
Sure. You can take cuttings from just about anything at any time. Results will vary as some are more difficult to get rooting than others.
Maybe I'm confused. You are not breeding with cuttings. You create a clone of the mother: same sex, same genetics, etc.
No, you're right, I'm not breeding, but I read that if the mother was originally a cutting then you shouldn't use it for more cuttings when it matures,
It probably does create less vigorous plants, at least if you clone a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone ...
The most I've done is three "generations". I haven't harvested yet, but the health and growth of the plant looks excellent.
Yes you can. are you talking about a rooted cut? I wouldnt take cuts of cuts of feminised plants. But for certain from regs, infact i advise it. You can only really tell how stable the plant is by a 2nd or 3rd generation clone/plant. Just make sure whatever you take the cut from is vigorous and healthy.
Yes, a rooted cutting I took a while back that is now about two weeks from being put into flowering stage, is it ok to take cuttings from it?
Cheers cultivator, can I ask you, have you any tips when it comes to using guano

Guano varies a lot. Some is high in 'N', some is balanced, and some is mainly 'P'. Picking the right one to meet the needs of your soil is step #1. It can be mixed with soil, top dressed, or made into a tea. I use it as an amendment when building soil.
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