First Ever Grow - Auto White Widow x Auto Candy Cane

Don't worry dude, I care! I just wasn't around this afternoon, did my update this morning right quick and then off to the city to pick stuff up. Your journal is still young, the people will come eventually once they keep seeing it pop up in the journal section. Even I don't get much traffic in mine at times, half the people subbed are one's I've known on here for a while :)

Plants are looking pretty healthy too! Of course there is the runt of the littler but she's still green and standing tall. Don't give up hope on that candy cane, it might surprise you yet. All of them will really, that's the thing about auto's. If you check out my first journal or even my current one with the Dark Devil auto, they all started out really small. I'm still waiting on the DDA to take off and it's on day 19.

Since they are starting to get their 3rd node pushing out, go ahead and give them 1/4 strength nutes. A small amount near the middle and the rest around the outside a couple inches from the plant all the way to the outside. In a 5 gallon container it wouldn't hurt to get a couple liters into each one as well. Be wary of the runt and watch how it reacts to the nutes since it's really small, but it should hopefully give it a bit of a boost. If you notice any leaf tips starting to turn brown and crispy they may not be ready, this would be nutrient burn. Like you said though wait a couple days or so until they are ready for a drink again. By giving small amounts of water the first couple weeks the way I had got you to do has gotten them roots searching and growing. Now it's time for a little more so they can really take it up.
Haha I was going for a little pity. Yeah they are starting to grow alot more since I gave them more water. Gonna let them dry up and hit them with 1/4 nutes. How about the little brown specks? I'm thinking maybe calcium defiency? I appreciate all the help hopefully that little guy will take off soon. I've been checking out your and Tom smith's journal to give me some references and man that has helped alot. I got my lights on 18/6 now. Idk if it helps but I don't need to use all that electric lol
I've been along on your ride and man they sure do look pretty. These ww are taking off like crazy but yours look great
Thanks, i am loving my new hobby for sure, we both will get everything dialed in, it will take a grow or two but the main thing is we are learning more everyday.✌
For sure I want to get these auto flowers out of the way and learn a little more bc I have some pre 98 Bubba kush pheno I'm ready to grow lol
I hear you, i have some dj short blueberry photo i am going to do after my autos get done.✌
I hear you, i have some dj short blueberry photo i am going to do after my autos get done.✌
Hey tom how much are you watering? I haven't been able to water to run off but I should have enough drainage bc I'm growing 50 percent coco and 50 percent perlite. But I only water a gallon between 4 5 gal pots. Is that pretty normal at this stage?
Hey tom how much are you watering? I haven't been able to water to run off but I should have enough drainage bc I'm growing 50 percent coco and 50 percent perlite. But I only water a gallon between 4 5 gal pots. Is that pretty normal at this stage?
Oops I forgot my buddies on here already answered that for me lol. Sometimes I don't think
Haha I was going for a little pity. Yeah they are starting to grow alot more since I gave them more water. Gonna let them dry up and hit them with 1/4 nutes. How about the little brown specks? I'm thinking maybe calcium defiency? I appreciate all the help hopefully that little guy will take off soon. I've been checking out your and Tom smith's journal to give me some references and man that has helped alot. I got my lights on 18/6 now. Idk if it helps but I don't need to use all that electric lol

No worries man lol I just been a bit busy this weekend trying to get our veggie garden put in. Likely won't get it all done today either lol

The brown spots likely are a calcium deficiency, I had it happen in my hempy bucket grow but managed to get by without any calmag. I use RO water but ever since the. I started getting RO with minerals and it's helped. I also have some calmag now so I don't run into problems. You use tap water though right and let it sit a day before using? Do you have a calmag additive? If you do then add some into your next feed. Otherwise once you start giving them nutes it should subside since the nutes will have that in them.

18/6 light schedule is the norm for autos, some people have used 20/4 but not sure how much it helped. Some even flower them in 12/12 like me, all depends on space and how big you want them and other conditions. Leave them on 18/6 the whole way thru though for best results :)
No worries man lol I just been a bit busy this weekend trying to get our veggie garden put in. Likely won't get it all done today either lol

The brown spots likely are a calcium deficiency, I had it happen in my hempy bucket grow but managed to get by without any calmag. I use RO water but ever since the. I started getting RO with minerals and it's helped. I also have some calmag now so I don't run into problems. You use tap water though right and let it sit a day before using? Do you have a calmag additive? If you do then add some into your next feed. Otherwise once you start giving them nutes it should subside since the nutes will have that in them.

18/6 light schedule is the norm for autos, some people have used 20/4 but not sure how much it helped. Some even flower them in 12/12 like me, all depends on space and how big you want them and other conditions. Leave them on 18/6 the whole way thru though for best results :)
Yeah I figured I would leave them on that to help my bills lol. Hope you get your veggies going soon. Yeah I have some cal mag I can give with nutes. Or does the ff trio have calcium in it? My lights come on in an hour so I might nute them bc I didn't give them a whole lot of water yesterday
Yeah I figured I would leave them on that to help my bills lol. Hope you get your veggies going soon. Yeah I have some cal mag I can give with nutes. Or does the ff trio have calcium in it? My lights come on in an hour so I might nute them bc I didn't give them a whole lot of water yesterday

Yeah me to, just about to go do the peas and beans now. Potatoes, carrots, cucumber, pumpkins are all in now. Still got broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage and lettuce in the basement to go in. Then I need to build a raised box for the strawberries and asparagus since they stay in the ground year round.. fun fun haha

I would imagine the ff trio has calcium in one of the bottles. They don't have percentages of each on the back of the bottles? All my GH nutes do. Usually the bloom nutes are what have the most Cal and mag in them I believe, I would have to go look.

Yup, go ahead and give them that 1/4 strength ahot of nutes, about 2 liters per pot and see if you get run off or not then report back :)
Yeah me to, just about to go do the peas and beans now. Potatoes, carrots, cucumber, pumpkins are all in now. Still got broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage and lettuce in the basement to go in. Then I need to build a raised box for the strawberries and asparagus since they stay in the ground year round.. fun fun haha

I would imagine the ff trio has calcium in one of the bottles. They don't have percentages of each on the back of the bottles? All my GH nutes do. Usually the bloom nutes are what have the most Cal and mag in them I believe, I would have to go look.

Yup, go ahead and give them that 1/4 strength ahot of nutes, about 2 liters per pot and see if you get run off or not then report back :)
Damn my man I'm coming to your house for dinner lmao. Alright dude I mixed up 1/4 nutes and about 1/4 cal mag. I fed each about 2 liters give or take. My runt is growing a little bit day by day. My ww in the back is taking off. I set me up a little rack station for my ro. Take a look and see if everything looks up to par.
Haha, we will have a lot of stuff growing that's for sure. We actually just got done planting everything, just gotta pick up onions since we had a little spot left over. Garden is almost 25'x20' once I get that planter box built lol

Everything looks good to me. I did notice it seems like one side is getting more light than the other. Maybe resituate that middle panel so it's up another 3 or 4 inches and then if it's possible keep your 2 outer panels at the height they are at now but angle them towards the plants if possible, should help spread the light better over the plants instead of the whole tent.

Only other thing is did you end up with any runoff from the 2 liters per pot?
Haha, we will have a lot of stuff growing that's for sure. We actually just got done planting everything, just gotta pick up onions since we had a little spot left over. Garden is almost 25'x20' once I get that planter box built lol

Everything looks good to me. I did notice it seems like one side is getting more light than the other. Maybe resituate that middle panel so it's up another 3 or 4 inches and then if it's possible keep your 2 outer panels at the height they are at now but angle them towards the plants if possible, should help spread the light better over the plants instead of the whole tent.

Only other thing is did you end up with any runoff from the 2 liters per pot?
Yeah I've been devising a plan for my light situation bc that mars is my best light I'm in the market for another one soon but I'll see what I can do for now. Yeah I actually had run off of all them it wasn't a whole lot but enough I know my stuff is draining good. I hit with a low dose of cal mag so hopefully those spots go away on the leaves. I didn't give the little one as much so hopefully she perks up. I'm so excited for giving them nutrients for some reason. A few questions off that topic. One is that bud candy solution any good? And why have I heard people talking about Epsom salt?
Good that you had a bit of runoff. Don't need much right now but as you start feeding more nutrients it will be good to get on a "feed, feed, water" schedule and when you give just water make sure you get about 10-15% runoff to remove any excess salt buildup that may be created in the medium from the nutrients. Leave a tiny bit of your nute mix in a cup or tray and let it dissolve, then you will see what I mean. Another thing to remember, less is always more. or is it more is always less.. anyways you get the idea, don't go over recommended doses unless advised by someone with a decent amount of experience, these plants don't need a lot when it comes to extras.

As far as your questions go, I can't really comment on the bud candy, you would have to find someone that uses it likely. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head but I have seen it in some journals nute lineups. Advanced nutrients is a company that makes nutrients specifically for these plants and is a very popular brand, but in my honest opinion, they cost to much for what they are. That's the main reason I haven't tried them. Costs a lot of money for superior nutes maybe?? Not sure since I don't have experience with them nor have I seen a side by side grow against another nutrient line.

Epsom salts are used to boost magnesium and sulphur. That's what it actually is, magnesium sulfate. Some people will use this when they have issues with just magnesium deficiencies but most times a mag deficiency will happen along with calcium, that is why nute companies make a solution for both of these and also because when using RO water, these 2 minerals are usually stripped from the water. Like I said earlier, where I live I have the option of pure RO water or pure-plus which has added these minerals back in.
Good that you had a bit of runoff. Don't need much right now but as you start feeding more nutrients it will be good to get on a "feed, feed, water" schedule and when you give just water make sure you get about 10-15% runoff to remove any excess salt buildup that may be created in the medium from the nutrients. Leave a tiny bit of your nute mix in a cup or tray and let it dissolve, then you will see what I mean. Another thing to remember, less is always more. or is it more is always less.. anyways you get the idea, don't go over recommended doses unless advised by someone with a decent amount of experience, these plants don't need a lot when it comes to extras.

As far as your questions go, I can't really comment on the bud candy, you would have to find someone that uses it likely. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head but I have seen it in some journals nute lineups. Advanced nutrients is a company that makes nutrients specifically for these plants and is a very popular brand, but in my honest opinion, they cost to much for what they are. That's the main reason I haven't tried them. Costs a lot of money for superior nutes maybe?? Not sure since I don't have experience with them nor have I seen a side by side grow against another nutrient line.

Epsom salts are used to boost magnesium and sulphur. That's what it actually is, magnesium sulfate. Some people will use this when they have issues with just magnesium deficiencies but most times a mag deficiency will happen along with calcium, that is why nute companies make a solution for both of these and also because when using RO water, these 2 minerals are usually stripped from the water. Like I said earlier, where I live I have the option of pure RO water or pure-plus which has added these minerals back in.
Hell yeah man I've been keeping it in the low side of doses bc like you said less is more. I'm getting where I can read the plants a little better now thanks to you lol. Im just gonna stick with good old fox farm and hope for the best. I think these white widow are gonna be fun to lst when they are ready. Idk about the candy cane yet but hopefully it likes the nutes.
Hell yeah man I've been keeping it in the low side of doses bc like you said less is more. I'm getting where I can read the plants a little better now thanks to you lol. Im just gonna stick with good old fox farm and hope for the best. I think these white widow are gonna be fun to lst when they are ready. Idk about the candy cane yet but hopefully it likes the nutes.
I reall like ff, seems to be doing good for me. Im on day 27 and just fed little over 1/4 strength. You are going to like the ww auto, mine are growing vigorously and getting very bushy with lst.✌
I reall like ff, seems to be doing good for me. Im on day 27 and just fed little over 1/4 strength. You are going to like the ww auto, mine are growing vigorously and getting very bushy with lst.✌
Yeah I have been following yours and they look good af man. Mine seem a little behind yours but I just started with nutes today so fingers lol. When did you start lst.?
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