Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method


Thank you for the kind words, really means alot coming from you Brother!

My very first original post on the tacking instructions I used Moto oil, lolol. Ah yes, great minds think alike :)

We'll leave it a 'cannabis concentrated oil' :) Enough confusion going around as it is. One gent renamed cannabis 'drug weed' lol. I so wanted to set a trap (he wanted to argue) and ask him why he named it that. I know he was going to say because of the euphoric (yes he hated stoner's) it was a drug. My question was going to be; 'if I was taking a concentrated oil that clocked in over 90% THC how is it I don't get euphoric? Not only no euphoric but heals all glands and organs while eliminating just about any aliment you can think of. With no euphoric while giving one a 'wellness' feeling' of good health would he still consider it a 'drug weed' even when you are clear headed, white eyes, no munching twinkies, no couch-lock. I held off because, well, he already knew everything, lol.

When the wife and I first decided that everyone was entitled to know the correct way to use the oil (especially those sent home to die with little or no options left) and it should be everyones right in the world to have this information to heal themselves. Instead of being vague and misleading our mission was to make sure everything was accurate, not to keep secrets so people would have to pay for them to get correct information. Why this approach? This is 'God's gift'! Do the math, humans and animals have receptors and guess what? Cannabinoids fit into these receptors and nothing else. There is only one way to take the oil correctly for its magical healing powers. To this day we not only have not made a profit we have gave the shirt's off our back helping people in distress. More amazing is we cannot afford it, lol. Thing is we always seem to make it. How? The wife goes to her full time job, gets off work and goes to another almost full time job to make ends meet while I can continue to spread the word. Now she is exhausted, I am a mess with circulation issues "sitting on a pc' helping people countless hours. While the oil has healed us inside and our diet has changed dramatically we have no time for exercise in our busy schedule. We both need this, especially me. Sitting is my anti-christ. I'm a outside person, building kayaks, kayaking and camping. We have spread awareness in our community to thousands just by spreading the word and they have spread it to friends all over the country. Now it is time to take care of the wife. Our mission is winding down on 420 Magazine. We not only did our 'awareness' mission but I hung around to make sure some folks (members) learned the correct way. Its very hard to heal on-line simply because you cannot see the person. You have to troubleshoot in the dark if you will. Meds play a huge roll (people don't tell you their addictions, morphine being an example). In the community I have people on track the 1st day. Keep in touch for the first couple of weeks to make sure everything is smooth and they are on their way and know how the oil works. Just last week I was instructing a patient on how to use the oil for chronic pain. After the visit was winding down and I was getting ready to leave he said 'how much do you need for a donation'. I was shocked! The first time anyone has said that (he just got through telling me him and his wife was on a very tight budget). I absolutely had to think about that. I smiled and thanked him for his generosity ( I was actually embarrassed) declined, watched him and his wife wave goodbye with smiles on their face. Now the time has come for me and the wife to get back on our health regimen. We love working our community, meeting ill people and helping them. It gives a feeling inside money simply cannot buy. We are very proud of ourselves for sticking with our goal that did not involve greed and self personal gains.

That being said it is also a 'leave of absence' from 420 Magazine. Thanks to 420 and the crew for helping spread awareness.

Thanks to my new friends I have meant in 420 Magazine. I've stalked some of you, lol, just because I cared of your plight to heal properly. In no way have I tried to step on anyones toes. I've stayed passionate as well as my wife in our mission to give the people the truth. I've lost my temper (passion got in the way), been strict helping people to get them back on track, but always stayed focused on the 'tacking' method no matter what source or who's information I had to compete with. I never tried to 'bash' others and their methods as accolades isn't important to the wife and I. Knowing we have helped others to heal was most important to us. The wife and I have a pretty long list of people we think about each and every night, but, we sleep the best we have ever slept in our life. Amazingly all the info we have shared seems like quite a bit (not much I haven't covered for direction) and it is only basics that people need to know to heal. There is so much more knowledge we know on the hows and why's that would only be confusing mixed in with basic knowledge. The concentrated oil can be very simple or very complex in all it does.

Now I see 'friends' using the concentrate correctly to carry the touch and I'm very proud of these individuals for taking a 'leap of faith' in my wife and I. (O.K. it took a little while :). It brings much joy to the wife and I. No worries as the people I'm helping now I will finish up on. Just make sure if your helping late stage anything have your facts and knowledge wired and accurate. Its a whole different ballgame sent home to die. Make sure you have Dr's/Nurses where you can seek information (guess what, they know more than whats on the net). Meds at this late stage are crucial that you know their side effects and how to properly ween off each one the correct way. Brain surgery is another one that takes extreme caution and knowledge. Bottom line, just don't be going around handing the concentrate out and telling them to heal themselves. I see it all the time, they get the concentrate (most cut to nothing more than a tincture) with dosing instructions from you know where and they are gone.

God bless to all,

Motoco (meaning my wife's initials, mine and our daughter :) Moe-too-koe
Peace, Happiness and Pancakes

Jimbo, for 1st time, I would recommend using only 1 oz of bud.
That's manageable & fairly quick. Decarbox'g is easier.
Decarb w/ equipment suggested by Motoco. He's meticulously tried to make this as painless, safe & straightforward as possible with sharing his research/methods.
I'm renaming MY oil: "Moto-Oil". Short for Motoco Oil.
Just listing the equipment, saves ppl SO much time.
Hi Motoco,

I have an old friend that is fighting leukemia. He has tried some oil (one grain) and has had a very strong head high, paranoia etc. I will be telling him about the gum tacking but would also like to ask you if there is a strain of cannabis that would work for leukemia that isn't too high in THC. I know THC is needed but maybe the oil he has tried is too high in THC and consequently has freaked him out. I think he will have to buy 'store' bought oil so if I can guide him to a strain or a particular % thc/cbd it will help him get overb the fear of the panic/paranoia that is afraid of experiencing.

Many thanks
Hi Whitebeach, there is no need to seek out lower THC content - just use the tacking method and your friend will not get euphoria, paranoia,etc. Also, I wouldn't rely on store bought oil for anything - much better to buy the bud or grow it and make your own oil in my opinion. I make my oil with one sativa dominant and one indica dominant strain with goal of 50/50 for THC/CBD. For night time I make oil at 20/80 of THC/CBD. If you can get your hands on a pure or close to pure indica to use with night time oil that will help best with sleep and appetite. Again, tacking is all you need for greatest medicinal value while still being able to work and function normally throughout the day.
Hi Whitebeach, there is no need to seek out lower THC content - just use the tacking method and your friend will not get euphoria, paranoia,etc. Also, I wouldn't rely on store bought oil for anything - much better to buy the bud or grow it and make your own oil in my opinion. I make my oil with one sativa dominant and one indica dominant strain with goal of 50/50 for THC/CBD. For night time I make oil at 20/80 of THC/CBD. If you can get your hands on a pure or close to pure indica to use with night time oil that will help best with sleep and appetite. Again, tacking is all you need for greatest medicinal value while still being able to work and function normally throughout the day.

Thanks Motoco,

Have you come in contact with many people who have tried the 'tacking' method and not been successful?
As you know I have tried and couldn't get the oil to stick on my gum. I did only try half a dozen times but I must have been doing something wrong.
Hi Whitebeach, there is no need to seek out lower THC content - just use the tacking method and your friend will not get euphoria, paranoia,etc. Also, I wouldn't rely on store bought oil for anything - much better to buy the bud or grow it and make your own oil in my opinion. I make my oil with one sativa dominant and one indica dominant strain with goal of 50/50 for THC/CBD. For night time I make oil at 20/80 of THC/CBD. If you can get your hands on a pure or close to pure indica to use with night time oil that will help best with sleep and appetite. Again, tacking is all you need for greatest medicinal value while still being able to work and function normally throughout the day.

Forgot to ask about this line from your post"one sativa dominant and one indica dominant strain with goal of 50/50 for THC/CBD. " Does sativa always have more THC than CBD?
Hi Whitebeach, sativas are typically higher in THC content than indicas and some of the other differences include regions where they originate from, medicinal properties, and yield. Sativa strains are typically from equatorial regions such as Thailand, Mexico, or Columbia whereas Indica strains are from higher altitudes such as Afghanistan, Turkey or Nepal. Sativa tends to grow taller and have a lower yield with a longer flowering period while Indica tends to be a shorter bushier growth with higher yields and a shorter flowering period (note that there are always exceptions to the rules). Sativa tends to provide a "heady" high that has practically no limits which can send you to the moon while Indica tends to put straps on your back attaching you to the couch. Sativa's higher THC is great for killing cancer while Indica's higher CBD is great for shrinking tumors, providing pain relief and increasing appetite.
Hi Whitebeach, sativas are typically higher in THC content than indicas and some of the other differences include regions where they originate from, medicinal properties, and yield. Sativa strains are typically from equatorial regions such as Thailand, Mexico, or Columbia whereas Indica strains are from higher altitudes such as Afghanistan, Turkey or Nepal. Sativa tends to grow taller and have a lower yield with a longer flowering period while Indica tends to be a shorter bushier growth with higher yields and a shorter flowering period (note that there are always exceptions to the rules). Sativa tends to provide a "heady" high that has practically no limits which can send you to the moon while Indica tends to put straps on your back attaching you to the couch. Sativa's higher THC is great for killing cancer while Indica's higher CBD is great for shrinking tumors, providing pain relief and increasing appetite.

thanks Budnoob
Hi AngelWarrior, I think about you and your husband everyday wondering how you both are doing. Sounds like you have things under control with Motoco. It gives me a little peace to know you are still out there fighting. It really was good medicine for me to see a post from you. Please keep me updated. I know I am a bottom priority and rightfully so. Just please know that I am here for you for any reason and always welcome any kind of news.

Hi Whitebeach,

Motoco can def teach you how to tack dose successfully!

My husband is now tacking like a champ. ��
Hello Hiker, Here is a quote from Motoco on how much oil a cancer pt would need.

"Remember; sativa dominate for the daytime (high thc) As close to pure indica for sleep. And a high cbd strain blended with the daytime.
Of a full cancer treatment (varies with chemo damage) 60 grams of the sativa dominate hybrid (high thc). 10 grams of high CBD strain and 6 grams of Indica. "

This is the general guideline for 3 months of treatment for someone with cancer. Then when cured they move on to the maintaince dose. The idea is to start off with small doses and work up to the 1 gram a day. This process generally takes 5 weeks to work up to the 1 gram. When we are talking about the grain of rice, we are referring to the actually size of the dose amount. For instance. When starting the RSO you what to take tiny doses. I started my husband on 2 doses a day. Each dose was only the size of 1/2 grain of rice. What we are doing is working up to a dose the size of 1 grain of rice and then we will increase how many times a day he doses with it. Unfortunately we will take longer than 5 weeks to get to 1 gram every day just because of the amount of flowers needed for this amount of oil. 1 gram of RSO is equal to just under 1 ml. You are right. All the info is in these threads some where regarding the yield amounts. 1 ounce of top shelve flower will give you 3.5-4.5 grams of oil. Also you will end up with less oil with lower quality flowers. The lower the quality of the starting product the smaller the amount of oil. Also just in case you did not see Motoco's other thread on this subject, here is a lynk
Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Hope this helps. Peace

Thank You :Namaste:

I did try to find that myself, but sometimes it can be difficult to find particular posts.

You also used both of the terms that are confusing me, but assuming you didn't interchange them accidentally, I think I get it now.

We talk about a 'grain' of oil as a description of the size of the little drop of oil. The goal is to take one 'grain' per dose, several times a day, and to take enough 'grains' that they would add up to weigh 1 gram. Is that right?

I had seen Motoco's other thread as well, but felt this one was more appropriate since my question relates to making the oil.

So let's do a little math... For a 3 month supply, using 1 gram a day, a patient needs ~90 grams of oil. If I can expect ~3.5-4.5 grams of oil per ounce of buds, I need ~22.5 ounces of buds every three months! Wow that's a lot. I was worried it might take that much, but was hoping it would turn out to be better than that.

Assuming 1oz/sq ft and 12 weeks (3 months) to flower, you need ~23 sq ft per patient. It also means a rough cost of $750 a month for the patient! (based on a wholesale price of $100 ounce) Cannabis is a much safer medicine than what big pharma has to offer, but it's not much cheaper. Honestly, I expect the costs of cannabis to rise a bit with the new retail market (I'm in WA). It already seems to be happening a little bit. This is only going to make it harder for the patient in need. :(

My wife recently had a tumor found on her liver. She actually has a couple tumors. She has always gotten cysts and had a couple surgically removed over the years, but based on the MRI, these are solid. We haven't had any of them biopsied yet, but I'm assuming the worst and would like to get her on RSO. I figure even if it's not cancer, the RSO can be a preventative measure.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge Motoco. I hope your health improves quickly and you are able to ease your wife's burden soon. :Namaste:
Hi Hiker,

Let me help clarify 'cancer treatment regimen'; Its an approximated 90 day treatment. You don't start off with a gram of oil a day. It takes time to get to a gram a day. 60 grams is an estimate depending on factors like chemo/radiation, early stage four, late stage four, weening off opiates/meds. Also you will need some add-on's. 2-3oz of high cbd strain and 1 oz of Indica/Indica (close to pure as you can get). This varies depending on pain how advanced the cancer is etc. This will provide you with the main cancer concentrate, pain/inflammation and stop the cancer spreading and nighttime sleep. It would be smart to plan 90 grams. I would do it like this; 80 grams of high THC Sativa dominant, 6 grams of high CBD (about 3 ounces) and 4 grams of Indica.

True, cannabis oil is not cheap, but, considering the alternative to chemo/radiation its a winner hands down. A good analogy; pain and suffering with side effects of chemo, nausea from pain meds or going about your day with a wellness feeling of good health why curing cancer? Also I've seen a person spend 750.000.00 in 2.5 years just in co-pay. Now to the good part. After the cancer is gone just a grain of rice will keep your wife in the best health of her life, not just for cancer (which she will never have again if doing a PM dose) while healing glands, organs, etc.

A mention also; a grain of rice should be broken down into a least 2 doses, 4 is even better as it is easier to control and much safer.

While your waiting for your biopsy report I would study the dosing tutorial with your wife. Learn as much as you can and plan plan plan so when your ready you will be well prepared.

No questions are stupid. Make sure you understand what you need to know. Thank you for your kind words.


Thank You :Namaste:

I did try to find that myself, but sometimes it can be difficult to find particular posts.

You also used both of the terms that are confusing me, but assuming you didn't interchange them accidentally, I think I get it now.

We talk about a 'grain' of oil as a description of the size of the little drop of oil. The goal is to take one 'grain' per dose, several times a day, and to take enough 'grains' that they would add up to weigh 1 gram. Is that right?

I had seen Motoco's other thread as well, but felt this one was more appropriate since my question relates to making the oil.

So let's do a little math... For a 3 month supply, using 1 gram a day, a patient needs ~90 grams of oil. If I can expect ~3.5-4.5 grams of oil per ounce of buds, I need ~22.5 ounces of buds every three months! Wow that's a lot. I was worried it might take that much, but was hoping it would turn out to be better than that.

Assuming 1oz/sq ft and 12 weeks (3 months) to flower, you need ~23 sq ft per patient. It also means a rough cost of $750 a month for the patient! (based on a wholesale price of $100 ounce) Cannabis is a much safer medicine than what big pharma has to offer, but it's not much cheaper. Honestly, I expect the costs of cannabis to rise a bit with the new retail market (I'm in WA). It already seems to be happening a little bit. This is only going to make it harder for the patient in need. :(

My wife recently had a tumor found on her liver. She actually has a couple tumors. She has always gotten cysts and had a couple surgically removed over the years, but based on the MRI, these are solid. We haven't had any of them biopsied yet, but I'm assuming the worst and would like to get her on RSO. I figure even if it's not cancer, the RSO can be a preventative measure.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge Motoco. I hope your health improves quickly and you are able to ease your wife's burden soon. :Namaste:
Absolutely helps Motoco! I typically cheat and just blend my oil into pre-made hemp based products mostly balms n such. I have yet to start with the tacking procedure but I plan on doing so. This was the most interesting thing I found in here as I have never heard of it before now. Only thing I suppose I would like to get before starting is a better solvent such as you suggested. It should be farely easy for me as I can easily consume over a gram of oil a day. I typically have to take a tolerance break and usually do so when I reach 1.5 to 2 grams a day. My ocd kicks in a little because I am burning through my flowers and the fear of running out kicks in. So usually a week or two break allows me to get under a gram daily for a few.

I will be completely honest Motoco, I rather enjoy the feelings from eating it and was under the impression that I could have the best of both worlds. Something about it just makes me feel normal as i would say. Motivated, happy, calm, less pain and just overall better quality feeling of life.

I saw your previous comment and I apologize if my questions came through at a wrong time or if I missed a mention of you relaxing up a bit in here. Your time is very much appreciated and best of luck to you with your personal endeavors.

No worries I suffer from OCD myself, lol. At least that is what I've been told. When it comes to concentrated oil I only use flowers. Everything else is off topic for me. I work in reverse; I make the best concentrate from the flower, then if I need a topical I blend from the pure and mix with grape seed oil to make it more pliable (spreads easier) . Edibles is off topic to me also. Once you do the oil correctly with the proper strains in place, edibles, eating the concentrate or smoking during the day is counter productive to the 'wellness' feeling. That being said 'vaping' flower is needed in some cases to increase appetite when needed and only one 'toke' is needed. Even using Indica at night the proper way is to 'tack'. Getting the concentrate to the CB1 receptors first is the proper way to heal no matter the application (suppositories, etc.) When eating edibles, smoking, wax, c02 is like man-made meds which is only a temporary fix and with certain meds can be counter productive and dangerous. Of course its natural and is safe going through your system compared to man-made meds. Certainly not saying leaves, shake, etc. doesn't have any healing properties, I just don't use them myself as well as my wife and patients I help, same with horses, dogs, etc. I do give my trim, leaves, etc. to some folks using it to make a 'wash' for their horses. They say the love it as a bath. But their tumors, etc. is healed with the flower extract only. Hope this helps.
Hi SmallCell,

Thank you!

We are hanging in there. Everyday brings new challenges.

My husband was released from the hospital last Thursday. After they inserted two stints, he is eating and able to drink again. Has gained back 7 pounds so far. Still very weak and has been dealing with back pain the last few days.

Last night he got sick and is losing his appetite. Like I said, everyday a new challenge. *sigh*

I am getting little to know rest due to his being not able to sleep. It's a house of zombies here.

On top of it all, our pups are acting up because of the complete up ending of the household.

Venting just a bit, sorry.

Hope all is well with you and your husband.

Hi AngelWarrior, I think about you and your husband everyday wondering how you both are doing. Sounds like you have things under control with Motoco. It gives me a little peace to know you are still out there fighting. It really was good medicine for me to see a post from you. Please keep me updated. I know I am a bottom priority and rightfully so. Just please know that I am here for you for any reason and always welcome any kind of news.
Hi Angel,

Wonder if your husband got a flu bug or something? Perhaps to much activity to soon. Anxiety could be the culprit for no sleep. A few days off could do wonders. Doing to much to soon can lower your immunity and results in anxiety/panic attacks and no med in the world will work. Even not feeling like to eat; easy on the stomach soups, etc. Plenty of hydration. Plz let me know if this continues. Poor puppy's know things are not normal. Son needs to walk them more perhaps.
Hi Moto,

He is having pain in his back and stomach, so much so he can"t sleep. It is wearing him right down.

The pups, I walk them two miles every day. Our son was here last week, but has since returned home upstate.

We are working the program and I tell hime everyday he has to drink more water. Hime doing it, is another story though.

Keep on swimming......

Hi Angel,

Wonder if your husband got a flu bug or something? Perhaps to much activity to soon. Anxiety could be the culprit for no sleep. A few days off could do wonders. Doing to much to soon can lower your immunity and results in anxiety/panic attacks and no med in the world will work. Even not feeling like to eat; easy on the stomach soups, etc. Plenty of hydration. Plz let me know if this continues. Poor puppy's know things are not normal. Son needs to walk them more perhaps.
Hi there,
Sounds like pinched nerves, etc. Little to no cbd in the concentrate. Yes, water is everyone's friend. Please keep us updated if it gets better or worse tomorrow. Thanks

Hi Moto,

He is having pain in his back and stomach, so much so he can"t sleep. It is wearing him right down.

The pups, I walk them two miles every day. Our son was here last week, but has since returned home upstate.

We are working the program and I tell hime everyday he has to drink more water. Hime doing it, is another story though.

Keep on swimming......
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