Do I need to worry about water pH in my soil?


New Member
I am getting ready to start my first grow and just about have everything ready. I have done hours and hours of research and I am now looking at water PH levels. I tested my tap water last night (well water) with a PH strip and it appears to be about 7.5-8.0. I know PH is a big deal when it comes to hydro grows, but will this be a big worry when dealing with a super soil grow?

I currently have a digital PH meter on order for a more accurate reading.

Also, can I just use vinegar in my water to get a more correct PH level?

I am growing in about a 4 square foot grow box with 200w worth of LED grow lights (measured with a watt meter) and am scrutinizing everything to hopefully get at least 4oz cured out of a 1 month veg + 2 month bloom cycle on two plants. Is that a realistic expectation?
For supersoil you will be on the upper end of pH for some micronutrients but you should be relying on the soil microbes to supply what you need in chelated form to the plant. In general with living soil you will tend to ignore pH as long as you are not seeing any issues. Since you are using well water you will not be killing off the micro herd with chloramine so I think your water will be fine without pH. 4oz is reasonable with 200 actual watts and a nice yielding strain.
I planned on trying out 1 Dance World plant and 1 Blueberry plant, both of which appear to have a 8 week flowering period. And see how I like the strains. After the first plant gets done vegging I am going to have a 2 boxes growing, one with 65ish watts of 6500K CFLs for 2 months of veg while the other box completes it's 2 months of bloom.

Should 65w be enough light in the veg box?
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