First Grow Advice Welcome

Looking good bud! Love the dome-box hahaha building grow rooms really brings out the McGyver inside

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Looking good bud! Love the dome-box hahaha building grow rooms really brings out the McGyver inside .

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So far 2 seeds of G13xNorthern Lights have sprouted from the soil. I'm still waiting for the other 2 to emerge now here's pics of the 2 little seedlings that have sprouted so far. Thanks cheers all 420ers!

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So I replanted my little ones into bigger pots today, why? Well I was bored lol.

I have also noticed today that my new seeds I have been germinating and have finally split open. I have now planted them as well and have put them into my sweet new light box I made today woohoo lol

The Strain is "G13 X NORTHERN LIGHTS"

I decided to use a big Walmart box I got from a Christmas gift, I made it into a little seedling centre that also holds my fluorescent tube light perfectly too, it also brightens up my dome very well lol. Hoping for the best from these new growing girls....




cheers all enjoy & happy 420!

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On Dec 25th I re-potted my 6 girls since then they have been growing faster and look healthier. Here's pics below.

I am thinking of lightly feeding nutrients to my plants by the next feeding what do you think ?

Also can anyone tell me when I should start topping my plants? I'm worried being my first time and all that I don't want kill or hurt my crop soooo....Should I top or not ? Lol cheers!

Thanks all!

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Can Anyone Help Me With My First Grow?

If you haven't got this app yet you should check it out and give it a try and go to the --------- website to download or App Store. I'm using it and I love it..

Cheers GrowBuddies!

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Under the blurple light it's impossible to tell if your having any issues or if they need nutrients. They look great under that light tho. Peace!!
Looking good man! As soon as they are in their final pot I'd say give them one first feeding with only root juices and the second feeding start off at 1/4 then increase every week 1/4 more and you should be at full nutrient power around week 3-4 of veg and thats when preflowers should starts showing. I switched to flower feed/light at about day 30-35

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Looking good man! As soon as they are in their final pot I'd say give them one first feeding with only root juices and the second feeding start off at 1/4 then increase every week 1/4 more and you should be at full nutrient power around week 3-4 of veg and thats when preflowers should starts showing. I switched to flower feed/light at about day 30-35

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Sent from my SM-G935F using 420 Magazine Mobile App
I have decided to put all my lights on my plants now, they are in there permanent homes and all is going smoothly, I have them on 18-6 it's bed time for them soon it's been a long hard day for these girls but I'm certain they will love my set up and adapt wonderfully.



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Can Anyone Help Me With My First Grow?

Could you explain more about it like the flushing with just water or with some flusher ? Thanks for the look outs cheers!

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Can Anyone Help Me With My First Grow?

Let the soil dry up a bit...until the top 2-3" is dry.
Prepare tap water the night before. Let it sit out uncovered for 24 hrs if you have high chlorine.
Fill pot with water. Soak it good but not so it runs out the bottom. Wait 5 minutes for saturation.
Now flood the pot (watering around the outside edge) until run off comes out the bottom. Collect runoff and test with ph pen.
Ph should be 5.5-6.0 for loose, high drainage soiless mixtures. 5.8-6.5 for regular soil mixtures.
Record results for next weeks test.

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I have decided to put all my lights on my plants now, they are in there permanent homes and all is going smoothly, I have them on 18-6 it's bed time for them soon it's been a long hard day for these girls but I'm certain they will love my set up and adapt wonderfully.



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They look very healthy n happy. Good job, Lochness!! Peace!
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