Giving it a Try: White Widow in a Box

The fungus continues to spread. It's in the soil, and I have no idea what to do. Should I try to repot it, changing as much soil as possible to a sterilized potting soil? Or maybe I could repot it in something inorganic, like vermiculite?

I need help! :(

If these guys die I'm going to just restart it all, but I want to see them succeed!
re potting might help. mold is usually just on the surface or immediate top layer. Just be careful not to shock your roots too much.

I also know that distilled white vinegar can remove plant mold. Mix with equal parts water and vinegar. Spray the surface of your soil. It will change the PH of your soil thus killing the mold.
Well, I tried to remove as much of the old soil as possible, but I'm removing dead material as quickly as new leaves appear. I tried to remove as much of the moldy soil last night as I could.

I think much of the mold is caused by the overwatering inherent in the flushing I did for overfertilizing. Maybe once the soil gets fully dry and I let the plants dry out just a bit the mold will die down. Or maybe that's wishful thinking.

I'll try the vinegar though. This neem oil isn't doing anything but making the room smell.
Hey found this little bit on the net

"A white or light yellow mold-like growth may indicate the presence of a saprophytic soil fungus, a fungus that lives on dead or decaying matter. The fungus will not harm the plant but may indicate unsterile potting medium or an overwatered plant."

So it may be overwatering from trying to flush the plant out.

You should be able to get some help here

Site | Ohioline


Hope you sort it out, keeping a keen eye :popcorn:

Peace :roorrip:
Well, I sprayed the soil with 1:1 vinegar, and sprayed some on the leaves too. What the hey, I'm getting desperate.

If this doesn't work, I'll try baking soda. This link has some science backing up its use. Use of Baking Soda as a Fungicide

Or I might just go get some real fungicide with triforine or something, hoping to knock out the fungus before flowering. All this stress has probably given me hermies, but no biggie.

I am sick of trying things. Nothing seems to work. I've sprayed them with water to wash anything off, and I'm just not going to touch them for another week and see what they do on their own. They are weeds...they can handle it. I'm just stabbing in the dark anyway, so I might as well let nature take her course.
All right, no more hippy-dippy mumbo-jumbo. I bought some Spectracide anti-fungal spray and gave them a good dousing. If the fungus stays after this I'm not sure what I'll do, but I'm pretty sure this stuff will get rid of it. I'm not too worried about it getting into the flowers at this point, because it'll be another month before the appear.
Well, I think it's over. They continue to get worse, and the fungus shows no sign of stopping. It's terminal. I'll post pics so people can see what it looks like. Yes, my attempts at a solution probably killed them faster, but you live and you learn, or something.

So now I'll have to figure out what to do better in the sequel grow:
Better soil. (promix + perlite?)
Wait before transplanting
Blue lights to start
Regular sprays with neem oil as preventative

Seeds are in the water, so let's see if I can do this better.

Sry to hear man I was excited to see this develop :(

You need to find out why this may have happened.. maybe learn something from it. What could have caused that mold??

Yeah. I think it is a combination of overwatering, bad soil, and maybe the room.

The soil did not drain well at all, which held lots of moisture near the roots and probably contributed.

I saw several blades of grass rising in the soil, so I know it was nowhere near sterile. For the next grow I've already started in PROMIX, which should be much cleaner.

There may be mold in my closet; I'm not sure. Maybe I'll get a filter to put over the air intake to stop any mold spores.

Also, the pots were too small. I should have been at a much larger pot for the later part of the grow. I think they became root bound and that slowed their grown significantly. I'm hoping that, if I get lucky, I can get a grow done quickly.

Also, get more pictures up! I've got to live vicariously through your grow.

I found the best growing advice I ever got was to let them do their thing. I micro managed my very first attempt and they died :( I have found this attempt aside from watering every 3 days I have done nothing with a much better response. Keep it simple.

I try not to update mine with constant updates thou its hard to resist, im so proud of my girls.. I have been trying to keep it to every tuesday or monday night. Next week is going to be exciting as Im going to start the molasses treatment and apparently the buds will double in size in just a few days. Thats what I have read anyway.
Next week is going to be exciting as Im going to start the molasses treatment and apparently the buds will double in size in just a few days. Thats what I have read anyway.

Hopefully you don't believe everything you read.. You guys crack me up with some of the things you read and pass on.... :reading420magazine:

So that post was a month ago, how did that mollasses treat your ladies.. Did they double or triple in size in the few days like you had read?
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