Golden Teacher & Jedi Mind F%^* Bipolar Disorder Quick Fix


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be documenting were I am at 3 years into growing GT&JMF and how it has changed my life and my brain forever. I have always been the quiet type and due to early childhood trauma I've always been a bit different. With an IQ in the 160 range I have always been on a different level than most of my peers growing up, and despite my IQ was put into Special Education classes(not the gifted classes) about the age of 12 I realized I wasn't happy like all my classmates, sure I had my moments of happiness followed by week long episodes of manic states that left me unable to sleep sometimes for weeks. At the age of 13 I was put on a concoction of Xanax and Vyvanse(amphetamine salts), this I figure sparked my battle with substance abuse. Methamphetamine and Heroin became my go to fix when the prescription drugs stopped at the age of 18. Every time I felt my bipolar depressed state coming on I could skip it and stay on the manic side of my disorder (and if you are bipolar you know Manic is a lot easer to manage than depression) so for the next 20 years this would be the thorn in my side, I found that if I timed it right I could go up and down and get the same satisfaction I had become accustom too when I was a child being on the xanax/vyvance. I'm lucky to be alive I don't know anyone that has shot heroin everyday for 20 years and is still breathing. Its sad I've lost most my old friends to Heroin/fentynal.
I have been on everything possable for bi-polar disorder from lithium,Depakote, Seroquel XR and aripiprazole to topiramate, Abilify, sertraline, Risperdal, oxcarbazepine and gabapentin to Abilify, Latuda and Lamictal to divalproex sodium, carbamazepine, Lithobid and some more that I'm sure I'm forgetting. after all that the only thing that works is Psilocybin, and when I say it works I mean completely works. As of right now I have been completely symptom free of bipolar disorder for 3 years, since the very first micro dose till now NO BI-POLAR DISORDER. it is completely amazing how this compound works in the body and for bipolar disorder. 30 years of prescription medications none of which worked in the slightest amount and I find complete rehabilitation in something so stigmatized and illegal. This natural compound is medicine I'm proof of it period. and I have decided to share this with everyone despite the possible legal repercussions. The benefit far out weighs the risk. if i can get one person the help they need to overcome issues that the medical industry has created prescribing all the needless shit they do.
Im new at grow journals but I'm going to be giving it my all I hope this helps someone that is just as desperate as I was 3 years ago............. This is how I Grow the big Fruits

First off I don't use any of that fancy store bought crap I see people use on redit and youtube. here is my must have list: 2 bags Uncle bens whole grain rice, spores, alcohol, hole puncher, tweezers ,a plastic shoe box container with lid, a plastic grocery bag and coco coir, microwave safe Rubbermaid container . and a clear tote with armholes cut in it(still air box) micropore tape, gloves


as this is a work in progress I'm posting what I have as of now... see u guys tomorrow with more
I start off breaking up the bag of rice and pushing all the rice to the bottom of the bag so that the top is free to use the hole puncher... first everything has to be sprayed with isopropyl 70% or higher and wiped down compulsively, i cant stress how important it is to be clean when inoculating bags and wear gloves soaked in iso. it is the most risk for contamination. I take my syringe of liquid culture and inject very small amount in the middle of bag and cover with micro pore tape then i soak my hole puncher in iso. and while the hole puncher is still wet with alcohol I punch one hole at top corner of bag and cover it with micro pore tape also ( keep in mind everything can be done while wet with alcohol it wont hurt anything through this process). I usually inoculate 20 or so bags at a time because I do a lot of small shoe box grows, this way if something is contaminated you don't have all your eggs in one basket, ya feel me? once all bags are inoculated I put them in my stair closet in the dark and don't look at them for 14 days. do not break and shake i dont care how many times you read it on redit it only invites contamination be patient the mycelium will grow no need to shake or break anything L()L just make sure you don't handle the bags at all or THEY WILL CONTAMINATE. fight the urge to look trust me. after 14-16 days the mycelium is ready to be put to substrate. I take roughly a whole Rubbermaid container full of coco coir and fill with water ( it dosent matter how wet the coco is im going to be hand scooping it out and squeezing some of the water out as i add it to the mycelium rice.... I put a plastic grocery bag they send your food home in from the store inside of plastic shoe box as a liner and thoroughly spray with 70% iso. and put the lid on it and set it aside..... I flame sterilize a razor blade and cut across the middle of the uncle bens bag making sure if there is contamination that i can close it up and get it out of still air box. all goes well and mycelium is clean i use my 70 % iso soaked gloves to break up the mycelium cake into small pieces, and mix with equal part coco coir that i have cooked in Rubbermaid microwave bowl for 5 min in microwave. after it cools down enough to scoop out by hand. I add equal parts coco and mycelium hand by hand ful squeezing a good amount of water from the coco, not too much though leave it pretty moist you just don't want pools of water in the bin. once i have equal parts coco and mycelium rice mixed up together and to the depth of about 3 fingers in bin or about 3 inches deep, then i add a top layer of just coco coir on the top covering all the mixture and then seal it with lid and tape with micropore tape all the way around and put in stair closet and again dont even look at it for 7 days. then when mycelium is covering the whole inside of bin I expose to fruiting conditions. ( to be continued ) @Keffka here's how I make emm:)




First off, thanks for the tag.. Second of all.. get out of my life and brain 🤣

I won’t go into all the details but I too am Bi Polar (Type 1). I also have ADHD, Autism, PTSD, and a TBI (traumatic brain injury) for good measure 🤣

None of the medications work for me. The mood stabilizers like depakote make me angry. Seroquel leaves me feeling groggy and disconnected. Ritalin, adderall, etc. make me feel like an empty headed robot with no emotions and lethargic. Having ADHD makes it incredibly difficult to treat any of my problems with medication since almost all medicines have the opposite effect on me. That leaves me pretty SOL with western medicine.

Psychedelics changed everything. With literally one DMT trip I got my entire life back. Obviously I still have anxiety and don’t like crowds, new people, authority, etc. but I am now able to hold down a part time job, am almost completely sober (I’m working on getting off suboxone), and I am legitimately happy these days. I sound like an infomercial or a snake oil salesman when talking about psychedelics, but I can’t help it, it was that powerful.

With that being said, I do not endorse others jumping feet first into psychedelics for mental health reasons. I had already exhausted all my options and was left with the choice of, continue my life as it was, which would’ve found me either dead or imprisoned sooner rather than later. Or give psychedelics a shot and see if it would work.

I did a lot of reading up on the different psychedelics. I spent around 6 months studying everything I could get my hands on. Through that time I decided to go with DMT since it lined up with what I was interested in. This also enabled me to extract the psychedelic myself so I knew what I was getting. I wasn’t leaving any room for error.

I say that to say this.. For anyone reading this, if you’re thinking of trying psychedelics for mental health, make sure you talk to your doctor and have a good understanding of the risks involved. There is a slight chance it could break your brain even further and that’s a choice only you can make for yourself once properly educated.
First off, thanks for the tag.. Second of all.. get out of my life and brain 🤣

I won’t go into all the details but I too am Bi Polar (Type 1). I also have ADHD, Autism, PTSD, and a TBI (traumatic brain injury) for good measure 🤣

None of the medications work for me. The mood stabilizers like depakote make me angry. Seroquel leaves me feeling groggy and disconnected. Ritalin, adderall, etc. make me feel like an empty headed robot with no emotions and lethargic. Having ADHD makes it incredibly difficult to treat any of my problems with medication since almost all medicines have the opposite effect on me. That leaves me pretty SOL with western medicine.

Psychedelics changed everything. With literally one DMT trip I got my entire life back. Obviously I still have anxiety and don’t like crowds, new people, authority, etc. but I am now able to hold down a part time job, am almost completely sober (I’m working on getting off suboxone), and I am legitimately happy these days. I sound like an infomercial or a snake oil salesman when talking about psychedelics, but I can’t help it, it was that powerful.

With that being said, I do not endorse others jumping feet first into psychedelics for mental health reasons. I had already exhausted all my options and was left with the choice of, continue my life as it was, which would’ve found me either dead or imprisoned sooner rather than later. Or give psychedelics a shot and see if it would work.

I did a lot of reading up on the different psychedelics. I spent around 6 months studying everything I could get my hands on. Through that time I decided to go with DMT since it lined up with what I was interested in. This also enabled me to extract the psychedelic myself so I knew what I was getting. I wasn’t leaving any room for error.

I say that to say this.. For anyone reading this, if you’re thinking of trying psychedelics for mental health, make sure you talk to your doctor and have a good understanding of the risks involved. There is a slight chance it could break your brain even further and that’s a choice only you can make for yourself.
No u get out of my life and brain.:laughtwo::laughtwo: Tell u truth @Keffka I think this same situation has played out over and over again with countless amount of people probably everyone who is playing the psych med shuffle, I mean do u know anyone that has really been helped from the mental health industry? I dont know anyone myself and I'd suspect it's the same down the line for everyone :/
No u get out of my life and brain.:laughtwo::laughtwo: Tell u truth @Keffka I think this same situation has played out over and over again with countless amount of people probably everyone who is playing the psych med shuffle, I mean do u know anyone that has really been helped from the mental health industry? I dont know anyone myself and I'd suspect it's the same down the line for everyone :/

It’s my opinion that western medicine isn’t meant to cure any of us. It’s a for profit industry in a capitalist society that is designed to keep you coming back. They band aid your real problem while prescribing tons of medications to treat the side effects of your band aid. While this is terrible for physical ailments and leads to addictions as well as a major loss of quality of life, it’s downright dangerous and irresponsible for mental illness. We don’t even understand the majority of the medications fully nor do we really understand how they work. That’s an insanely wild risk to take with your brain.

That’s why to me psychedelics felt like a “well fuck it, they’ve tried all this other stuff they don’t understand anyway, at least we understand the rewiring of neural pathways” moment for me.
It’s my opinion that western medicine isn’t meant to cure any of us. It’s a for profit industry in a capitalist society that is designed to keep you coming back. They band aid your real problem while prescribing tons of medications to treat the side effects of your band aid. While this is terrible for physical ailments and leads to addictions as well as a major loss of quality of life, it’s downright dangerous and irresponsible for mental illness. We don’t even understand the majority of the medications fully nor do we really understand how they work. That’s an insanely wild risk to take with your brain.

That’s why to me psychedelics felt like a “well fuck it, they’ve tried all this other stuff they don’t understand anyway, at least we understand the rewiring of neural pathways” moment for me.
I just heard about a study...very well reviewed, that they found serotonin levels has zero to do with depression, and that these ssri's do absolutely nothing because serotonin doesnt cause, or have an effect on depression. Im sure its worded better in the correct terms, but thats the basics. They wven went on to say that it could be another version of mk ultra...just on a mass scale. Makes sense...screw with human kinds brain chemistry, after pitting them in an unnatural environment, and make a fortune doing it. I don't trust western doctors. Reading your experience is by far more trustworthy to me, for something like this. Glad to hear you found something that works, and works well.
I just heard about a study...very well reviewed, that they found serotonin levels has zero to do with depression, and that these ssri's do absolutely nothing because serotonin doesnt cause, or have an effect on depression. Im sure its worded better in the correct terms, but thats the basics.

I’ve heard similar.. If I remember correctly, depression itself is far more complex than a simple chemical imbalance, so who knows what they’ve actually been doing to us.

They wven went on to say that it could be another version of mk ultra...just on a mass scale.

I wouldn’t doubt this at all.. I’m extremely in tune with my body and can feel shifts in my physiology. When I take the medications they give me there is a very weird numbing sensation that occurs with almost all of the brain medicine. They all aggressively shift the way my emotions are and they become almost uncontrollable, ironically. This tells me that normal people when taking these medicines are likely extremely numbed and made almost docile. The thought of it reminds me of calming the herd essentially. I wouldn’t be shocked to find out they already understand the majority of these medicines placate the cogs and their prescribing is intentional.

Makes sense...screw with human kinds brain chemistry, after pitting them in an unnatural environment, and make a fortune doing it. I don't trust western doctors.

Everything about our modern existence is unnatural and has been for a long time. The levels of stress our senses are subjected to that we don’t even realize are poisoning us. You can feel this when you escape into nature away from everything.

There’s an almost primal connection we have to the planet. If you can turn off the Judeo-Christian capitalist brainwashing that makes us believe the comforts of consumerism and faith have made our lives better, then you will be able to feel the energy that connects us to the planet, our true mother/father.

There’s millions of us that have spent our entire lives in the city but have always felt disconnected or out of place. However the moment we enter true nature, it’s like we’ve come home to a place our consciousness has known before.

Reading your experience is by far more trustworthy to me, for something like this. Glad to hear you found something that works, and works well.

I totally get it.. When you’ve had medical professional after professional fail you and leave you worse off than before, it’s hard to trust anything they do or say. Especially when a non medical stranger thousands of miles away is able to describe your life and thoughts to you almost to a tee in a way no doctor has ever come close to.
That’s why to me psychedelics felt like a “well fuck it, they’ve tried all this other stuff they don’t understand anyway, at least we understand the rewiring of neural pathways” moment for me.
couldn't have said it better myself and your right there is so much they don't know about the medications they give us at least I know what's in the mushrooms.
Thanks for all the good info Tree. I know it takes time to document everything. I’m doing GT for a first grow. Just want to see a mushroom pop out of the cake so I can make a tea and give it to my wife :smokin:
I start off breaking up the bag of rice and pushing all the rice to the bottom of the bag so that the top is free to use the hole puncher... first everything has to be sprayed with isopropyl 70% or higher and wiped down compulsively, i cant stress how important it is to be clean when inoculating bags and wear gloves soaked in iso. it is the most risk for contamination. I take my syringe of liquid culture and inject very small amount in the middle of bag and cover with micro pore tape then i soak my hole puncher in iso. and while the hole puncher is still wet with alcohol I punch one hole at top corner of bag and cover it with micro pore tape also ( keep in mind everything can be done while wet with alcohol it wont hurt anything through this process). I usually inoculate 20 or so bags at a time because I do a lot of small shoe box grows, this way if something is contaminated you don't have all your eggs in one basket, ya feel me? once all bags are inoculated I put them in my stair closet in the dark and don't look at them for 14 days. do not break and shake i dont care how many times you read it on redit it only invites contamination be patient the mycelium will grow no need to shake or break anything L()L just make sure you don't handle the bags at all or THEY WILL CONTAMINATE. fight the urge to look trust me. after 14-16 days the mycelium is ready to be put to substrate. I take roughly a whole Rubbermaid container full of coco coir and fill with water ( it dosent matter how wet the coco is im going to be hand scooping it out and squeezing some of the water out as i add it to the mycelium rice.... I put a plastic grocery bag they send your food home in from the store inside of plastic shoe box as a liner and thoroughly spray with 70% iso. and put the lid on it and set it aside..... I flame sterilize a razor blade and cut across the middle of the uncle bens bag making sure if there is contamination that i can close it up and get it out of still air box. all goes well and mycelium is clean i use my 70 % iso soaked gloves to break up the mycelium cake into small pieces, and mix with equal part coco coir that i have cooked in Rubbermaid microwave bowl for 5 min in microwave. after it cools down enough to scoop out by hand. I add equal parts coco and mycelium hand by hand ful squeezing a good amount of water from the coco, not too much though leave it pretty moist you just don't want pools of water in the bin. once i have equal parts coco and mycelium rice mixed up together and to the depth of about 3 fingers in bin or about 3 inches deep, then i add a top layer of just coco coir on the top covering all the mixture and then seal it with lid and tape with micropore tape all the way around and put in stair closet and again dont even look at it for 7 days. then when mycelium is covering the whole inside of bin I expose to fruiting conditions. ( to be continued ) @Keffka here's how I make emm:)




Beautiful! How long does it take from when they are just puffy mycelium on the surface of the coir, to when they are an actual flush of shroom? What do the in between stages look like? Do you have any pics of that? This is an interesting conversation. Thanks.
I'm going to be documenting were I am at 3 years into growing GT&JMF and how it has changed my life and my brain forever. I have always been the quiet type and due to early childhood trauma I've always been a bit different. With an IQ in the 160 range I have always been on a different level than most of my peers growing up, and despite my IQ was put into Special Education classes(not the gifted classes) about the age of 12 I realized I wasn't happy like all my classmates, sure I had my moments of happiness followed by week long episodes of manic states that left me unable to sleep sometimes for weeks. At the age of 13 I was put on a concoction of Xanax and Vyvanse(amphetamine salts), this I figure sparked my battle with substance abuse. Methamphetamine and Heroin became my go to fix when the prescription drugs stopped at the age of 18. Every time I felt my bipolar depressed state coming on I could skip it and stay on the manic side of my disorder (and if you are bipolar you know Manic is a lot easer to manage than depression) so for the next 20 years this would be the thorn in my side, I found that if I timed it right I could go up and down and get the same satisfaction I had become accustom too when I was a child being on the xanax/vyvance. I'm lucky to be alive I don't know anyone that has shot heroin everyday for 20 years and is still breathing. Its sad I've lost most my old friends to Heroin/fentynal.
I have been on everything possable for bi-polar disorder from lithium,Depakote, Seroquel XR and aripiprazole to topiramate, Abilify, sertraline, Risperdal, oxcarbazepine and gabapentin to Abilify, Latuda and Lamictal to divalproex sodium, carbamazepine, Lithobid and some more that I'm sure I'm forgetting. after all that the only thing that works is Psilocybin, and when I say it works I mean completely works. As of right now I have been completely symptom free of bipolar disorder for 3 years, since the very first micro dose till now NO BI-POLAR DISORDER. it is completely amazing how this compound works in the body and for bipolar disorder. 30 years of prescription medications none of which worked in the slightest amount and I find complete rehabilitation in something so stigmatized and illegal. This natural compound is medicine I'm proof of it period. and I have decided to share this with everyone despite the possible legal repercussions. The benefit far out weighs the risk. if i can get one person the help they need to overcome issues that the medical industry has created prescribing all the needless shit they do.
Im new at grow journals but I'm going to be giving it my all I hope this helps someone that is just as desperate as I was 3 years ago............. This is how I Grow the big Fruits

First off I don't use any of that fancy store bought crap I see people use on redit and youtube. here is my must have list: 2 bags Uncle bens whole grain rice, spores, alcohol, hole puncher, tweezers ,a plastic shoe box container with lid, a plastic grocery bag and coco coir, microwave safe Rubbermaid container . and a clear tote with armholes cut in it(still air box) micropore tape, gloves


as this is a work in progress I'm posting what I have as of now... see u guys tomorrow with more
My Ex-Girlfriend was Bi/Polar and I dealt with some crazy shit with her but because she helped me through one of the worst times in my life I was loyal to her. I’m sorry to say not always faithful but loyal. We both went through opiate addiction after being hit on my bike 🏍️. We broke up but kept in touch. She overdosed on Junk 3 years ago it’s a shame that something like this could’ve saved her. Smh CL🍀
My Ex-Girlfriend was Bi/Polar and I dealt with some crazy shit with her but because she helped me through one of the worst times in my life I was loyal to her. I’m sorry to say not always faithful but loyal. We both went through opiate addiction after being hit on my bike 🏍️. We broke up but kept in touch. She overdosed on Junk 3 years ago it’s a shame that something like this could’ve saved her. Smh CL🍀
Sorry to hear that capn! 😢
:high-five: Man i tried shrooms (blue meanie they said it was) for the first time this year and i thoroughly enjoyed it as a bipolar sufferer god willing ill try my hand at growing some how do you get the spores
Go online, google Cubensis spores. I’m waiting for 420 to get Sponsors to buy from them but you can get them online. CL🍀
Go online, google Cubensis spores. I’m waiting for 420 to get Sponsors to buy from them but you can get them online. CL🍀

Just waiting for the check to arrive from our first spore sponsor, he's amped to spread these beauties far and wide. Should be this week, I'll let you guys know.
Just waiting for the check to arrive from our first spore sponsor, he's amped to spread these beauties far and wide. Should be this week, I'll let you guys know.

Any word from the grow kit companies?
Any word from the grow kit companies?
Yes, waiting on word back from a couple of them now. The more journals and fungi content you guys create in these mushroom forums now, will help me sell them when they look to see if it's worth it for them :thanks:
Just waiting for the check to arrive from our first spore sponsor, he's amped to spread these beauties far and wide. Should be this week, I'll let you guys know.
Thanks Rob, I’m loyal to @420 Magazine and anything that I can do to help you guys continue everything that you do for us I know will benefit us both in the long run. I’m looking forward to starting a new Cubensis grow and enjoying the fruits of it. Happy growing brother. CL🍀
Beautiful! How long does it take from when they are just puffy mycelium on the surface of the coir, to when they are an actual flush of shroom? What do the in between stages look like? Do you have any pics of that? This is an interesting conversation. Thanks.
Usually takes about 2 weeks from Puffy mycelium to finish first flush, I will be adding were I left off up top how to fruit them. I'm sorry its taken me so long to respond life has it curve ballz, but I'm back and will up load more this evening and I will be adding pics for the whole process. thanks for your response
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