Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small Cabin

Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Based on the theory that a CFL puts out about 64 lumens per watt, couldn't I get away with having a 200 watt Red And Blue Bulbs. Take a look at this and tell me what ya think:


FELIZ 200W RED 2700K

Now the Hanger:


Question I have for you though, Can I get away with just one hanger in my tent and swap bulbs when it comes flowering time, or do I need to double down?

Thank you as always


Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Read Tulip's journal.

Yes, you can just build one rig and swap bulbs. I built a 230 Watt 2'x2' out of PVC and another 483 watt 2'x4'. They both work great. I run them 2/3 6500K and 1/3 2700K during veg and the opposite during flower.

Wal-Mart has the 23W CFLs in both 2700K and 6500K. Use those.

But you'll end up spending more than you think. By the time you buy bulbs, and build or buy something to screw them into, you'll have spent $6 per bulb. That's almost 30 cents per watt. That's the same cost as a 600 watt HID package with both MH and HPS bulbs.
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Graytail, wouldn't what I came up with be neater and less expensive in either case? or are you saying it'd not enough wattage, even if I put up two hangers?
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

I would like to avoid a ton of 23w bulbs in the tent. Do you sugest then running two of those hangers I have a link for in the previous post and running both bulbs at the same time then? or do I buy two 2700k and two 6500k and use them according to the stage of the plant?
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

What do you think I could get away with buying to just start the seeds going and then come the following month finish up with. I know I need the tent, the lights, and the seeds. Do I really need any thing else for the next 4 weeks untill I get paid again in August. If I try to buy everything I need at once. I'll be dipping into grocery money lol!
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Hi Jeff,

Been swamped with life lately and haven't had a chance to check in. I hope this finds you well.

Just want to jump in and add to the discussion. Yes, the fixture and bulbs you suggest would work for you.....but not really well. As Graytail has suggested, by the time you get enough fixtures and bulbs in there to supply the minimum required light, you will have as much or dang close to it as you would have invested in a HID light.

Flourescents of any kind suffer greatly from the inverst square law of light. The strength of the light is reduced by the distance from the light squared. So if a light bulb is 250 watts at 1 inch, then at 6 inches your only getting 1/36th of the light. Every time you double the distanstance from the light source, you lose 75% of the intensity of the light. I don't think it's hard to imagine that as your plant grows the lower half or two thirds of the plant would not be getting as much light as needed.
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Yeah, the whole inverse square thing is hard to visualize.

The difference is that the CFLs sit 2 inches above the plant while a 600W HID sits no closer than 12 inches. Doubling the HID distance gets you to 2 feet, but doubling the CFL distance only gets you to 4 inches. That's 1/4 of the light intensity. Do that again, and we're 8 inches from the CFL and 4 feet from the HID. That's 1/16 of the intensity. At either 8 inches or 4 feet. BIG difference.

And since we're 186,000 miles from the sun already, there's no difference in light intensity from the top of the tallest tree to the ground.
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Yeah, the whole inverse square thing is hard to visualize.

The difference is that the CFLs sit 2 inches above the plant while a 600W hps sits no closer than 12 inches. Doubling the hps distance gets you to 2 feet, but doubling the CFL distance only gets you to 4 inches. That's 1/4 of the light intensity. Do that again, and we're 8 inches from the CFL and 4 feet from the HPS. That's 1/16 of the intensity. At either 8 inches or 4 feet. BIG difference.

And since we're 186,000 miles from the sun already, there's no difference in light intensity from the top of the tallest tree to the ground.

Well we are actually 93 million miles from the sun, but the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second lol!

I have decided to go HID...I have no idea when I will ever get a seed in the ground going this way, but when I do it will grow well.

What do you think of this Ballast

I assume I will only need one mh bulb and one hps bulb because of my tent size? Do you agree that 400 watts will be more than enough based on a tent that is 2'7" x2'7" x5'11" ?
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Do I also need to get Fox Farms soil? What Nutes from them do you recommend I have on hand? Wow, just realized, I went over 50 posts and can now PM people!!!!
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

here is another idea, if I have it on a ratchet chain, would it not penetrate enough to affect good growth. Save me money on a HID system too. It was suggested to me by Horticulture Source Tech Support.

Sun System
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Well we are actually 93 million miles from the sun, but the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second lol!

Arg!! The data gets all scrambled in an old fart's brain. Oops.

I like both of those. The Sun System is a particularly good deal, although ... no bulb? They're another $25-$50 each. And yep, 400 watts is perfect for your tent, and you can do a grow with just hps if you want - no BIG difference between that and using both mh and hps - there's a difference, but it isn't huge.

You don't "need" Fox Farms, just a good soil. Dirt costs a LOT to ship - see what they sell locally. Basically, you want something that isn't already jacked up with fertilizers. I don't use traditional nutes, so I can't help you there.

(I'll hit 50 sometime next week, I suppose, heheh)
Do I also need to get Fox Farms soil? What Nutes from them do you recommend I have on hand? Wow, just realized, I went over 50 posts and can now PM people!!!!

For nutes I would go with BPN from Corey which is also a site sponsor. He has the best nutes hands down for a great price, and great customer service. He also likes Fox Farm Ocean Forest with his nutes as well so you know the two mix well.
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

here is my 6ft x 7ft room. im a newbee so im still learning..
Good Day,

I posted on another forum and got almost 200 views and no responses, which tell me I was either in wrong place, or I didn't warrant an answer.

So I will try again here. I have a small 20'x16' cabin. My original thought before my research was to put a plant on a table top with other vegetables I am growing and light it up with a 4 ft VHO GRO LUX light I have. I didn't know about ventilation or fans or reflective tape. I sure the other people in my other post thought me so ignorant as to not waste their time with an answer.

Since then, I have found two other spots, one is a small closet with no door, maybe 4' wide x 2' deep x 6' height. The other place I have is a room where the water heater is, that is usually warmer than the rest of the cabin, especially on those nights when it gets to 50-60 below zero F. I am just looking for help on what I can do with the better of these two areas with the least amount of money invested. I assume the closet would be better because of the space and the 3 close sides. Would I need to reflect the whole closet? I have no idea how I would vent such a thing. I know I don't have a budget to go buy a tent that is used often in this case. I hope this is enough now to be able to give direction. Please ask questions, I am more than willing to elaborate on things I haven't covered.

Namaste. :Namaste:

Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Holy shat Kronic! I am new too and consider myself well educated and sharp...I have no idea what I'm ;looking at LOL!!! Are those rectangular metal encasements your lights? Did you buy those or build them? I can build the hell out of a computer or fix a down t-1 or DS-3, but I won't be able to build that. On another not, my square footage is exactly 5.16 square feet. You look like your rigged for a football stadium LOL! Oh wait, now I see. those are your planters!I plan on having a maximum of 4 at one time. That's why the big decision is based on what kind of lighting.

You see my cabin is small, and I have no way of venting excess heat from HID, unless I want to cook myself, or grow only in the winter and turn off my heater lol! In all seriousness I need to find a way to temporarily get some lighting so I can get planting or I will be waiting months buying all the nice expensive things before I can even plant.

I wanted to add what I am getting so far this month: Suffice to say I only have $400-500 a month I can use to buy these things and that is stretching it to the extreme.

Growlab GL80 for 138.54 plus $40 standard shipping

FELIZ 300W BLUE $75.60

HydroFarm All System Cord Set - w/ 15' 120V Power Cord $19.96

I know you guys are pulling your hair out, but at my budget, how else am I going to start growing this month? I still need to buy seed!!!

I should have more than enough time for the plant to grow and by August be able to spend more money wisely to supplement what I have. Of course I will have you guys to help LOL!

Thank you Guys!


Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Jeff, it's lookin' good - that'll get you a great start. :thumb:

Yer all set, except for some soil and some solo cups. Then you'll need pots, a couple fans and later some better lighting. But this'll get you going. You could actually run the entire grow with that big azz CFL. +Reps to you - good job.
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

Graytail, so is it really as easy as leaving it a few inches from the plant? Will that 300 watt light be enough for 3 different plants in the same space if I wanted to. It must be my OCD, becay=use I don't like the idea of extension cords hanging around all over lol!
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

You might want to set that bad boy a little higher - I dunno - I went with a bunch of small bulbs for the efficiency. I've seen the big ones in a bunch of journals, so you can get an idea there. But, yeah, that's enough light for the whole grow if you want. The tent is lined in shiny stuff, so it'll be beautifully reflective. You might keep an eye out for a reflector, though - doesn't have to be much - just something to reflect more light downward. The stuff that lights up the ceiling is wasted.

It's a nice setup - one light, one cord - easy peasy. You'll get some heat, but it'll be easy to manage. Order some seeds!

Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

No, I'm not a traitor, I'm just researching LOL! I found another forum called Roll it So I was doing my usual, asking too many questions, and this guy "Darth Budder" turned me on to this product that I found to be unbelievable! I explained to him what I wanted to use and gave him the associated links, like I normally do. He tells me that he came across this deal that is cheaper than the cost of the CFL and HID stuff, and puts out more lumen’s than both!

I'll paint you a picture before I give you the link. This is a fluorescent fixture that takes 2' T5 bulbs as opposed to 4 ft. This fixture has 4 T5 bulbs that are 6400k blue grow bulbs that put out 5,000 Lumen apiece for a total of 20,000 Lumen. I can buy the 4 other 3000k bulbs the next month. Now with this system I get te 4 6400k blue grow bulbs, Hi-Lo reflector hangers that allow you to adjust from one side to keep the fixture even on both sides as your adjusting it. A single outlet mechanical timer. The cost for this is $156.95 and the guy I talked to Perry said because I live in Alaska the would use the Post Office and shipping will be $40. Total Cost 196.95!

Now that I'm done blabbering, here is the link. Tell me your views good or bad, pros or cons. I value your advise as you know.
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

I think the T5 is a better choice than the big honkin' CFL - T5s are more efficient than the big CFLs. A lot of members use T5s and love 'em.

Of course, you know you can get a 400 or even 600 watt HID system with dimmable ballast for the same price ...

But the T5, mostly because it draws less current, will be cooler, and it'd be purdy sittin' in your tent all snugly at 2x2 - sweet fit.

I'm glad you're getting to see all the options. Both the T5 and big CFL are informed choices.
Re: Could Really Use Assistance on How To Best Utilize the Space I Have in My Small C

I think the T5 is a better choice than the big honkin' CFL - T5s are more efficient than the big CFLs. A lot of members use T5s and love 'em.

Of course, you know you can get a 400 or even 600 watt HID system with dimmable ballast for the same price ...

But the T5, mostly because it draws less current, will be cooler, and it'd be purdy sittin' in your tent all snugly at 2x2 - sweet fit.

I'm glad you're getting to see all the options. Both the T5 and big CFL are informed choices.

Graytail, now don't shit yourself LOL! I am getting a frame with 4 T5 HO 6400K Bulbs with hangers for $136.95. The other costs you saw were a timer and a ratcheting thingy added. What really made me commit to it though is that when it comes time to buy the 4 T5 HO 3000K bulbs, I'll get all four for $26.95!!! You can't beat that.

I have done some research and found that for the first 2 years of its life, it only loses 5% of lumen depreciation. By 4 years its only 10% compared to 40-60% of the MH/HP lights.

20,000 lumen’s for $136.95, whuda thunk!!!


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