. yes that's it..... the Initials are the only "extra" thing needed and then they can forward you the document for you to fill in your own application and forward it to Health Canada.

The other forms can be filled out by yourself and sent in. If you grow at your house you own, or your regular place of residence you don't have to have permission from your landlord or even disclose to him/her your grow. Grow responsibly and they will never even find out.

In defense of some of these clinics charging outrageous fee's the form to send in if you are planning on growing for your self is about 7 pages long, and you dont even have to fill it all in if you own or are doing this at your regular place of residence otherwise you need consent from the building owner. If you are going to have someone else grow for you, a criminal background check on them and some more forms need to be done. This can all be done by yourself and does not require the clinic.

So I just moved to a new town, up for renewal a new doctor and legalization JUST hit.

I went in for my first appointment on Thursday the 18th. I asked the receptionist if this doctor was for or against medicinal. She said yes she fills out forms for Tweed if that is what you mean.....

I was ecstatic!!!!!!! Finally a doctor that is compassionate and able to help me without an arm and a leg (I had been quoted for my grow application and or just to get my original document (yes the two page form they need to sign for you to sign up, remember it's only the difference of their initial and them faxing your form to the LP then giving you the two page document. Only one is filled out and it takes less then a minute.

I was quoted everything from $132.99-$457.00 (one person from an old dispensary I knew said the prices went up since legalization and his admin fees where in the $1000 range at the clinic). I almost threw up hearing that.

So now I am in the room, the resident is doing my blood pressure, height, weight. We are going over my medications etc etc a normal intake appointment.

I see the doctor, I explain my knowledge and experience. Explain that I already have active prescription and only require a doctor willing to sigh the two page document and provide it to me so I can cultivate. She had NO problem doing it for me. Remember we are one day after legalization.

The only catch. "I have been to court before for prescriptions questions about my diagnostics so I am sending you for an EEG and blood work." I told her I knew she would need to ask that, so she knew I was clean and that I could handle the prescription.

Clearly by me being sent for these tests and her telling me "are there forms I can sighn? That's ridiculous they are charging so much. Do the tests, print the forms and come back and see me"

Right there she provided me diagnostic, scanning to ensure the course of action was safe, and said if so we will proceed.

OMG best luck in the world, finally a doctor that gets it. A doctor that helps.

I do the tests, my files from my old doctor's office are transferred.

I go back this week. We go in the exam room, she looks over the blood work and EEG it's all good. She starts to look at the papers for the LP.
She looks up at me.

"I am sorry, but since legalization I have found out that I need a special course/qualification to prescribe this"

I advised her and reminded her again that I closely follow the medical and legalization side of cannabis and that I was not aware of such change in policy or legislation. I let her know I research often and have many friends involved in various forms from advocating for legalization to running their own compassionate grey market dispensaries. She looked at me and told me she could learn a lot about this from me and that I seemed to know my stuff.

I asked where she got this info "oh it was a bunch of emails I got."

"Look if you were trying to get legitimate medication I could help you out, even fill out some forms and get you support to pay for them while you are getting on your feet."

My mind snapped, "excuse me legitimate medication? Are you telling me that my 5 past doctors were all wrong? That health Canada that gave me permission to use my very legitimate medication is now as well? I no longer am interested in you being my doctor I am done here".

Can you believe that? I was shaken, and because of our situation had no medication.... Yesterday was a very hard day, but a rewarding one.

I left, I called the cannabis clinic and was told they charge $75 every 3 months to do a grow application (this was a local clinic that the doctor tried to pass me off too. She also tried to send me to a pain specialist for assistance as well(in my mind I was like oh no its the specialist all over, I asked her why a pain specialist can help me with my mental illness. That there is a whole other rant) I actually have a request in to speak with someone in that company since yesterday and I am waiting on a follow up from the VP of the company, I got a call from management today about it. That is the cannabis clinic i am talking about. I'd like to ask the VP how she feels about the customer service of her agents and lack of knowledge. I am actually considering consulting with them to improve their call center (my field of work) and help patients if possible. I am tired of patients getting the run around and having trouble becoming legal.

After that call, I said to myself. That doctor lied to me. There has been no change, and she was willing to sign for me last week what happened, what was the change. I called her out in her office by asking why did you send me for testings only to tell me the tests are fine but you won't sign. Why did she say I just have to cover myself to make sure you are healthy to have 5g/day... This meaning I will sign but I want supporting documents in case I am questioned because 5g a day is alot. I educated her on various methods of cannabis consumption even as far as explaining 30-40g per day prescription for people that juice. As soon as she heard 30/40 a day before I got another word in she is ranting about "those people" being addicts. She clearly has a thing about addicts....... and no education on different consumption and doseage for cannabis. The scary part is when I spoke with her on our first visit and everything was ok she was just making sure I was safe with the dose why all of a sudden the change in tone and treatment?

Did she see my past history of addiction, someone who has been clean for almost ,5 years and off a management program for over 2?!!! Possibly when my doctor forwarded my file to her office...

Was that the change in her attitude? I am starting to think so. She also asked me why I needed medical anyway... Now with legalization...

I had to explain legal carry limits, and processing, 4 plants yield vs more. Explained processing concentrates and edibles to cut down on smoke inhalation.... I educated that doctor. Even went into terpines..... Asked her how she expected me to transport my plant matter to a processing facility to make solvent less extracts? make multiple 30g trips? Under the act I should be able to have up to 150g on my person with my prescription that makes that trip a lot easier.She knew I knew my stuff.

I think I even went into the fact that technically no one other then medical patients are currently legal to smoke in public in Ontario. That the former Liberal government set in place the law for private residential use. Now, YES the Ford administration has changed that law.... they have had it go through and the bill has passed. BUT it has yet to pass ROYAL ASSENT. Technically smoking in public is still illegal!!!!! Be careful out there non medical Ontarian!

Sorry went off track.

That morning I called; Health Canada, they directed me to the Ontario Ministry of Health, who then refereed me to the Ontario college of physicians.

I talked the phone for almost 2.5 hours or so. Got permission from the Ontario college of physicians to record the call so I could show the GP doctor. I got the website links to the college's policy showing that nothing has changed and that as long as she was on with the dose she could sign.

I had my ammunition, my AK was locked and loaded. I took my forms, my notes from all my phone calls and walked into that doctor's office full of confidence and pride. I am not being labeled an addict by an uneducated doctor. And even if she still refuses to sign, at least I can help educate her and prevent her from treating another patient the way she treated me .

The receptionist was shocked to see me. I explained I had been on the phone ever since leaving the office and I wanted to speak with the doctor. I told her I appreciated the doctor had patients to see, so I would wait until she was available.

I was seen right away.

I explained my research.
I explained and asked if she wanted to hear the recording from the college of physicians she said yes please.
I asked her (while I was pulling up my call recording) if this was all because she didn't feel comfortable with my dose or just not wanting to? I highlighted the fact that if she did not support the dose, why did she want to "cover her ass" as she put it, had me to give blood and do an EEG and she would sign?

During this conversation she saw I was now loading the call and about to hit play.....

I had raised my AK, taken off the safety, got the uneducated doctor in my sights and was about to fire..... then all of a sudden I heard it (YES JUST A METAPHOR I did NOT go in with a GUN LOL)

"Where do you need me to sign"

My heart skipped a beat.....
Are you kidding me? Seriously? She knew what she did.
She knew she was in the wrong, that just further made me think, due to reading my medical history she labeled me a "junkie" and didn't want to take my family on.

Be honest and upfront... That's all I ask.

While she was signing she asked me why I wasn't a lawyer...... LOL

Thank you for the long read if you stuck through it.

Yes Canada has recreational legalization, yes we have nationwide medical programs. But Canada is far from perfect.

On a side.... How about Broken Coast, who is now owned by Aurora, they took "Ruxton" aka sour OG, thier paitient top rated strain.....

Out of stock until Nov. For Paitient......
Recreational in stock for non paitient in Oct.
What the...........

Food for thought..

NB long post on a cell phone, fat fingered typos and annoyed wife I took this long typing a post LOL but I wanted to share. It's not all blunts and bongs up here.for medical....

We are getting the shaft.

Health Canada is approving cultivation licenses on the current program 3 months post legalization. And then changing the system, this is what I gather from what I have read.

Having trouble getting your family doctor to sign in Ontario? Toss me a message I will see if I can help.
Time is running out. And no, don't worry I won't ask you for money.
We all deserve fair and equal rights to our medication. It's a money grab now and targeting people with medical issues, it is disgusting.

Having unnecessary delays over 4 weeks getting your approval to cultivate back from health Canada? Message me, there is help out there, and like I said I do not charge for advice and or help. I am just sick and tired of the patients the working people of this country and province getting screwed over by our governments,
Thank you for sharing your long, painful ordeal. You are almost certainly not the only citizen in Canada who this will have happened to (or something substantially similar, at least), and even just reading that they are not alone might help some people.

EDIT - Devastted - just had this whole article edited - adn some new informatino posted - to find out that somehow i hit a back button short cut and lost the edit. WIll save as I go this time.

Next time, try hitting the "forward" one (Alt + Right Arrow on every modern web browser I have used) when this happens on a desktop/laptop computer. You might find that much of your effort is still there.

"I am sorry, but since legalization I have found out that I need a special course/qualification to prescribe this"

I advised her and reminded her again that I closely follow the medical and legalization side of cannabis and that I was not aware of such change in policy or legislation.

I asked where she got this info "oh it was a bunch of emails I got." which point, the words, "Please make sure to save those emails because my lawyer will almost certainly be sending you a subpoena to discuss them when we go to court. If you have already 'deleted' them, he will also require the name of your ISP so that the court can order them recovered," would have come out of my mouth so quickly that I might not have been consciously aware of them. Which might not have helped, but...

At this point in time, I would be somewhat surprised if I learned that there are very many doctors (who have been practicing medicine for any real length of time) that haven't been scammed by some kind of addict seeking whatever that person was addicted to, or at least had someone make an attempt.

I'm not trying to excuse the doctor's behavior. But if the person even suspected that there might be some kind of "addiction issue," yeah, I can imagine the person going into turtle mode. It might be - and, again, I am not trying to make excuses, just wondering if this is what happened in your case - that the doctor became concerned that there might be such an issue in your situation... until you returned after having done the work that you did and presented her with it, which is probably not... what do you call it... "classic drug-seeking behavior." In other words, it might be that the effort you went to, along with the shear sensibleness of your actions, simply convinced her that you were highly unlikely to just be another drug-seeker.

<SHRUGS> Still wouldn't make such things any easier to bear, even if my "wondering" above happens to be true. And I'm one of those people who doesn't think it's right to punish people for leaving their vehicles sitting in the driveway instead of locked up in the garage just because there are car thieves in the world, lol. In other words, when crime happens, you're not supposed to punish the innocent because of it. That's just... Well, a number of things, I suppose - laziness being the least of them.

On a side.... How about Broken Coast, who is now owned by Aurora, they took "Ruxton" aka sour OG, thier paitient top rated strain.....

Out of stock until Nov. For Paitient......
Recreational in stock for non paitient in Oct.
What the...........

Well, I can see two possibilities here. One is the "knee-jerk guess," and that is that, when selling the same (strain of) product to recreational users, the profit is higher than when selling it to approved medicinal users. The other is that there might (I am almost wholly ignorant of how these things work up there in the Great White North) be a different set of requirements for the two classes of sales. Maybe more testing is required, or testing of smaller batches (instead of sporadically testing a recreational supplier's product every n number of days/deliveries/pounds, they might have to have every single batch tested for medicinal-use customers, for example? IDK) Okay, that might kind of sit in between the "profit" and the "possible" range of the scale, because throwing more money at it could cover more tests and such, although it might decrease the seller's profit. Still, maybe there are more stringent requirements in regards to what, exactly, is acceptable in the results of such tests, where medicinal-use customers are concerned? I mean... I wouldn't expect that it'd be okay to sell moldy bud to anyone - but maybe there's a non-zero cutoff, and it's higher for recreational customers? If that is the case (for mold spores or anything else), then it is possible that a business might actually have a supply of cannabis that they could not legally sell to medicinal-use customers, but they could sell it to recreational-use ones. Or is it possible that they have two (or more) suppliers for the same strain, and only one is approved to be a medicinal-use wholesaler/supplier, and that person is in between harvests?

Again, I have no idea. I am just offering up possible theories here. Regardless, it must have been one more figurative slap in the face to see that a product is for sale - but not to you.

I hope things improve for you (and your family)!
Thank you for sharing your long, painful ordeal. You are almost certainly not the only citizen in Canada who this will have happened to (or something substantially similar, at least), and even just reading that they are not alone might help some people.

Thank you for noticing this, I was reluctant to post at first. I was unsure of what kind of response I would receive. Especially with me being a past addict myself I was worried about coming under fire. The trust is.. since my son was born, I have gone through the hardest thing in my life. I watched my father die, as the hospital upped his methadone does so "He would be comfortable".... No actually they upped his dose, and killed him so that he would not be on the hospital and governments expense report any longer. Mind you, there are many reasons that it was a GOOD thing, but don't sugar coat it for the family. this although is a totally off topic discussion there,....

Thank you for the tech advice!

.at which point, the words, "Please make sure to save those emails because my lawyer will almost certainly be sending you a subpoena to discuss them when we go to court. If you have already 'deleted' them, he will also require the name of your ISP so that the court can order them recovered," would have come out of my mouth so quickly that I might not have been consciously aware of them. Which might not have helped, but...

I have debated long and hard of legal action. This doctor violated my basic human right, my access to medicate. She did this by stating to me if i was asking for "legitimate" medications. That is against our human rights code. I have already spoken with the Ontario College of Physicians in regards to my treatment in that office, and also have the Ombudsman for the Patient of Ontario, should the office fail to acknowledge my escalation, PRIOR to me starting an investigation by the College.

I am unsure if I will go that route first, I am waiting for the legal advisory clinic for the Ontario Human Rights Commission to open. I may take action through them, and if I have something open with the College of Physicians it would delay the action being taken by the Human Rights Commission. I have to weigh my options tomorrow morning.

Well, I can see two possibilities here. One is the "knee-jerk guess," and that is that, when selling the same (strain of) product to recreational users, the profit is higher than when selling it to approved medicinal users.

Rec is a way higher profit margin, The OCS ( is selling pre rolled 1 gram joints for $20 some dollars ;) just one example. The OCS had over 150k orders since 12:01am on legalization day (last i checked a few days ago) More then half the order have not even had tracking numbers given out or shipped. The other bunch has been trickling into consumers hands, but a very strategically timed strike by Canada Post has the country under rotating postal interruptions while they hash out labour relations. Our great Nations Postal Service retaliated with cuts to their benefits... could be some time before I have Canada Post Bringing me anything... Purolator... thank you for being there for us.

I hope things improve for you (and your family)!

Thank you for your kind words,
your brother from another mother in the Great White North!
Ah, my friend, SolarSon.

Thank you for sharing. Somehow I landed here without noticing it was you, but as I read the article I was thinking of you. Imagine my surprise to see it is you. I hope this note finds you in a better place. :circle-of-love:
FP :peace:
Thanks for writing. I got my medical status in about 2013, but only maintained it for a year as my Dr complained about having to fill out the forms once a year. I used Cannamed from Sk, it was the only provider at the time.

What a long and painful road you describe! Kudos. I gave up pursuing the medical path early for many of the same reasons you gave, but also because our town had several dispensary options. First they all required forms and memberships, which I filled out. Eventually they became regular businesses paying taxes through the municipality and with local support. They are are closed now, the only dispensary is a legal shop, and I have not purchased there yet as I'm opposed to how our medicine has become a commodity.

The only regret I have in leaving the recognised medical system is that I don't have receipts and can't use them in my taxes for medical expenses. I did it when I was with Cannamed, and was great that even CRA did not question it. Now years later I know my total to reduce my taxes would be much higher. Sadly prices have gone up now down.

I have tried growing and had some success but am nowhere near supplying myself. I still buy through the grey market online and have found ounces for less than the local shop, though still high around $150.

I'm impressed by your ability to navigate the legal/physician world and advocated successfully for yourself. A lot of your comments rang true and sound familiar, especially the Dr comment about 'legitimate medications' - yes the ones that could easily kill a person (opiates). My respect for Drs has gone way down through my experience - most pooh-pooh cannabis and would rather have me on expensive powerful immunity-suppressing drugs (side effect- cancer). No thanks.

Thanks again!
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