Grubs in my worm bin


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I just harvested some worm castings from my composting worm bin. I have noticed grubs in with the castings. Maybe beetle larva ? Castings are probably a little moister than they should be, maybe that is what is causing them to be there. Bin is sealed so not sure how they got in??? Can anyone identify? I rinsed them off so they would be easier to see.

Hello all, I just harvested some worm castings from my composting worm bin. I have noticed grubs in with the castings. Maybe beetle larva ? Castings are probably a little moister than they should be, maybe that is what is causing them to be there. Bin is sealed so not sure how they got in??? Can anyone identify? I rinsed them off so they would be easier to see.

Good bait! No idea but fish love them on a hook!
look like black horned beetle there are numerous kinds some like wood some like manure others just live in moist soil I find them all the time in my compost bin , they do not hurt anything but like Stone Otter said they make great fishing bait or just crush um up and the worms will turn them into compost,
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