NTH’s Grow Corner

Nine Toed Hippie

Well-Known Member
Hello guys and gals. Welcome to my little grow log. Really appreciate the warm welcome I received when joining this cool place. My work schedule has changed drastically and will change even more in a month so I’ve had to modify my plans for my first “run”. Was going to go the closet route with a tent but turns out that I will be away from home for ten days at a time with four days off in between so I won’t be around to properly take care of a grow of that style. Don’t feel sorry for me because I will be making some very good money so all is well. I have some auto beans on the way but I’m starting three from some good swag as we speak. Will be planning to transplant to a nice secluded spot outside and will rig up a drip system for watering while I’m away. Plan to feed the plant on my days off? Anyways please feel free to offer up that knowledge. I’m all ears. Thanks for stopping by!



Day 1!!!
Nice start to your journal @Nine Toed Hippie

What will you be using for your medium, soil?

10 days is a long stretch without your attention.
Is there anyone else to give you a hand taking care of them?

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Nice to see you here Tok.
I will be using soil. I will not be using a pot. I will dig a fairly big sized hole in this rocky dry ground and will try some techniques I dug up in a thread from here about growing in Arizona. Using a medium that retains moisture well. Using mulch and bark as a covering over the media to help with evoparation. They won’t be in “direct “ sunlight but rather tucked up between a few smaller trees for some shade and also next to a barn that will throw a little shade also at certain times of the day. I have lots of trees (Pecan, Oak, Mountain Laurel, Mesquite) growing in my yard despite the fact you have to dig a hole with a bar instead of a shovel. It will be interesting to say the least. Part of me wants to enlist the help of a friend but the other part says keep things to myself. Small town on the border so gotta keep things “on the down low” if you know what I mean. Still undecided on the exact medium and haven’t even researched anything about the drip system and what would be a good place to start in regards to watering rate. Flying by the seat of my pants at the moment. Should be quite the experiment. Lol.

Hello guys and gals. Welcome to my little grow log. Really appreciate the warm welcome I received when joining this cool place. My work schedule has changed drastically and will change even more in a month so I’ve had to modify my plans for my first “run”. Was going to go the closet route with a tent but turns out that I will be away from home for ten days at a time with four days off in between so I won’t be around to properly take care of a grow of that style. Don’t feel sorry for me because I will be making some very good money so all is well. I have some auto beans on the way but I’m starting three from some good swag as we speak. Will be planning to transplant to a nice secluded spot outside and will rig up a drip system for watering while I’m away. Plan to feed the plant on my days off? Anyways please feel free to offer up that knowledge. I’m all ears. Thanks for stopping by!



Day 1!!!
Great start my friend @Nine Toed Hippie
Hope things go well for you while your away.
Stay safe.
Breaking ground today! Was pleasantly surprised at the soil in this location. Just recently purchased this property next to my house and I think this is the perfect spot for a photo. What do you guys think?
Hey Hippie hope you are well my friend.
That's great you have some more land to grow.
Does that wall face south. It'll block the sun otherwise.

More progress on my bedding area. Should hold three 5 gallon buckets nicely.

A nice mulch pile going. Judging by the other stuff laying around this area I’d say it was a garden at one time. This type soil isn’t from here I’m almost sure. I’m super stoked about the grow. I’m almost tempted to use the soil here but I’ve found a soil mix and a method I’m going to try. Will post it up later.

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