Hafta's 100% Sativa Panama Multi-Stage Harvest CST Plus Droughting

It's getting towards that turning point Hafta!
Faster than I thought :thedoubletake:
The LWA is increasing rapidly. You can almost watch the plant wilt. This photo was taken three hours after the one above. ( 171 hours into drought).

P3 D7 LWA 1430.JPG

I highly recommend identifying at least two leaves to monitor. The one on the left is twisting as it wilts.

Check this out!

The lower leaves are very shiny but not wet. I picked a couple and they seem like they have been varnished. .....?

P3 D7 Varnish-1.JPG

P3 D7 Varnish-2.JPG

Here are some trichome photos from today and yesterday. Some in every stage of maturity.

P3 D6 T-1.jpg

P3 D6 T-2.jpg

P3 D7 T-1.jpg

P3 D7 T-2.jpg

P3 D7 T-3.jpg

P3 D7 T-4.jpg

The drought may be over tomorrow............
Two weeks .....

I thought I would provide a legend for the timing of the photos.

If you hover over a photo you will see something like this:

F54 D96-1-1
F = number of days in flower (12/12)
D = total days since germination
-1 = number of photo taken that day
-1 = number of version of that photo

PP1 D10 C-1-2

PP1 = Post Phase 1 harvest ( P1 Harvest was performed on F64 D108)
D = number of days since PP1
C = control bud
-1 = control bud #1
-2 = number of photo taken of that control that day

I harvested the middle 2 x 2 area of the cabinet, leaving the outer 6" on each side with original fan leaves and buds. There are approximately 200 popcorn buds exposed. Here is a comparison from PP1 D2 and PP1 D13.
PP1 D1-1 (2).JPG
PP1 D13-1 (2).JPG

Same lighting in each photo.

As you can see, the leaves are coloring up and new trichomes are arriving along with new pistils.
Wow, you can see the bristling trichs even through a normal focal length. Was this a full on, experiment only, knowledge first project and the buds didn't matter, a compromise between the two, or an attempt in the moment to enrich your harvest? Thanks so much for documenting for us.
In preparation for droughting I made the following template.

I took a photo, printed it out, drew lines for the leaf angle, measured the angle, and drew lines for a 50% change in the angle.

Drought fixture-1.JPG

I then copied the picture and cut out a template (re-enforced with tape)

Drought fixture-2.JPG

I punched a hole and hung it on the cola

Drought fixture-3.JPG

Quick and easy determination of LWA
You know that you crucified a cola, right? Did the sky go dark, thunder roll when you did it?
Wow, you can see the bristling trichs even through a normal focal length. Was this a full on, experiment only, knowledge first project and the buds didn't matter, a compromise between the two, or an attempt in the moment to enrich your harvest? Thanks so much for documenting for us.
It is a full on experiment. I already harvested about a half pound from this plant before droughting so I can compare the different techniques on the same plant.
You know that you crucified a cola, right? Did the sky go dark, thunder roll when you did it?
It is difficult to harm this cola. It is so dense that you have to twist the toothpick to remove it. It will smoke just fine.........
Phase 3 Day 8 (187 hours into drought)
I added back the 12 gallons of res solution I removed at the beginning of drought (everything happened so quickly I didn't take time to make a new batch, this one was only a week old). I turned on the top irrigation and let it run so I could "wet" as much of the root system as possible (trying to imitate "drenching the soil". This was just before lights out. I checked first thing at lights on ( about twelve hours later) and the LWA was already recovering.

P3 D8 LWA 0700.JPG

The leaf to the left that twisted during wilt is recovering toward the sky. Another reason to watch more than one leaf if using LWA.

Of course the rest of the plant has some recovering to do also.

P3 D7 1830 pre fert.JPG

The secondary bud trichomes................

Day zero

P3 D0-1 (2).JPG

Just before re-fert

P3 D8-1 (2).JPG

I've added 2 1/2 gallons of RO and still need to add another three to get to normal level.

Currently ppm=1030, pH 5.8
Phase 3 Day 9 (215 hours into drought, 42 hours after re-fert)

The LWA has nearly recovered. I will wait to see if it makes it all the way back.


Since we are nearing the end I will inundate the journal with photos of different buds. I will follow up with a post dedicated to the control cola C-1.

P3 D9-1 (2).JPG

P3 D9-2.JPG

P3 D9-3.JPG

P3 D9-5 (2).JPG

The shiny leaves since droughting have worked their way up the plant. It is almost as if the plant varnished them to prevent water loss. They are not wet.

P3 D9-6 (2).JPG

P3 D9-8 (2).JPG

P3 D9-9 (2).JPG

I thought I'd throw in a silhouette to show the trichome outline.

P3 D9-7 (2).JPG
Phase 3 Day 10 (234 hours into drought)(60 hours post re-fertigation)
Water level is topped off 860 ppm / 5.7 pH
Hygrozyme (thanks @Rexer ) delivery was delayed, got it late last night. Added 30 ml to the 16 gallon res.
The LWA is trying to reach its original position but ..................I'm not sure the plant will survive long enough. Many of the leaves are becoming very brittle. This may be the first harvest I classify as a mercy killing. :rip:

Phase 3 Day 10 LWA


Here are the roots 60 hours after re-fertigation, before hygrozyme. This product is new to me so I may let the plant live a couple of more days so I can gauge the effects.

P3 D10 refert +60.JPG
Phase 3 Day 11 ( 258 hours into droughting, 84 hours after re-fertigation)
LWA nearly recovered


It's amazing this leaf is still recovering. Here it is.......

P3 D11 LWA leaf.JPG

Here are some photos of the roots before and after droughting and before and after the addition of Hygrozyme.

Before droughting

F33D77-5 Root.JPG

After droughting

P3 D6 root-2.JPG

60 hours after re-fertigation, no Hygrozyme

P3 D10 refert +60.JPG

24 hours after adding Hygrozyme

P3 D11 hygrozyme+24-2.JPG

It is worth it to give the Hygrozyme another 24 hours to see the results. So far so good.

I will be harvesting tomorrow.
Phase 3 Day 12 .... the final day of the grow
Days since germination ...... 149
Days in veg ......... 44
Days in 12/12 (includes decapitation, droughting, re-fertigation) .....105
Days in drought .....7.25 (173 hours)
Days in Re-fertigation ...... 4+ (108 hours)

The final LWA is

P3 D12 LWA final (2).JPG

I am preparing to dismantle the plant. Here are a couple of photos of a small sample bud I clipped a couple of days ago. Its not dry yet but it is the first droughted bud.

P3 D12 sample-1 (2).JPG

P3 D12 sample-2 (2).JPG

I'll post some photos of the roots after harvest to see the effect of 48 hours of hygrozyme.
Phase 3 Day12, harvest day

Here are a couple of photos showing the effects of Hygrozyme after 48 hours.


P3 D10 refert +60.JPG

48 hours later

P3 D12 roots-1 (2).JPG

I will let this go for a few more days. The plant has already been chopped and trimmed but the yield was more than I could fit in the dry box so I am using the cabinet for drying also in order to have some control over RH (I'm leaving the res full to increase the humidity).
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