Grow help 1st timer here


Active Member
I am supposed to be in Week 2 and someone told me that I am a little behind to be in week 2. Is there something wrong? Do I need to water more? What should be my LED Light height from the plants? They're 18 inches from the plants all 3 of them. I started using nutes for the 1st time too two days ago Cal Mag, Flora Micro, Flora Bloom, & Gro at half strength. How often should I Nutrient feed? Twice a week or Triple a week?


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What is your medium. And how much and often have you watered her?
I'm using just straight Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and my nutrients are the GH Flora Series. In the beginning when I had the seedlings in the pots I was only spray misting not completely watering ( I guess the lack of fully watering caused it to not grow as much) I use half strength nutes and im watering more and I'm definitely seeing some change in height.
I'm using just straight Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and my nutrients are the GH Flora Series. In the beginning when I had the seedlings in the pots I was only spray misting not completely watering ( I guess the lack of fully watering caused it to not grow as much) I use half strength nutes and im watering more and I'm definitely seeing some change in height.
Yeah fox farm soul I believe had enough nutes in it to get through week or two. But then I start at 1/4 dose And bit extra cal mag under led I’d be doing around 250-500 ml
Yeah fox farm soul I believe had enough nutes in it to get through week or two. But then I start at 1/4 dose And bit extra cal mag under led I’d be doing around 250-500 ml
250-500mL throughout the whole grow or during the nutes feedings? Isn't that alot? How often should i Use nutrient feedings? I see some ppl use 2.5ml of micro grow and bloom and 3ml of cal mag before. explain more to me please.
Sorry I meant 250 -500 ml of water then dilute your nutrient strength to 1-4 dose .

In soil if you can feed lesser amounts of food but more frequently let the medium dry out then feed or water then as the pkant get bigger in size more demand for nutrients. Most don’t run over 50% for grow micro or bloom.

Make better sense
Sorry I meant 250 -500 ml of water then dilute your nutrient strength to 1-4 dose .

In soil if you can feed lesser amounts of food but more frequently let the medium dry out then feed or water then as the pkant get bigger in size more demand for nutrients. Most don’t run over 50% for grow micro or bloom.

Make better sense
okay thank you very much and I'll be using the Lucas formula but will tweak some dosages on some nutes that I have. Ive been told that since I am using just FFOF soil that I dont need to pHDwn. And Do I mix cal mag first before I add any other nutrients to my water?
okay thank you very much and I'll be using the Lucas formula but will tweak some dosages on some nutes that I have. Ive been told that since I am using just FFOF soil that I dont need to pHDwn. And Do I mix cal mag first before I add any other nutrients to my water?
Yeah unsure about the ph down not being needed but cal mag first then you can see what you have for room left for other nutes . Have you tested your soil see what ph is ? Just curious
pH is 6.2-6.7

That's the range. You should check your PH every time you water. The comment that you don't need PH down makes zero sense. You want your water to be in that range after you add your nutes. Even if the water is coming from the bucket that you PHd yesterday, you still need to check it.

I've not used your nutrient range, but I can't imagine that you should be using bloom now. That's for flowering. You are just starting veg. As was mentioned above this is mostly about root development for the next while or so. You should let the pots dry out before watering. Watering from the sides encourages your roots to spread out.

From what I've read on this forum about peoples experience with FFOF is that the problems have always been adding too much nutes to the soil. The consensus seems to be to start at quarter strength and work your way up to half. You really don't want to cause problems when your plants are so fragile. They really don't need very much at the start.

pH is 6.2-6.7
Okay ph is good for I like little lower ph during veg in soil 6.2-6.5. Veg then let it go 6.8-6.3 flower

Honestly if you google soil and ph it can show you some cool info .

Again I’m not s pro at soil eithier but paying attention here fir three years you learn a thing or two .

Keep us posted we’re here for ya @Van Stank might be more helpful hmm

See if the good man can point ya and reassure your nerves
They look fine to me. They are a stage where root development is the main thing. Go easy on the water and the nutrients. Easy to overdo both.
Yes! This!

They look good. Sometimes they slow down drastically in the first two weeks but like Oldbear says, all the magic is taking place below. Don't over water. You want the plants roots to HAVE to search out the water. If anything, you could add a little on the outer edge of where you normally water. Early on in soil, if you are wondering if you should water more that answer is almost always no. They will be almost like a set and forget for their first 2 weeks. Hold off and let those roots do their magic. More roots, bigger shoots!!
Here are the 3 uto tangie matic plants with regular flash light.
Definitely looks like you should hold off on any watering for a while! She will start to grow quite fast before you will need to water again.
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