Heavens Shores - Bill's 2022 Grow: Come Meet Howie! Show Us Your Grow Too - Bring A Pic

Good Afternoon my friend @Charmanderrr :ciao:
We were talking about some top sellers.
Stacey says to me do you know what GMO stands for.
I never would have guessed. :rofl:
I'm looking forward to it.
Hope it pops.
How are things in is it? Alola California?
Do you get good growing weather there?
They seem to be able to grow massive plants in some parts of Cali.

Stay safe :cool:
ya the conditions are pretty undeniable as well. The Ocean Grown kushes are my favorite strains ever, idk if the particular conditions that make them so good or what. All the friends I have that grow/grew outdoors, I would very frequently see 8-10 foot mama plants with bud branches the size of an arm.
Looks good but maybe he thinks your building him a new house ;) he’s like nope dad this is mine
He was doing Zoomies through it.
It was hilarious, but no help. :rofl:
Hey T.C. :ciao:
Howie just loves being with me, he's such a good boy.:green_heart:

I need a few things before I can finish. :oops:
The frame is a little different than I planned.
It'll be Tuesday now, everything is closed tomorrow.

Stay safe :cool:
ya the conditions are pretty undeniable as well. The Ocean Grown kushes are my favorite strains ever, idk if the particular conditions that make them so good or what. All the friends I have that grow/grew outdoors, I would very frequently see 8-10 foot mama plants with bud branches the size of an arm.
I'm looking forward to it.:D think I have 2 or 3.
That sounds Terrific. :cheer: 8 - 10 feet wow.
Post a pic of that if you can.
How are your ladies doing?

Stay safe :cool:
Yup every penny counts, Julia’s worried about me between everyone at work commenting how skinny I am to the fact that I’m micro napping just the insomnia it’s almost a gift to make money lol just have to watch the heart my caffeine and nicotine intake has doubled in the last week.

For the nutes I’m using 2 tsp per gallon converted it to table spoons cause I’m lazy so roughly 3 tablespoons a week for the two bigger ones and 1 tablespoon for the sprout which I think is overkill but no problems yet.

After Stretch is done I’m going to try Advanced Nutes coco line as it claims you don’t need to worry about ph but we will see.

The one nice thing about this job is we both get paid every week now and same day makes budgeting 1000x easier.
Hello TC - money, caffeine, nicotine; I'm right by your side Brother
I'm kicking alcohol at the moment so relying heavily on two of those, rather short of the other
Hang in there mate, stoners always work out how to be the nice guy :Namaste:
Peat pods went into clear / solo cups with the new mix.
I also added root farm
Hydrophobic medium to reduce the effect of the hot soil.


Hey, Bill! Congrats on member of the month of april... Well deserved, my friend! :woohoo:

Since I couldn't get Dynomyco I bought 3 x 100 gram subtitute but they gave no directions whatsoever. Have no idea how much to use per final pot either indoor or out. Do they need to be soaked or spread around root-base before watering?
Anyways, bro! Love this presentation. You hold nothing back and if you grow tomatoes I would love to try one freshly picked.

Hydrophobic medium to reduce the effect of the hot soil.

Good to know, thanks!:Namaste:
He was doing Zoomies through it.
It was hilarious, but no help. :rofl:
Hey T.C. :ciao:
Howie just loves being with me, he's such a good boy.:green_heart:

I need a few things before I can finish. :oops:
The frame is a little different than I planned.
It'll be Tuesday now, everything is closed tomorrow.

Stay safe :cool:
Hey Bill, yes sir that’s why they call them mens best friend and that sucks what else do you need? I might have some explaining to do lol kid just took me to Volkswagen and proceeded to bang on the door setting off the alarm hahaha it was innocent but im like oooooh shit noooooo. Im sure it’ll be fine though
Hello TC - money, caffeine, nicotine; I'm right by your side Brother
I'm kicking alcohol at the moment so relying heavily on two of those, rather short of the other
Hang in there mate, stoners always work out how to be the nice guy :Namaste:
Haha glad I’m not alone my friend I got your back if you need anything just let me know.
Having a really, really good dog come into your life is some of the best karma goin', and always seems to just generate more. Tis a joyful thing. Really pleased to hear it, for all three of you, and whomever else benefits. It's the proper shizznits, 'nuff said. So, I'm back in the land of the living after some overnight's under the tender care of the lovely nurse Ratchet at VGH. Wish I could say the same for my plants. BTW I'm concerned about the weather out your way, my family in Brockville was properly thrashed by twoonie-sized hail, thankfully your a few hours north but, far enough? This season out west is properly ridiculous. For reals we just had our first two sunny days in a row over 14 deg. since September!>! That is supposed to happen in March, not on the May 2-4! Bro... this is not just not on bro.... bro, this blows....
Solo cups layered
Bokashi , Frass


Tap Root pointing down
Seed shell at the surface


Grease Monkey





Grease Monkey

Solo Cups Layered
Bill284 Method


Cups Layered with Bokashi & Frass
Combined with

Stay safe :cool:


Still cold outside


No led inside
they are so so tall
But healthy and sturdy

Stay safe :cool:
I know the extra height is a little annoying but that's what staples are for... (wait, what? lol) They otherwise look skookum-as... and oh man you've taken me down memory lane with your detail-perfect germs and solo--plantings. So good I just bought my first DYNAMYKO, ever ;) ... and I grow DWC now fer krissakes Bill! What am I gonna do with it, make mushroom soup? Nah, I've actually got a couple, few outdoor projects happening, and BTW I've been making my own ferts the JADAM-way this year but I'm not too proud to give GeoFlora's website a proper once-over now that I know they're on the side of the 'angels'... so thanks for the knowledge drops, for hanging in there, and bein' class, mate.
Having a really, really good dog come into your life is some of the best karma goin', and always seems to just generate more. Tis a joyful thing. Really pleased to hear it, for all three of you, and whomever else benefits. It's the proper shizznits, 'nuff said. So, I'm back in the land of the living after some overnight's under the tender care of the lovely nurse Ratchet at VGH. Wish I could say the same for my plants. BTW I'm concerned about the weather out your way, my family in Brockville was properly thrashed by twoonie-sized hail, thankfully your a few hours north but, far enough? This season out west is properly ridiculous. For reals we just had our first two sunny days in a row over 14 deg. since September!>! That is supposed to happen in March, not on the May 2-4! Bro... this is not just not on bro.... bro, this blows....
Hey R.D. :ciao: nurse Ratchet :eek:Yeiks.
You have to take care of yourself my friend, we need you fit and healthy. :green_heart:
Omg Howie has been such an angel.
I don't know how Stacey found him, but he is just perfect.
Like an old gentle soul in a puppy.
I just love him so much.
We did get some crappy weather up here but we got lucky.
The bad stuff was further south of us.
And yeah we are a month or so behind here aswell.
Hence the greenhouse.
The fall can be damp and cold here.
I think that's when it'll be invaluable.
I just have to talk Stacey into letting me put a light in it.:rofl:
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cool:
Lots of sprouts today Bill off to a great start!
Morning T.C. lots of sprouts yes I just have to keep these ones alive. :rofl:
I'm not so gentle and they don't like being roughed up.
That's what I liked about clones, more durable.
Lots of variety though.
Should be interesting trying to feed different strains all at once.:morenutes:
Hopefully the soil I mixed will be ok.
Soil isn't my Forte, to say the least.
Enjoy your Victoria Day my friend. :love:

Stay safe :cool:
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