First Grow - Going Well - I Think!

OK... Exactly 5 weeks old tomorrow for most of them. The blue dream has started going yellow and had some leaves fall off. I've moved the light higher again she's growing first grow so I don't know but I assume they're looking a decent size. Hoping for a good yeild from them because it's a great strain. How's things looking to you guys?
OK so I kinda gave up posting because it seems kind of pointless... But I won't give up! I do understand why so many journals are unfinished now though...thanks to the few who've commented etc. In 2 days we will be entering week 8. Blue dream are the biggest and best looking closely followed by blueberry which was actually planted a week later. My Jack Herer is going slooooow and the northern lights seem to have went tits up. No idea why! So it's mixed results... Im happy overall though. Was hoping an Oz per plant but no chance now
Well this is only based on what I have read here on 420 but; ignore the breeder /seed company's flowering times, and base it on the trichomes and pistils, as the plant tells you when its ready. To my untrained and inexperienced eye, lmao, they still have a little weight to put on, but again the trichomes will tell the story.
Thank you guys. Nice to have some people replying. I almost gave up! Should i let them run another two weeks do you reckon? I know the blueberry, JH and NL will take longer. Hoping for a big yeild from the blue dream which is great because its a personal favourite. Be interesting to see if I can get over an Oz off each of those. The blueberry also looks like it's going to be a big yeilder. I really hope so because the NL fucking up screwed me over. I put every pennie I had into this so I kinda needed it to be a success like most of you I'm sure. It ain't cheap to get started
OK so I think in a way I have had some beginners luck. I chopped blue dream #1 at 8 weeks even though seed bank recommended 10. She looked good and the high was good so I chopped one down and was very surprised that after 4 days drying and into Jars she rewarded me with just shy of 32g. Absolutely buzzing... High is great, defo enough to please me until the rest is ready. Super excited though. Really didn't think I'd make my target since I cut her early. My targets an ounce per plant ;-)
No mate but I'm going to buy one to check the rest. I literally cba buying street shit when what I had was already better. I know i didn't get as good as a result as I would have but I'm very happy with what I have and how it turned out so I'll definitely be being patient with the rest. It's been a journey, very nervous person so everything seemed like a challenge but I've learnt alot and I'm only going to get better. I appreciate the advice I've had and even read during my browsing on here. I'll keep yous posted. I said if finish it and I will! Too many people don't, it's a shame. Hopefully my next one will be a little more informative now that I have the gist of it
If you put a link to your journal in your signature you get a lot more visitors - especially if you participate in some threads as well. The 420 community is quite dynamic, you get what you give. Welcome and your plants are looking great for a first timer!

Yeah man, went to check on them and it was completely off... Lesson learnt lol! No sign of stress just yet..maybe she'll pull through. It's the experience that counts! Cheers for following and giving advice. Pretty quiet round here!
I don't really comment on much because I don't feel I've learnt enough to be helping others just yet but I will :) yeah I'm chuffed with what I got... Didn't expect that with it being early etc. Looking forward to the next fortnight and the rest should be close to done. Looking forward to the blueberry.. It looks like a beast. I will get some updated photos soon!
Hey man, welcome! Hopefully we can learn off each other mate. Like I said in your journal, i have chopped my second blue dream and one of my Northern lights a few days ago. They're just finishing the drying stage. I honestly think the second blue dream will be very good to me. The last was just over an ounce and this is looking double that. Definitely at least an ounce and a half. Still have 2 Northern lights, a Jack Herer and a blueberry cooking but blueberry is coming down once I've space.. Just once I jar these drying. Had more seeds arrive today. Some super lemon haze, orange bud, cbd medgom, blackberry kush and Jackpot so I'll be doing some more detailed journals now I've found my feet a little. Welcome and goodluck!
Blue dream #2 is down and dried....55g! Didn't think I'd pull anywhere near that first time round so that had me very excited. Have a Northern lights drying too. The rest are still cooking. Have some seeds for next time round! Super lemon haze, orange bud, medgom, blackberry kush and some jackpot! Will upload photos of the rest that are cooking.. For now, here's some beautiful herb
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