CPU Cooler


New Member
So I am trying to get my Res temp down but I am on a budget and can't afford a water chiller. I have seen some pictures on here that I think show the use of a CPU cooler to cool the res. Do these work? Don't want to spend the money and then find that they don't work. Any help is much appreciated.
You want to get DWC water temps to below 68f. A cpu cooler won't do it.

On a budget, just place your tubs into a larger tub with water in it. Drop ice jugs into the surrounding tub to cool the bath twice-three times per day. It will work fine so long as your area isn't too damn hot.

Don't ever put ice jugs into the root zone. The roots will touch them and break off from freezing. Very bad.
My plan as it stands right now has me pumping the res water through some small hose to a coil of copper pipe in a large thermos with ice in it. The problem is finding an inline pump so its outside my res. Trying right now to convert my small submersible pump into an inline. will let you know how it turns out.
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