Feeling a little discouraged about end product

If you keep some ventilation, like an open top, with a mini-fan for air movement, you might be able to regulate the RH, no matter what you use to humidify the drying box. Thoughts? I'm also trying to work out the RH issue (or lack thereof) for MY grow.

If one is faced with below 30% RH because of winter temps and keeping the house warm, Would it work to skip the drying process all together and put the bud directly into the freezer? This is the second step in the freezer-cure process. One could leave it in there longer to get rid of the extra water weight. Just a thought, open for discussion.
I just bought a nice humidifier from walmart, supposed to regulate rh pretty well. Its a stand up unit so it fits into the corner real well, cool mist, ro water, up to 60% as low as 20. So we shall see if this is a solid fix or not. Good luck to you meng.
The Wally humidifier might be a good solution for the grow room as a whole, since we are so arid during the winters here. I'll check the specs for how much square footage it is rated for. If it can handle a 9' x 10' room, then it will solve a number of problems for me, and economically.
The Wally humidifier might be a good solution for the grow room as a whole, since we are so arid during the winters here. I'll check the specs for how much square footage it is rated for. If it can handle a 9' x 10' room, then it will solve a number of problems for me, and economically.

I have found that a cheapy vicks vaporub vaporizer, like for a child's room, does wonders to bring the humidity up in a room. This solution is cheap and old school, but it works very well.
I have found that a cheapy vicks vaporub vaporizer, like for a child's room, does wonders to bring the humidity up in a room. This solution is cheap and old school, but it works very well.

And readily available for little to nothing at good will, and other thrift stores. Be sure to clean well before using.
Yeah this sunbeam brand one I got is tall, its just more controlable than the smaller units I found, more settings. One gal. I'll throw some pictures up soon.
I bought a sunbeam 1 gallon capacity humidifier and put it on the top shelf in the veg area on low. The RH went from 25% to 60% and just stayed there. I am so pleased!

I also harvested the lady in flower that had been through a battle with mites and eventually lost all but her sugar leaves. That poor little lady gave me 11.84 grams dried of small airy buds! It was only 18" tall and 24" wide at the end of her life. I can hardly wait to see what my 30" x 30" healthy ladies are going to give me! I had to be creative to get two of them in the flower closet! I suppose I'm going to have to take some beauty shots.
Here are the pics of my 2 ladies in flower.



The pics just don't do the lady in bloom justice. She's the best one I've had so far. Lesson learned: grow them big before flower! Big, heavy, fat flowers and I still have at least 1 more month to flower! She is 30" x 30", and about as large as I can handle in the flower closet. If my little, battleworn 18" x 24" Lady gave me 11.8 g, then I expect at least 14 from this one!

What do you think?
She's looking nice thus far meng. Although I was wondering about the quantity of fan leaves. One of the first things I noticed was that it looked a little bare. They say a full plush canopy is the goal of every set up. I'm just saying. It still looks great, I just wonder how big they'd be by now if they were able to collect more light. What are you using for lights? Tell us a lil about your grow.
She's looking nice thus far meng. Although I was wondering about the quantity of fan leaves. One of the first things I noticed was that it looked a little bare. They say a full plush canopy is the goal of every set up. I'm just saying. It still looks great, I just wonder how big they'd be by now if they were able to collect more light. What are you using for lights? Tell us a lil about your grow.

I don't see a "meng" on this topic, so I assume you're speaking to me.

1) The lady is bare because her leaves were destroyed by spider mites. I kept only the functional leaves, as the rest were so spotted that there was almost no chlorophyll left in them. She's up there as proof that the mite war can be won, and still get a decent harvest, esp if one gets to it before putting to flower.

2) The ladies still in veg are very lush, but it is still good practice to trim out the lower tiny branches that will never see the lights and never produce flowers worth the price of electricity and nutes.

3) I veg under 8 - 10 23w cfl's, with a total nominal output of 800-1000 watts, in soil/sand/vermiculite, in 3.5 gallon bins, inoculated with myco. RH with a humidifier is around 60%. Under flower I have two ladies, switched about a month apart, under 6 - 23W CFLs for a total nominal output of 600 Watts. RH is around 30%.

4) I am not a heavy feeder, but once a week I try to give the vegging plants a dilute all-purpose formula for edibles (NPK plus trace elements) plus a dose of homemade Sugar Daddy for the magnesium and sugar. I feed the ladies in flower a couple times with a blossom set, which has no N, plus the occasional dose of sugar daddy. Mostly, though, once in flower, their diet is mostly plain tap water, which is high in minerals anyway, so I don't need to use a lot of nutes.

5) I check them daily for any signs of mites and spray them down well with water now and then to keep the buds clean. Once in flower, I only use the diluted homemade dish soap and cooking oil formula as a preventative spray. The plants still in veg, however, get preventative sprays of either neem oil or Safers, but only occasionally. They also get plain water sprays to keep them clean.

As I improve my regiment, and let them get larger before switching, I notice they are happier and healthier. My goal is bigger, but fewer plants because of space limitations and also to stay within the legal plant count. We won't mention the number of clones..... ;-)
More pictures of the Tri's that stuff needs more days maybe as much as two weeks those are not turning red just a little cloudy. I also did this and it tasted smoking the back forty don't get your pictures from just one spot take several.
@ Gramma..

Hey you beat spider mites and got some good looking smoke coming your way.

Thank you SOOOO much for the compliment! I'm learning more and getting better looking Ladies each harvest. The infestation taught me a LOT. I now have a four-treatment arsenal the next time the Borg sneak up on me. But I inspect all plants every day. No more being complacent!
In soil you must be vigilant. In hydro, if you know what you are doing, you can relax...but knowing what you are doing aint something you get from the internet.

seriously though...if hydro was way harder and only was about 20% better that aint a good cost benefit ratio.

The big warehouse growers, all the pros running real big, 20 plants or greater...they are in soil. It is just sooooooo easy if you pay attention.

Hydro is fun and awesome...but if you grow for personal like me...well I gotta admit I do both but I love soil. Hydro is fun when you have the time. Soil...honestly....I can relax and check up every 3 or 4 days if i really don't want to. But the insects..those can get ya if you are not vigilant.

I love to sit in there and smoke and inspect though. Maybe that is why I learned so much. Being an idiot is hard work.
In soil you must be vigilant. In hydro, if you know what you are doing, you can relax...but knowing what you are doing aint something you get from the internet.

seriously though...if hydro was way harder and only was about 20% better that aint a good cost benefit ratio.

The big warehouse growers, all the pros running real big, 20 plants or greater...they are in soil. It is just sooooooo easy if you pay attention.

Hydro is fun and awesome...but if you grow for personal like me...well I gotta admit I do both but I love soil. Hydro is fun when you have the time. Soil...honestly....I can relax and check up every 3 or 4 days if i really don't want to. But the insects..those can get ya if you are not vigilant.

I love to sit in there and smoke and inspect though. Maybe that is why I learned so much. Being an idiot is hard work.

I am most comfortable with soil, too. I had well-planted fishtanks, and got to th point where I could not longer haul water or stand long enough to clean out all those tanks. so I sold the fish hobby and started this hobby. I like this hobby. :eyebrowsmile:
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