Hannabis Cannabis - DWC - LED - 1st Run - Picture Intensive

Looking good so far! I think you are on the right track. As far as getting holes in either of those buckets, you could do a couple things. If you can find a piece of styrofoam to cover the container, you can cut some holes for your net pots very easily. Or you can go the hardware store. I know you can get hole saw bits in larger sizes starting at around $25 or so for a 6 inch bit. Your pots look maybe 4" or 5" so it may be even cheaper. Maybe able to find it cheaper online as well. Good luck with your grow and I hope you have a big harvest!:ganjamon::tokin:
I'm guessing these are some sort of nute deficiency causing the leaves to yellow a bit. some of the lower leaves have their serrated edges, not the tip, to brown a bit.

alot of them are yellow or pale green. I'm sure these are supposed to be darker green to indicate that they're healthy. Btw, one of the plant that had a major shock with broken roots are recovering nicely, I'm starting to see new growth both above and below.
Archie, Your plants are now 4 weeks old. They were significantly stunted at the beginning so it has throw the timeline off. You will need to start feeding your plants as they are using there stored nutrients to live. My plants are always 3-4 nodes in week 2-3 and this is when i start feeding. Can you post some full pictures of your plants? You roots should be all in the reservoir at this point. I would start with a small dosage of veg nutes at this point. 50-100 ppm and work my way up every 2-3 days.
The older leaves couldn't recover so it looks a bit ugly, but I'm not going to trim it off until they're 70-80% dead. but the newer leaves are looking nice now

I'll add 50ppm of nutes to the res tomorrow, see how that works out for my plants.
Glad you were able to get a handle on the deficiency. Would hate to see you lose any of them. Keep it up and I'll keep watching!!

Accidentally added too much nutes, went from 140ppm to 230ppm. I'll leave it for a few days to see how the girls reacts to it.
The plants are looking a bit darker now with a lot of newer growth. I'll leave it at this ppm for now unless they show sign of nute burns or more deficiency.
Those girls are starving. Don't worry about people like Doozy, you are here to learn.
Next time start feeding the plant once first set of true leaves show up. Start with 2ml/gallon and gradual increase weekly. Your plant will tell you if she need more. Don't get stressed with breaking roots, Marijuana is hard to kill especially in hydro. One last thing, you will have a problem with those containers you using, the root and trunk is going to warp that plastic, so plan ahead. You will need something to support them and keep them up.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is your grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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