Different problems for 2 plants? help please QQ


Active Member
ok so the first plant is soil. Fox farm ocean forest mixed with 2 tbs of dolomite lime per gallon. I feed with a ph between 6.2-6.5. No idea what run off ph is but with dolomite lime and feed of 6+ the ph should be good. I've also recently fed her some molasses and calmag recently. This is only my 2nd grow and I did a lot of research beforehand. Everything was going great until about 3rd week of flower.

Strain is ak 47 - 35 day veg and about day 38 of 12/12


The 2nd plant is exactly the same except it's dwc instead. Problems also started showing up about week 3 but it looks totally different than the soil plant. ph drifts from about 5.6 - 6.2. once it reaches that high I lower it back down again to repeat the process.

Couldn't say exactly what is going on, but I'm hopign this can help you. Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

This might give extra insight into pH What is pH?

Personally, from the looks of things, at this stage in flower, I might be tempted to add N. I'm not certain that woudl be the right thing to do though, since it's happening to soil and hydro. Hoping more help arrives.

Thanks for the info!

I've read a lot of pages like that one already and they don't really help much because so many symptoms seem to overlap. I was thinking maybe I had some type of cal/mag problem on both of them. I think maybe cal on the soil plant and mag on the dwc plant. I bought calmag to try and fix the problem but I'm scared it's still getting worse. I want to be sure I diagnosed the problem properly. I really need these 2 plants to produce and these problems are giving me nightmares lol.
I just thought, before adding any more nutes, it may be prudent to flush your medium.
i am no pro, but I would suggest a potassium def. The tips of your leaves look burnt or dying as well as the yellowing and dead spots. do a search on it to be sure.

Hmm. For the dwc plant? I was thinking that might be possible too. some of the leaves have brown edges going around the leaf. The tips are burned from overnuting. I'm half way into flower and I can't do more than like 800 ppm (.5) and thats pushing it. I'm using gh flora series. Maybe I can try upping the dosage and lowering the calmag. It's hard to fit everything in when you are using shit tap water with 300 ppm -_-
are the tips burnt from over nuting or are they showing a potassium deficiency?? I thought the same thing about my plants I have tips burnt and curling up, I flushed and cut back on my nutrients. the plant never did recover, I think now I should have flushed and upped my nutes as I dont think the tips were nute burnt anymore, I think it was potassium deficiency progressing.
Im pretty sure its nute burn. The plant has never been able to take much. Maybe the problem is my 300 ppm tap water doesn't let me add enough of what I need. The more I look at it though the more I think it's either potassium or mag def
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